New Music Rumors and Such, Continued

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More NLOTH would save the tour, more likely.

Or bring on that EP Adam talked about...

1. Stingray
2. Glastonbury
3. North Star
4. Mercy
Where can I go to preorder this on vinyl? No, I don't CARE that it's not real, I need it in my life now. :drool:

Wonder if they may be tempted to just release in EP format, any remaining, but somewhat complete, songs from each of the ol' Thomas and Rubin sessions... Just to get these old songs that are sitting in the vaults, commercially available. North Star and Mercy may qualify here.

New album/Songs Of Ascent would presumably comprise of more recent studio material...
This is probably the best course of action, as I'm not sure the upbeat "Rubin sessions" material would fit on the supposedly ambient Songs of Ascent. For example, even though I love them both dearly, I would not want Glastonbury and Soon on the same album. It just doesn't work.
somewhere Eno, Edge, Rubin, etc. all have laptops with songs in various states of production ... everyone start hacking them in 3, 2, 1...
This is probably the best course of action, as I'm not sure the upbeat "Rubin sessions" material would fit on the supposedly ambient Songs of Ascent. For example, even though I love them both dearly, I would not want Glastonbury and Soon on the same album. It just doesn't work.

They certainly wouldn't work together, and hopefully the band has enough sense to realize it and the courage to stick with one vibe throughout whatever they decide to release.

Personally, I'd rather see the Songs of Ascent stuff than anything else. Soon + anything would be better than North Star & Glastonbury in my opinion.

Also, we should be expecting something different in today's set list. The last two shows were identical, and tonight is night 2 in the same city, which usually means changes.
I think the changes may well be "Trying To Throw Your Arms Around The World" in place of Miss Sarajevo or In A Little While and North Star making a re appearance.

I will also go out on a bit of a limb here and say that the poll from do you want to hear) may be taken into account tonight and one more NLOTH song not played in 2009 will be added. Or maybe they wont go that far, but will at least pull out Breathe, NLOTH or Ultraviolet from the 2009 set list.
I will also go out on a bit of a limb here and say that the poll from do you want to hear) may be taken into account tonight and one more NLOTH song not played in 2009 will be added. Or maybe they wont go that far, but will at least pull out Breathe, NLOTH or Ultraviolet from the 2009 set list.

You may be right.

All three of those were rehearsed today, apparently. As was Pride, unfortunately.
from atu2. has this been mentioned?

"Il Giornale included this quote about U2's album plans in its story: "We are planning to release our next record as an application. Today, with laptops, iphone and ipad music can go back to being a visual phenomenon." They didn't indicate which band member said that. Their story also says Bono only smoked temporarily during his recovery."

Pretty sure it was Bono who said it. I remember reading the interview maybe a couple weeks ago (?) when he said they wanted to release the next album like that. I'll try to find where I read it.
Edge is no way closer to the creative spiral he was at back in 1993.

Plus he doesn't have the same impetus to spend 24/7 in the studio like he did for Zooropa. That was around the time that he and Aislinn were really on the outs, so he essentially slept at the studio.
Plus he doesn't have the same impetus to spend 24/7 in the studio like he did for Zooropa. That was around the time that he and Aislinn were really on the outs, so he essentially slept at the studio.

He was actually banging Morleigh hard back then. That i guess is what gave him the impetus.
He was actually banging Morleigh hard back then. That i guess is what gave him the impetus.

Whatever you do don't choose comedy as your future career path.

(Can't you get banned for saying that?)
Would imagine that this is unnecessary/inappropriate

I would agree that the remark is inappropriate, but I fail to see how it is any less appropriate and/or tasteful than the myriad "Lance's Mom" comments in many of these forums.
Because speculation/discussion about the band members' sex lives is what's not allowed, not speculation/discussion of posters' moms (especially when the poster is in on the joke). :wink:
Hey, Edge is the one who mentioned the Orgasmatron on national television.

it does seem strange that with all the lyrics of Achtung Baby drenched in oral sex and Bono's clear admission of an affair in "New York" that we can't discuss their sex lives (or lack thereof).
I can only assume it's just easier to draw a hard line rather than saying "x and y are okay, but only in the context of z."

But lyrics do get discussed - I don't know that discussions of those specific songs have been shut down in the past. I know I've at least seen threads about the happy fun lyrics on AB. :shifty:
it does seem strange that with all the lyrics of Achtung Baby drenched in oral sex and Bono's clear admission of an affair in "New York" that we can't discuss their sex lives (or lack thereof).

Eh? Do you mind explaining that, I've literally never heard that theory. I'm pretty sure if you had a 20+ year marriage you wouldn't hint anything of an affair in song lyrics.
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