New Rules for Fan Fiction Forum

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
After deliberation with Elvis, and the moderators, we are revising the rules a tad regarding this forum. Many people seem to be upset about some of the 'slash' that is being written in this forum.

Fan Fiction is OK. Stories about the band.. you and the band.. even you kissing members of the band, is fine. However, nothing sexually beyond that will be acceptable. Graphic stories about you or any other girls having sex with the band will not be welcomed.

Slash.. is NOT OK. Stories about the band members making out with each other.. (a peck here and there is fine.. we all know they peck each other occasionally..) Band members in sexual predicaments with other band members or groupies, etc. will not be allowed.

I hope you all find this acceptable.. since we have not decided to close this forum, rather just add some rules and change a few policies instead.

Keep it light, and have fun!

- Team Interference
How gracious of you not to "close" it.

That snarky comment aside, I will say I understand why you did this. There are people of younger ages reading this forum and I can sympathise w/that, and, like I said before, I as a slash writer wouldn't feel comfortable putting up anything that contains anything beyond kissing here.

However, I think it's unfair for you to say mary sues are okay, but slash isn't. I don't quite understand the reasoning behind that...?
lardencelover said:
How gracious of you not to "close" it.

That seemed pretty sarcastic and is not appreciated.

However, I think it's unfair for you to say mary sues are okay, but slash isn't. I don't quite understand the reasoning behind that...?

Honestly, what do you mean by "mary sues"? I apologize, but I'm not familiar with that term, so I can't address that issue.
Bonochick said:
That seemed pretty sarcastic and is not appreciated.

Indeed. I wasnt trying to be "snarky". I am stating the facts. And I dont appreciate the accusation.
This issue has been discussed between I, the owner of the board and the moderators. Many of the moderators wanted to remove this forum. It still can easily be done.

Honestly, what do you mean by "mary sues"? I apologize, but I'm not familiar with that term, so I can't address that issue.

Yes you'll have to enlighten me as well. If you mean girls kissing the guys, I'm sure everyone fantasizes about it and I dont see much harm in it as long as it doesnt go beyond that. If you're talking about the guys giving pecks on the cheek etc.. again we feel this is harmless enough. If you dont understand why posting stories about the band members making out with each other is not appropriate for this board, well frankly you can post it somewhere else. :)

I, as well as the rest of the team feel this is reasonable.
lardencelover said:
How gracious of you not to "close" it.

That snarky comment aside, I will say I understand why you did this. There are people of younger ages reading this forum and I can sympathise w/that, and, like I said before, I as a slash writer wouldn't feel comfortable putting up anything that contains anything beyond kissing here.

However, I think it's unfair for you to say mary sues are okay, but slash isn't. I don't quite understand the reasoning behind that...?

I see you've been here for a while. Perhaps you weren't here when pleba was overcrowded with other, rather graphic pictures and depictions.

Slash fic is a scab on the otherwise good face of and shouldn't be posted at all. Censoring the type of writing is mild compared to the suggestion of closing the fan fic forum altogether.

Please show Sicy some respect on this, she's an Administrator and doesn't need to take flak over decisions that Team Interference made.

Good on you for immediately pointing out that your first comment was snarky, it was completely uncalled for.

And if you're wondering why there are contingencies on what can and cannot be posted, you can either re-read the first post here or take a look at F.A.Qs.
Bonochick said:

Honestly, what do you mean by "mary sues"? I apologize, but I'm not familiar with that term, so I can't address that issue.

*cough* Don't mind me, I can just answer the question, and no one has seemed to as of yet...

The term "Mary Sue" is applied to fan fiction that involves a main female character in a romantic/sexual relationship with the object of the author's desire. The main character is often incredibly close to the author herself, and is sometimes just the author blatantly inserting herself into the story. More often than not, the author (badly) disguises herself by changing her own flaws and making the main character nearly perfect.

Okay...that was overly complicated. Lemme give you an example.

If I wanted to write a fic that was me/Bono, I would create a character named Mary. And Mary is taller than me, her eyes are greener, her wit is quick, she's smart, funny, talented, and of course, Bono finds himself falling all over her.

Please keep in mind that the term "Mary Sue" does not apply to all fiction that is author/object of the author's desire...A Mary Sue becomes a Mary Sue when the female character is pretty much perfect and flawless, and is, shortly, the author as she dreams herself to be.

