Pleban Girls Party every body's working for the weekend...

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:lol: Interesting conversation you gals have got going here!

Hello! I'm here for a little bit, but I'm heading off to Seattle in a few hours. Still haven't gotten my clothes packed or anything yet. :lol:
Alisaura said:

I did think about that... but I'm sure that they would have to sleep at SOME point :wink:
And when they do, this situation may very well arise... and I think it might be worth both of their whiles if SG mentioned the consequences sooner rather than later :giggle:

Uh oh, Return of the Jedi came on TV... maybe I won't go to bed just yet :D :nerd:

That better, Molly? :tongue:

mmmmm, chocolate :drool:
Hey Thora! :hug:
Packing procrastination! :hi5:

I'm going to try a practice pack this weekend... :uhoh:

:giggle: SG, I guess those are extenuating circumstances :wink:

Man, big words at 1.30am... yay sugar high!! :hyper:
Sad_Girl said:
Hi Thora :hug:

How long are you going to be in Seattle? just for the weekend?

Yeah, just a few days. I might come back on Monday, but I haven't totally decided yet. It's going to be great. I'm going to visit one of my best friends and my grandma, and I'm also getting to meet someone from Interference tonight, which should be fun. A bunch of us old friends are going to the Mariner's baseball game tomorrow, which I'm really looking forward to. :D
Well, it's been nice to see you all for a bit, but I should get off my butt and get going. I've been lazy long enough this morning! :lol:

Have a wonderful weekend! :hug:
love2bmama said:
and Drea....being productive? It's over-rated. :tsk:

Yeah, but the wedding bedspread that I have a month and a half to finish isn't going to crochet the last 3 or 4 feet by itself :lol: Not to mention I have at least 5 WIPs in the current rotation besides :wink:
Drea said:

Yeah, but the wedding bedspread that I have a month and a half to finish isn't going to crochet the last 3 or 4 feet by itself :lol: Not to mention I have at least 5 WIPs in the current rotation besides :wink:

that'd be pretty rockin', self-crocheting bedspreads :rockon:

I have 2 dishcloths in progress, one at home and one at work, plus about 4 hibernating projects. :reject:

WIP=work in progress
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