Random Music Talk CXV: Kill Em All

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Zooropa was the alternative to the grunge that dominated the music industry in 1993.

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Usually I say that Cherub Rock is the only pumpkins song I really like, but I've over-heard it now and could easily never hear it again.
The thing is that I love Pumpkins' guitar sounds. those sounds in Siamese Dream or Mellon Collie are basically the best thing that came out of 90s. But, it's true that Billy's vocal and songs themselves are sometimes forgettable.
The thing is that I love Pumpkins' guitar sounds. those sounds in Siamese Dream or Mellon Collie are basically the best thing that came out of 90s. But, it's true that Billy's vocal and songs themselves are sometimes forgettable.

Don't forget about Jimmy Chamberlain, he was easily the second best rock drummer of the 90s (after Matt Cameron). The drumming on Geek USA and all of Siamese Dream is absolutely insane.

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Chamberlain is the only real essential member besides Corgan. I've seen them 3 times, twice with Chamberlain, once without and there was a noticeable difference without him. Truly no drop off in the guitar work with Schroeder instead of Iha, and I've seen 3 different bassists in the 3 shows, while I think Melissa Auf de Mer was the best of the 3, again no huge noticeable difference in the sound.
Jimmy's drumming however is essential. Though having Tommy Lee play on the most recent album wasn't too bad a choice.
FYF Headliners announced:


Looks like I'm fighting the crowds again this year.
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I get that it's not the longest album or anything, but Saves the Day are getting enough time slot that far into the middle of the poster to play all of Stay What You Are? Nice.
FYF Headliners announced:


Looks like I'm fighting the crowds again this year.

2 things:

1) I hope that with Sports Arena closing, there's not a mess of a venue again this year.

2) I just won a huge marital dispute with that lineup.
I absolutely love that lineup. After the bog standard Lolla lineup, acts like Shellac, Air, EITS, Saves the Day, Junior Boys, Uncle Acid, Chelsea Wolfe, Viet Cong and Julia Holter are a sight for sore eyes.
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That Gish-Siamese Dream era for the Pumpkins was so good that even the leftovers on Pisces Iscariot were better than most of what came later.
The internet holds far too much sway over my music listening. I just spent 2 minutes listening to Drake change the lyrics of These Days to lines about pouting in the back of limos and gazing at stars and shit like that.

I was certain it was physically impossible to record a bad cover of that song.
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Maybe this is a Friggin' Cobbler moment, but the only song I can think of called These Days is thst Powderfinger song that was everywhere for a little while and then fadedinto the background, a fog in which every Powderfinger song sounds pretty much the same.
I wish it had been a Powderfinger song and not the Jackson Browne/Nico classic that's been covered far too many times already.
Ah, Powderfinger, that sort of band that could really have been very good, but they just got too comfortable being boring.
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