/long-winded and overly long lecture

Pardon the intrusion. :)

I only became snarky because it came off a threat or warning... you know, like when your Mam says "you're lucky I didn't do worse!" Although, I do of course realize that it was not simply Sicy's decision and I'm sorry for taking out any frustration on her.

I understand why there are rules, I stated as much in my first comment. I realize that you're not simply responisble for the slash readers/writers, but all the members of this forum, some of which are underage. I don't question you're reasoning and in your situation, I would probably be forced to do the same.

Mary Sues are stories in which the author basically puts themself into a story, i.e., hooking themself up w/a band member or "making up" a character much like themself to live their fantasies out on. I'm against them (not for the reason you might think; I just don't have an interest in reading someone else fantasy of being with a band member much as some don't have any interest in m/m fics), but don't discriminate.

I'm just hard pressed to see the difference between the two that would lead to female/male fics being okay, but slash not being...? Maybe if someone could explain this to me, I'd be very appreciative.

Also... *sigh* Not to sound, again, coarse or bitchy, but I've seen several people on here be far ruder than I was and they haven't recieved the repremanding I just did... eh. Never mind.

Anyway, I do respect your decision and will follow it. In fact, I followed it before you even made it; I've never posted anything here of graphic nature.

And Lily is definitely right; I've only been here a short while, so I wasn't around for any of the really explicit fics that might have been posted.
lardencelover said:
I only became snarky because it came off a threat or warning... you know, like when your Mam says "you're lucky I didn't do worse!" Although, I do of course realize that it was not simply Sicy's decision and I'm sorry for taking out any frustration on her.

Apology accepted.
I was simply trying to show the good out of the decision.
The silver lining so to speak.
Also, slash contains Mary Sue as well. Sometimes an author will change one of the bandmembers to be more like herself and then hook her up w/another bandmember.

Just to clarify. :)
lardencelover said:
I'm just hard pressed to see the difference between the two that would lead to female/male fics being okay, but slash not being...? Maybe if someone could explain this to me, I'd be very appreciative.

Also... *sigh* Not to sound, again, coarse or bitchy, but I've seen several people on here be far ruder than I was and they haven't recieved the repremanding I just did... eh. Never mind.

And Lily is definitely right; I've only been here a short while, so I wasn't around for any of the really explicit fics that might have been posted.

The deal with band member on band member slash being such a scab is that...they don't and wouldn't do that. It becomes slander on the guys and that's not what is about at all (clearly ;)). Even the male/female ones that go too far are not going to be tolerated, again out of respect for the guys. We are the largest U2 internet community and feel responsible to keep it looking good and keeping slander out, ya know?

Secondly, everyone who is curt to an admin/mod is reprimanded either via the board or PM. It doesn't happen so much in here cos the PLEBA gals are gentle on their mods ;)

I don't know if you ever saw the fanfic site, but it was pretty sick and got closed down. We don't want that type of graphic fanfic on our site, so we're taking precautions now.

If you have any more questions, you can email any of the mods/admins, our addresses are in our sigs.
I'm kind of curious about the practical ramifications of this, as my brain isn't quite smart enough to suss what the new announcement means (too little sleep, too much angst).

I take it that you're basically saying that sexual content is fine in all fics up to kissing? But no further than that, whether it be het or slash.

What about fics with no actual sexual content, but rather dealing with band members' emotions? If they were to feel, say romantic love for another member, would this be allowed so long as there aren't explicit fantasies, sex scenes &c?

And if not, how would one distinguish between what is acceptable and what is not, based on the new rules, since the band's behaviour and many of their comments are so often borderline slash anyway?

Sorry for all the questions, I'm just not completely with it tonight.
Lilly said:

The deal with band member on band member slash being such a scab is that...they don't and wouldn't do that. It becomes slander on the guys and that's not what is about at all (clearly ;)). Even the male/female ones that go too far are not going to be tolerated, again out of respect for the guys. We are the largest U2 internet community and feel responsible to keep it looking good and keeping slander out, ya know?

I don't know that any of us can truly say what band members would or wouldn't do, we can only offer guesses. And to say they'd never do anything of the sort is kind of out there, to be honest. In any case, it wouldn't be libel, since there are disclaimers clearly stating this is fiction.

