NFL 2013 Thread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Sure. Also someone that appears to be unable to get over things quickly.

You should see my garage. It's full of newspaper clippings from that fateful night in Seattle. I probably spend about 5 hours in my garage after work every day.
Judging by your repeated mentions of that "fateful" night over the last year, I wouldn't be surprised.

You seem to pay very close attention to my posts. Do you print them out and hang them up in your garage? :D

(Sorry, I'm just having fun with this at this point, lol)
Well, according to the NFL Staley shouldn't have been penalized anyway. So yeah.

I was very happy with the performance by the 49ers. After the disaster of a game I attended the night before, it was refreshing to see a team with a QB that can throw a forward pass. Kaepernick continues to improve which is scary. Of course it doesn't hurt that his Offenive Line gave him all day and that he's throwing to Anquan Boldin and Vernon Davis. But still.

I was impressed that Green Bay contained the run game and of course their offense looked very good as well.
Well, according to the NFL Staley shouldn't have been penalized anyway. So yeah.

I was very happy with the performance by the 49ers. After the disaster of a game I attended the night before, it was refreshing to see a team with a QB that can throw a forward pass. Kaepernick continues to improve which is scary. Of course it doesn't hurt that his Offenive Line gave him all day and that he's throwing to Anquan Boldin and Vernon Davis. But still.

I was impressed that Green Bay contained the run game and of course their offense looked very good as well.

Yeah, that was an interesting take indeed. I did see the retaliation by Matthews but didn't see what caused him to take a swing. Usually the refs flag the retaliation so I'm guessing what Staley did was enough to both cause the refs to throw the flag and for Matthews to lose his cool (which he shouldn't have done).

Overall though, I was extremely impressed by the 49ers. Boldin may end up being the free agent pick up of the year. But man, they're tough. It's definitely frustrating as a Packers fan to be beaten 3 times in a row by the same team, but the fact is that the 49ers are simply better at this point....though I am taking away some positives for the Packers as well. I thought they looked much improved compared to last season in many areas. I won't make judgements on the secondary until they get Burnett and Hayward back.
Meh. Clearly I'm not the only one who notices, as evidenced by the previous page. Oh well.

Ok, but I would challenge you (and bono_212) to find these "repeated mentions" you're talking about. Sure it was discussed quite a bit last season but other than making fun of mobvak for posting still screenshots again and my subtle mention today when referring to the refs' mistake from yesterday, it's not like I've made repeated mentions to that game. Search back to all of 2013 and the last time I mentioned it was the beginning of January in jest.

It was clearly a false assumption made by both of you, which is fine. I've been guilty of it before myself. I'm not going to hold it against either of you. :hug:
Why would you make fun of Mobvak for doing in-depth analysis? We're all sports nerds here, I'm pretty sure. He likes to go to the photos for evidence, what's to mock about that?
Why would you make fun of Mobvak for doing in-depth analysis? We're all sports nerds here, I'm pretty sure. He likes to go to the photos for evidence, what's to mock about that?

ugh...I am just not doing well in your eyes today...

I'm not even going to respond to your question. Best that you and I move on with whatever is going on today. I still like you, so no worries. I just see a good opportunity to call it a day. :)
The Packers were missing their top 2 DBs.

The 49ers were missing their top WR and Mario Manningham.

Right now the 49ers are better than the Packers, however beating Seattle in Seattle may be too much though.
it didn't help that the refs gave them a free down which resulted in 4 free points. But the Packers should be used the refs giving the other teams free points.
Yes, the refs blew the call: it should have been two personal fouls on Matthews and none on Joe Staley.
I didn't see it happen live, but when I saw the replay when I got home, I was surprised he wasn't ejected, based on what I saw.

I'm so glad I'm not home right now...I hope Travis is ok :uhoh:
If we set a precedent that Matthews gets ejected there then a lot more players would be ejected every week.

Not saying I support what he did. But I think it's getting blown out of proportion.
Yes, I must be an NFL shill because I disagree with a homer.

sigh.... why do you have to always make things personal? I'm willing to debate it.... or was..... until you pulled out the homer card. I don't think I've ever had a debate with you where you didn't throw out insults. It's really unfortunate.
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