Pictures from the Road

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Sad Eyed Lady

The Fly
Sep 7, 2001
E Setauket, NY, USA
I escaped from scanning hell for a few minutes to share some of my photos with you. It was hard to choose which ones so I just shut my eyes and pointed. If you want to see more, you can go to


On your knees, boy!

A couple days later....

With the fire chiefs hat on....

Mr. Cool just chillin'....

Happy Birthday, Larry!

Larry suddenly feels a sudden burst of job security....

Who's happier....?
OMG! those ones are great!!
you got ANOTHER kiss from the man?!?!

and also: Got to HUG the Edge??!!

*green of envy*

*clap clap*

*Talk and song from tongues of lilting grace
whose sounds caress my ear...*
Originally posted by Sad Eyed Lady:
Happy Birthday, Larry!

Larry suddenly feels a sudden burst of job security....


Those are some of the friggin' CUTEST pics I have EVER seen!!!!

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."

i wanna bonokiss!

i wanna edgehug!!

i want edge's jacket!!!!!

great pics!!

*bono at drums*

bono: weeeeee!! *thumpa-thumpa-thumpa-shunk!* hmmm... eh-oh, that's not good... *sneaks away*


larry: hey! who put this bloody hole in me drum?? and why am i missing a drumstick?? *snarl* *chest puffs in anger*

buttons: *pop!* *zzzzzzzzzzzzing* *pop!* *whizzzzzzzzzz*

larry: feck it!! there go me only two buttons i had left!!

*shirt flaps open*

*deserted stadium is suddenly filled with a bazillion girls flying at larrys smoooooooth chest from all directions*




"A man dreams one day to fly
A man takes a rocket ship to the skies
He lives on a star that's dying in the night
And follows in the trail, the scatter of the light"
Originally posted by FallDownJulie:
*bono at drums*

bono: weeeeee!! *thumpa-thumpa-thumpa-shunk!* hmmm... eh-oh, that's not good... *sneaks away*


larry: hey! who put this bloody hole in me drum?? and why am i missing a drumstick?? *snarl* *chest puffs in anger*

buttons: *pop!* *zzzzzzzzzzzzing* *pop!* *whizzzzzzzzzz*

larry: feck it!! there go me only two buttons i had left!!

*shirt flaps open*

*deserted stadium is suddenly filled with a bazillion girls flying at larrys smoooooooth chest from all directions*



OMG! *lmao*

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
Originally posted by Bonochick:
Those are some of the friggin' CUTEST pics I have EVER seen!!!!

I TOTALLY agree! Except I gotta add this one:

Sooooooooooo adorable!!!!!!

Oh my gosh, you're pics are awesome! Really! I am insanely jealous right now!!
Are you gonna tell us your stage story?!
Great pics Ruth!
I heard you did great at the 10/24 show playing the guitar. Congrats!
In your pics I saw that you managed to take some pics of the band after the show in NYC how did you do that? What I mean is like around what time did the band come out to sign some stuff and where in MSG (what side etc..)
I have never been able to get some pics of them or their autographs and any tips you could give me are very helpful. Hopefully when the come here again to NYC I'll be able to meet them.
Originally posted by mocool12:
Are you gonna tell us your stage story?!

Yes, please tell us your story about being onstage! It must have been amazing!

"Edge could open a grocery business...hardware, do it yourself. Larry could do the security business. Adam's Larry's bodyguard. I'm going to open a creche...a daycare for befuddled rockstars, the dazed and confused." -Bono on U2's plans to move to Chicago 10/16/01

"We miss our lemon, I'd just like to say that." - Bono 5/9/01
OMG THOSE ARE SOME OF THE BEST PICTURES I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!! (is that an elevated Bono I see?)


YOU ROCK, Girl!!!!!

Who's happier....?
Bono naughty naughty naughty, I feel like e-mailing this one to the Ali on the zootopia forum. lol nah, somethings are better left unknown.



I agree with your caption definately some hot buns

No you 3 girls (it was 3 right) need to stop hogging our man, ever heard of sharing. I want kisses too.

Just joking but I forgot which night but did you go on stage to play with them? I heard some great stories but when are we gonna get some pics and a first hand account?

