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dazzledbylight said:
some folks were bitchinf g in LS that htey thot the zombies were lame and there were some bad ? :hmm: CGI.....

don't know what they were comnplaining about.....

I got so choked up everytime he went down to the East River and broadcasted.......

See I didn't know he was a docotr and the whole angle that took off from that. Nor did I know there were goong to be flashbacks...

all i knew he was the last one normal alive and there were the zombies.....and that NYC was toast (so to speak).
SO it turned out to be a MUCH more intersting film than I went in expecting.

I think was a REALLY fine film. Very tense and then jolting, but without a lot of gore. Enough to make it realish......

and ooooo those "devil dogs" as some one called them .

some fabulous cinematography ......

I wouldn't say they were exactly zombies....since they reminded me of a different version of those Resident Evil creatues.
Why, oh why, does the muse always come knocking at 1am??

Maybe it's 'cos I'm listening to a Muse CD... :lol:

*resolves to try this at a more decent hour in the future*
Wow what a quiet day!

I am only on for a moment - have to leave for church soon - but I wanted to post a request:

You know the song 'Sometimes love just ain't enough by Don Henley? I'm looking for similar break-up songs. Ones that aren't angry, just bittersweet.

I'm sure you can probably figure out what I think is going to happen in my life in the near future :huh: I'm kind of numb about it at the moment. :| it's probably for the best, actually.

anyway, I'll come back to check in later thanks gals :heart:
SG!! :hug: What happened?! You don't have to tell us (or me) if you don't wanna. I hope everything's okay. Pregnancy can be a weird time in a relationship... aaaahh!! I don't know what to say. Take care of yourself, okay? :hug:

If I Can't Change Your Mind or The Last Night- both songs by Bob Mould
:ohmy: :ohmy:

When i was on LAST week w a few others here BEFORE my latest roommate upheavals you posted quickly "men" (with a "smilie") - then you didn't return at least while i was on..... so it certainly seemed then something was not going well-- but i'd hoped what ever it was was just a typical up & down disagreement for a time/ mnothing irrepairable.....but :sigh: maybe not, then?
oooooh, sg..:hug: (even IF it turns out to be the best thing )
SG :hug: :hug: :hug:

I woke up with Paul Kelly in my head this morning, some song titles of his that come to mind include "How could such a sweet guy turn so mean?", but I can't remember if the lyrics are appropriate at the moment...

:hug: Feeling for you SG. :(
Hey :hug:

thanks for the best wishes and concern, but it's really alright. I think Gav and I were a lot more in love with the idea of one another than the reality. and I haven't actually done anything yet. We just don't talk anymore, don't have anything to say or anything in common. I can't stand the way he drinks (like drinking so much he doesn't remember most of New Years Eve and New years day :crack: ) My faith in God has gotten stronger lately and it seems like he's gotten even more against God (he's a Pagan)

He says he's sent me two things in the mail but I haven't received them (one of them he said he sent in early November) and he NEVER calls, it's all on me, I call him every week. he's texted me ONCE in the past three months :shrug:

the distance between us is just getting further and further.

I figure this baby was meant to be, but that doesn't mean Gav and I are. Hopefully, we'll be able to be good friends and parents to this child - if you pray, I wouldn't mind it if you would throw one in for me, for guidance and strength to make the right move here. :pray: :hug:
You're welcome. Anything, any time, for my girls. :hug:

I'm doing pretty good, thanks! I've been lazing about this afternoon, which is so nice. After getting up at the ass-crack of dawn to run for miles in the snow, it's nice to be lazy! :lol:

I do need to venture out to the grocery store eventually, but I'll probably wait another hour. The snow has pretty much melted on the roads now, which is nice.

Other than this situation, how are things going for you?

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