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That we would rather have Mark Sanchez as a backup than Colin Kaepernick is physically revolting but predictable as the sunrise.
Welp, I did say it was a hot take :lol:.

Man, Mahomes reallllllly looking like a first-year QB in these last few minutes. I know the first int was hit, but that second one was just baaaaad.
McVay could be the greatest offensive mind of his generation, but he doesn't have the slightest idea how to manage a football game. It's going to cost them against real defenses in January.
yea come to think of it signing with a team called the redskins might not be the best look for kaep.

Yeah, this was very likely a "feeling's mutual" type of thing, if anyone ever even thought of him in the first place or if he even thought of them.
One sour point about that game for me was how many times the commentators called Andy Reid fat, in some way or another.

Look, he's a big dude, and I realize it's hard to miss. I crack some jokes about it from time to time to one or two of my peers, but this is an international broadcast and in the course of a single game, I think they referred to how large he is at least 4 or 5 times.

It really just bugged the hell out of me by, I'd say, as early as the second time.
He hasn't played like a pro bowler today, so I'm not sure what you mean.

Fabian Moreau has been a bigger problem. And Quentin Dunbar.
That was pure torture to watch. Just a little worse than our other 10 games. Horrendous defense, disgraceful reffing, wildly inconsistent QB play.

Funny thing is, we may be alone in first in a week with the Cowboys playing the Saints next.
I've enjoyed the slow decay of the Packers this season.

You made a great call defending McCarthy all those years ago. He knows what he's doing.

Lol. Ok not sure why you're getting salty. Just saying that Haha sucks...which is an accurate statement based on his level of play over the last couple years.

McCarthy is a good coach and has had a lot of success but I think it's time for a fresh playbook and perspective in Green Bay.
Lol. Ok not sure why you're getting salty. Just saying that Haha sucks...which is an accurate statement.

McCarthy is a good coach and has had a lot of success but I think it's time for a fresh playbook and perspective in Green Bay.
You don't understand why I'm salty because you have no concept of what watching a failing NFL franchise for two decades feels like.

Saying Haha sucks is as inaccurate as saying Mike McCarthy is a good coach. There's also a heavy dose of bias in both statements.
You don't understand why I'm salty because you have no concept of what watching a failing NFL franchise for two decades feels like.

Saying Haha sucks is as inaccurate as saying Mike McCarthy is a good coach. There's also a heavy dose of bias in both statements.

Yeah I suppose it's probably been painful to watch them.

I've been harsh on Haha for years. Even the year he made the Pro Bowl, I thought he was overrated. He had never shown the toughness to play SS but also lacks the awareness or range to play FS. And then he got an attitude problem.

McCarthy is indeed a good football coach. There's no bias in that statement. He's won a Super Bowl, several playoff appearances, repeatedly coached up undrafted free agents in the wake of injuries. His in game decisions have never been great but I've always been willing to take the trade off...until this year. I'm ready for a fresh mind.
Yeah I suppose it's probably been painful to watch them.

I've been harsh on Haha for years. Even the year he made the Pro Bowl, I thought he was overrated. He had never shown the toughness to play SS but also lacks the awareness or range to play FS. And then he got an attitude problem.

McCarthy is indeed a good football coach. There's no bias in that statement. He's won a Super Bowl, several playoff appearances, repeatedly coached up undrafted free agents in the wake of injuries. His in game decisions have never been great but I've always been willing to take the trade off...until this year. I'm ready for a fresh mind.
The reason I don't like to get in debates with fans about safeties is that they often only get noticed for screwing up. Unless people are studying all-22 footage like the analytics nerds paid to do so, it's easy to pick out the misses (and interceptions) and use them to make broad judgments about range, tenacity, discipline, field awareness, etc. Haha is a great contributor who had a couple really crappy plays today. I believe he's capable of much better and this is where we differ.

The contribution of head coaches can be overstated both positively and negatively; player development can be attributed to any number of coaches and trainers, but it's often the head coach that gets credited for it. The one thing that indisputably falls on the head coach is in-game decisions, and McCarthy's are inconsistent, to be charitable. That's why I'm so tough on him. Similarly, I'm always impressed by the offensive prowess of Andy Reid and Sean McVay, but until either of them learn how to manage a clock and game flow, they'll never be top tier head coaches IMO. McCarthy can't get the details right.
The Skins are 3-3 in their last 6 games, 4-4 in their last 8, 5-5 in their last 10 and 6-6 in their last 12. They're 8-8 in their last 16, 9-9 in their last 18, 10-10 in their last 20. They're 13-13 in their last 26. They're 19-19-1 in their last 39, and 21-21-1 in their last 43.

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