I can't wait, anyways really happy for you all and extremely envious

Tha Prickly Comedian
and of course the pics I pick out don't work, any reasons why, ideas, etc? I'm usually pretty good about this.

Tha Prickly Comedian
Originally posted by Sad Eyed Lady:

Larry suddenly feels a sudden burst of job security....

OMG!! He looks so damned cute!

Congrats Ruth and Khelia for getting pulled onstage and finally meeting the rest of the guys!!!!!

Please post the story - I'm dying to know what happened when you were up on stage! Meeting Bruce and now this - you've got to teach me your tricks!

Ruth! I miss you and Khelia so much! These pictures are GORGEOUS! I'll be in touch with you soon, but am too busy swooning at the moment. *thud*

Everyone else - you should HEAR the bootleg of Ruth playing onstage with the band - she was AWESOME! I think I shrieked and squealed the whole time I was listening!

Thanks for sharing these amazing, amazing pictures!

hi ruth!! this is carrie- jennifer's friend, we met in providence and then in philly again last week
Sorry i was stunned into silence a few minutes ago after seeing that SUPREME Larry picture.

here's another goodie



It's just amazing how HAPPY they are to be signing autographs and talking w/ their fans!! it's so thrilling!!

And that pic of Adam just lounging!! I love that b/c that's how I see him when I walk in the room- just lounging and surveying the scene, waiting for me...



She's gonna make you cry
She's gonna make you whisper and moan

* U2TakeMeHigher *
Girl your pics are amazing and I am insane with jealously! How did you get so 'down' with the band, you must tell us! Too cool!
i've seen 'em before, but i'll say it again: AWESOME PHOTOS, RUTH!!! especially the one of "Mr. Cool Just Chillin'"... *drool* i love that man! LOL!

anyway, you MUST tell your 10/24 MSG story to everyone here!!!
Originally posted by AM:
*er....... don?t you like chocolate cake???

I've never liked chocolate cake more than right now....

And about the Sparkster chilling up there- that was probably when he wasn't needed to be playing! I saw this - might not have been the same exact moment- but in Providence he was just chill, legs crossed and leaning back- actually!!! now that I remember- it WAS during the birthday cake time, he was just watching it all and smiling!! I pointed it out to Jennifer (velvetdress) b/c he looked SO adorable and SO Adamesque!


"I'm addicted too... I'm just addicted to being up here on this stage.
Adam, Larry Mullen Jr., and Edge. They're my drug. Tonight I'm feeling high."
-Bono, Tempe, Arizona

"I just wanted to say that I'm really thrilled
to be spending my brithday with 18,000 of my closest friends!
Larry onstage, 10.31.01

* U2TakeMeHigher *
What can I say about these pics......
I'm speechles....Oh I do have one ques....
What strange powers do you gilrs hold over our guys....SHARE IT PLEASE !!!!
Originally posted by browneyedgirl:
What can I say about these pics......
I'm speechles....Oh I do have one ques....
What strange powers do you gilrs hold over our guys....SHARE IT PLEASE !!!!

That's what I said too! Seems like everybody on here who goes to a show comes back saying they met the band, got pics, etc, WHY NOT ME? Browneyed girl are you and I the only ones who haven't scored? WHAT IS THE SECRET PLEASE TELL US NOW YOU LUCKY DOGS!!!
LOL U2kitten....I think we might be the only ones!!!
Let's not give up....our time is coming !!!

BTW SadEyedLady.....we ALL want to see pics of that AMAZING stage experience....

I believe the most enlightened lyric I heard on the radio this winter also came from U2,one I would wish upon anyone who wrestles with various funks,depression and blues-to-be "you're on the road but you've got no destination/you're in the mud,in the maze of her imagination/you love this town/even if it dose'nt ring true/you've been all over and it's been all over you/It's a Beautiful day/Don't let it get away..."

I do not believe in nitpicking when it comes to the matters of the heart,which is what the U2 stage is shaped like on the tour.I believe that people who pay almost $100 to stand in a basketball arena with 20,000 other flawed,uninspired souls who have been yearning to sing along to a verse such as "What you don't have you don't need it now/What you don't know you can feel it somehow" are getting a bargain........

Jim Walsh
Pop Music critic
April 27 2001

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