Random Music Talk CXV: Kill Em All

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I've been enjoying a few electronic records that have come out lately.

The first one that springs to mind is Matmos' Ultimate Care II. It took a few listens to get into it, but now I'm liking it a lot. Normally I'd have already given up on the album but it always intrigued me enough to come back to it. It has a few heavy percussion sections that are challenging but also some nice ambient parts to mix it up. I also read that it's made up entirely of samples of a washing machine. Not that it matters but it's still cool to think about.

The other release I've been enjoying is the new The Range. It's similar to his previous album Nonfiction but I loved that record so that's a plus in my book.
Im pretty sure not many people know Japanese bands, even including me.

The only one I know well enough to talk about are X Japan, a glam thrash metal band from the 80s. Combines the pummeling riffs and drums of early Metallica with the theatrics and classical-influenced sounds of Queen. They've only recently started playing America but they packed the Barclays Center on their second ever appearance in NYC.
I've been listening to rock and metal and all that but now I'm going thru this phase where I just love electronic music. from Kraftwerk to Kiasmos (guys from Iceland, amazing ambient electronica), I am now enjoying them all.
I've been enjoying a few electronic records that have come out lately.

The first one that springs to mind is Matmos' Ultimate Care II. It took a few listens to get into it, but now I'm liking it a lot. Normally I'd have already given up on the album but it always intrigued me enough to come back to it. It has a few heavy percussion sections that are challenging but also some nice ambient parts to mix it up. I also read that it's made up entirely of samples of a washing machine. Not that it matters but it's still cool to think about.

The other release I've been enjoying is the new The Range. It's similar to his previous album Nonfiction but I loved that record so that's a plus in my book.

If you like those (I do as well), you'll really enjoy the new one from The Field:

The Field Streams New Album The Follower | News | Pitchfork

This guy is incapable of putting out an album I dislike.

Kiasmos (guys from Iceland, amazing ambient electronica)

:up: They really need to put out something new.
I missed talk about the Pillows?

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Two festival dates in the last week for The National, but still very much a TWFM setlist, no new songs, which I'm a little bit surprised about.
Help me out you guys. They playbthis song at the gym and I heard it today in the Lowe's in Victorville. It's a squeaky girl singing and she does this warbly, twirly thing in the chorus, sort of woo-hoooo-hooo, except she goes up high at the end. It's horrible.

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What I want to know is if Sia is still breathing. That remained somewhat ambiguous by the end of the track.
Martha, I can NOT bring up the song in my mind. They play it at my gym ALLLLL the time. Maybe I'll hear it tomorrow...
New Mogwai and Explosions in the Sky today, I'm not even mad that Temporary Residence haven't shipped my preorder yet.
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