I, of course, can't clearly judge what they would do, but it seems that for at least Bono and Edge they would be more likely to make out with each other than sleep with some random groupie. So why discriminate?
Base restrictions on sex according to depth, content etc, not orientation.
I don't know if you ever saw the fanfic site, but it was pretty sick and got closed down. We don't want that type of graphic fanfic on our site, so we're taking precautions now.

If you have any more questions, you can email any of the mods/admins, our addresses are in our sigs.

Actually, many of us posted on that site...

In any case, I think slash authours have done a very good job of keeping its audience in mind. There was nothing in the most recent fic that would be inappropriate for anyone under 13.

[Edit because I CAN'T SPELL]
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Well, Lily.

Let's go for this, then.

Firstly, the likely-hood of U2 sleeping with a groupie is just as good as it for them to sleep with each other. Period.

Secondly, it shouldn't be an issue of whether it's straight or gay sex. It should just be sex in general. I can understand banning a slash fic because it's graphic, but then you need to do the same for some of the straight fics I've read that are just as dirty (and in my case DIRTIER) than the fics posted.

It may be "sick" to you, but to a lot of people, that is their expression of love, and, unless you know U2 personally, we don't know precisely what they would or would not do or approve of.

Mod or not, their is no excuse for discriminating against someone because of their sexual orientation.
brunerhyme said:
I take it that you're basically saying that sexual content is fine in all fics up to kissing? But no further than that, whether it be het or slash.

This is exactly what we're saying.

What about fics with no actual sexual content, but rather dealing with band members' emotions? If they were to feel, say romantic love for another member, would this be allowed so long as there aren't explicit fantasies, sex scenes &c?

Fan Fiction is OK. Stories about the band.. you and the band.. even you kissing members of the band, is fine. However, nothing sexually beyond that will be acceptable. Graphic stories about you or any other girls having sex with the band will not be welcomed.

Slash.. is NOT OK. Stories about the band members making out with each other.. (a peck here and there is fine.. we all know they peck each other occasionally..) Band members in sexual predicaments with other band members will not be allowed.

And if not, how would one distinguish between what is acceptable and what is not, based on the new rules, since the band's behaviour and many of their comments are so often borderline slash anyway?

I'm sorry, but I don't think I've seen the band acting slashy - ever. There is a difference between pecks on the cheek and having sex in hotel rooms.

I know that a lot of fanfic slash writers used to write for fanfic, but as previously stated, there really isn't a place for slash here.
lardencelover said:
Well, Lily.

Let's go for this, then.

Firstly, the likely-hood of U2 sleeping with a groupie is just as good as it for them to sleep with each other. Period.

Secondly, it shouldn't be an issue of whether it's straight or gay sex. It should just be sex in general. I can understand banning a slash fic because it's graphic, but then you need to do the same for some of the straight fics I've read that are just as dirty (and in my case DIRTIER) than the fics posted.

It may be "sick" to you, but to a lot of people, that is their expression of love, and, unless you know U2 personally, we don't know precisely what they would or would not do or approve of.

Mod or not, their is no excuse for discriminating against someone because of their sexual orientation.

I agree with your first point. It's zero chance for both.

SECONDLY! DO NOT accuse me of being discriminatory! THAT is completely uncalled for and I am REALLY offended by it. It's "sick" to me because I don't like reading graphic depictions of sexual acts - ESPECIALLY on a place like It's not just slash that's banned - anything past kissing is intolerable.

It is VERY clearly written:

Originally posted by Sicy (and decided upon by Team Interference):

Graphic stories about you or any other girls having sex with the band will not be welcomed.

Interference does NOT support graphic writings about the band.

Case Closed.
Slash.. is NOT OK. Stories about the band members making out with each other.. (a peck here and there is fine.. we all know they peck each other occasionally..) Band members in sexual predicaments with other band members will not be allowed.

This has just been modified to read:

Slash.. is NOT OK. Stories about the band members making out with each other.. (a peck here and there is fine.. we all know they peck each other occasionally..) Band members in sexual predicaments with other band members or groupies, etc. will not be allowed.

There should now be no accusations of discrimination... I believe this was cleary stated from the beginning of this decision. Same rules apply, gay or straight.

It should be pretty clear what is and isnt allowed... please email/pm us privately to discuss it further.
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