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I cannot watch this cliip and cannot find it anywhere else. :| I tried to watch and download the clips, but I always get error messages. Does anyone know if they are on You Tube or where else to find them?

Edit: I figured out a way to watch it, but don't ask how.

Anyway, interesting stuff, but I don't hear a falsetto in this clip, just some yeah and ugh screaming by Bono.
Awesome---I'm digging the music there. Just a note--the final song may not have the "unngh, yeah! yeah yeah yeah!" etc. That could very well be some Bonoglese, especially noting that toward the end of the clip he says either "whoah, verse," or "long verse," or "one verse"---he's just kind of filling the gaps vocally so that there's something for the jamming to bounce off of.

Great sound, though!
What's interesting is that as rough as these clips are, they have been edited for presentation's sake. The video jumpcuts from mixer to watch, etc., but the music is one solid block with no jumps.

I mean, it's probably made with Adam's little Flip camera that he used in the art museum, and it's really easy to throw together a little edit on a computer, but still. Somebody took a little more time to tease us than just shooting 25 seconds of footage and uploading it...
That was fantastic! I could listen to a loop of that for hours!

I hope the rest of the album has the same vibe! There were some phat bass jams in that clip, me likey!

bono sounds on his game too, I hope they keep the album versions rough and loose like this! Sounds like a monster single! :hyper::drool::drool::applaud::heart:
wowwwww :drool: i love when bass starts!! I cannot wait for the final version of it, to play it in my Hi-Fi as loud as my neighbours let me :hyper:
For audio geeks like me, this is what's on the soundboard

?? (can't read it)
KIK (Kick drum)
SN (Snares)
OH (Open Hat?)
OH (Open Hat?)
Edge Vox
Bono Vox
Dan Vox
Brian Vox
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Click (click track)
Well that was quite the something right there, I'm not going to allow myself to get tooooo excited since it's probably no where near what we'll actually hear, but I will allow my self to get tooo excited :wink:
For audio geeks like me, this is what's on the soundboard

?? (can't read it)
KIK (Kick drum)
SN (Snares)
OH (Open Hat?)
OH (Open Hat?)
Edge Vox
Bono Vox
Dan Vox
Brian Vox
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Click (click track)

That's the main thing I was looking at over and over too. Very interesting.
Sounds just like Bono doing some of his 'scat' singing. Just like on the Salome tapes, he says "verse" at end. Sounds maybe like they are jamming (I realise that larry obviously wasn't on the kit...) Also, sounds like a progressed version of riff 3 in edgeback, same effect, key etc..
Listen carefully at around 23 hear those backup singers? It sounds like a woman, or maybe 2 women, or maybe it's just the Edge :giggle:

Edit: Waaaaaaiiiiiiiit a second....I think that was Bono in falsetto or ears are retarded this morning :sad:

If you look at the soundboard, recording lights are on on both Bono vocal, and Dan vocal...
oh digidy dang!!!! this is awesomeness at its best!!! This song has the potential to be some sweet shit!!! I don't think it reminds me of AB though, but diff at the beginning it does sound like M.I. Bono's Ughs and yeahs sound like a 1980's Bono. Bravo. Now i am pretty excited!
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