New album talk - Album coming SOON to a galaxy near you!!!

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:hmm: What do you consider "new" for the haircut? He's had this cut all summer. And basically it's been the same on the sides all year, it's just taken that long to grow the top out.
It's just a little silly. Sixty is not old. It's not like that birthday or any other is a magic reason for things to change. It's as totally reasonable to say "I've been doing this for forty years and I think I'd like to stop" as to say "I've been doing this for forty years and really can't imagine ever doing anything else." They're both equally plausible. It's outlandish to expect the worst every time.

It's not about the age, it's about the desire to keep at this. R.E.M. couldn't hack it anymore and decided they had nothing more to say; there's nothing to say that U2 might choose to do the same if the music just won't come. On the other hand, they might really enjoy grinding away at making new music for years on end without ever releasing anything. Or... new album in March yadda yadda yadda fooled you all...
Bono is being coy I think. Misinformation and misdirection. If age is a factor I would wager it works both ways. At this age they can't keep scrapping and retooling. Time is ticking. I believe they will surprise us.

I remember tour threads about "they would never do this or that". Boom: we got HMTMKMKM, YBR, Zooropa. It went apeshit with EBTTRT. These guys are really smart as are their people. I think this is a very calculated thing afoot.

I do realize that nearly childish optimism and enthusiasm is not always popular on the Internet. I will wave the flag for the optimists.
Bono is being coy I think. Misinformation and misdirection. If age is a factor I would wager it works both ways. At this age they can't keep scrapping and retooling. Time is ticking. I believe they will surprise us.

I remember tour threads about "they would never do this or that". Boom: we got HMTMKMKM, YBR, Zooropa. It went apeshit with EBTTRT. These guys are really smart as are their people. I think this is a very calculated thing afoot.

I do realize that nearly childish optimism and enthusiasm is not always popular on the Internet. I will wave the flag for the optimists.

Right there with ya bud. In a sea of people who are waiting for a record they're going to hate, from a band they already hate, this is refreshing.
It's not about the age, it's about the desire to keep at this. R.E.M. couldn't hack it anymore and decided they had nothing more to say; there's nothing to say that U2 might choose to do the same if the music just won't come. On the other hand, they might really enjoy grinding away at making new music for years on end without ever releasing anything. Or... new album in March yadda yadda yadda fooled you all...

I think you and I are saying the same thing, which I think is different from what the person I was responding to said... I think.

What the Letterman comments say to me is that, while the band themselves are probably not monitoring message boards like this one, they certainly have some people on their PR team who do, and let the band know that they need to say something to calm people the fuck down.

That's good business. They don't need their fan base to start devouring each other; there'd be nothing left by the time the album comes out. And if they're following this board than they know the hair needs to go before the next tour, which is very good business. :wink:
I think you and I are saying the same thing, which I think is different from what the person I was responding to said... I think.

That's good business. They don't need their fan base to start devouring each other; there'd be nothing left by the time the album comes out. And if they're following this board than they know the hair needs to go before the next tour, which is very good business. :wink:

Why would they be monitoring this board?
I laughed when Bono said on Letterman, "We have to make to a great U2 album, and (our audience) don't care waiting." It's almost like he reads the forums here on Interference and is saying fuck you to us :lol:

there were songs ion both AT5YCLB & Bomb that i thought/still think are wonderful.....

for me there are more wonderful and amazing songs in NLOTH
which is why I rate it in my Top 3 Pantheon ~ JT/AB & NLOTH

i remember them being very excited and proud of NLOTH
But after it didn't sale as great as they thought it would they sort of backtracked on it....

and I wonder if McG sort of taints those previous feelings about it that it HAS to sale even more always to BE great....

I understand pretty well the whole "relevance" issue/idea/ideal etc and yeah "go for it" guys..... as well

I'll have to mosey over to ELS..... i'm in the Lower Manhattan area alot any way! just there .. near by Yesterday or weds :)
I think a lot of the problem is that they're part-time (at best) artists now. Lock them in a room for six weeks and see what happens.

I guess the band might just implode. Not a good idea.

Bono could always go full time activist

True, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to.

I laughed when Bono said on Letterman, "We have to make to a great U2 album, and (our audience) don't care waiting." It's almost like he reads the forums here on Interference and is saying fuck you to us :lol:

Yeah, that's what I thought as well. Really funny idea. :up:
2 things that struck me from that Letterman interview was:

1. He looked quite uncomfortable in that chair.

2. He kept clearing his throat. Does he still smoke or what?

And the whole thing about Bono waiting for a "great" album to appear is such total bullshit! You haven't delivered a truly great flawless album since Pop.. ok, I'll say Achtung Baby for the benefit of the majority opinion here. So stop waiting and wrap up your shit! lol.
What the Letterman comments say to me is that, while the band themselves are probably not monitoring message boards like this one, they certainly have some people on their PR team who do, and let the band know that they need to say something to calm people the fuck down.

If they do, I think everyone here can think of better things to say than "our fans understand the wait"...especially if we are still looking at early 2014/Christmas release.
If the last three U2 albums had been AB/JT/TUF level amazing, or Zooropa/Pop standard interesting, it'd have given real credence to Bono's comments. I for one would gladly be prepared to wait the requisite 4/5 years in the knowledge that U2 will deliver a record that I will keep returning to on a regular basis. Problem is, the last three albums are generally considered (by the "audience") to be in the lower tier of U2's catalog. If Bono truly had his finger on the pulse of the audience, he would surely know that a)we hate waiting and b)the wait is made all the more excruciating when the end product is Get On Your Boots and Crazy Tonights. Yes, we have given them a great life (you're welcome, Bono), and U2 will always sell out stadiums even if they never release a new tune ever again. But assuming what the U2 faithful actually do want from their favorite band, and getting it so wrong, is a little grating :doh:
If the last three U2 albums had been AB/JT/TUF level amazing, or Zooropa/Pop standard interesting, it'd have given real credence to Bono's comments. I for one would gladly be prepared to wait the requisite 4/5 years in the knowledge that U2 will deliver a record that I will keep returning to on a regular basis. Problem is, the last three albums are generally considered (by the "audience") to be in the lower tier of U2's catalog. If Bono truly had his finger on the pulse of the audience, he would surely know that a)we hate waiting and b)the wait is made all the more excruciating when the end product is Get On Your Boots and Crazy Tonights. Yes, we have given them a great life (you're welcome, Bono), and U2 will always sell out stadiums even if they never release a new tune ever again. But assuming what the U2 faithful actually do want from their favorite band, and getting it so wrong, is a little grating :doh:

Yup. Pretty much. :up:
Why would they be monitoring this board?

Also it's just smart to know what your customers think. If a high stakes company could know exactly what their most loyal customer base thinks of their product without even paying to run a focus group, which one wouldn't do it? You can bet that Apple keeps an eye on the Mac tech forums and the companies that produce the Star Trek and Batman franchises keep an eye on the fanboy ones too.
Today a so-called columnist said that U2 is going to be the main attraction of the World Cup's opening.

Weeeeeell, here, this rumor started long ago... If it's right, that could be one hell of publicity for the new album/tour..
Hey, guys... just sharing.

according to Veja magazine (Brazil), the mayor of Rio de Janeiro received FIFA's budget for the opening party (at Maracana Stadium) and U2 will be the main attraction.

Well, I'm from Brazil... I don't trust Veja so much, but it has the largest circulation in the country.
Bono y Ali acompañaron a Norman Hewson en el Tosca Pops Up - - U2 Fan Club -

The last question, before parting, and performed by the boys of U2Valencia was: Bono, have a very important question to ask you .. Can you tell us about the new album? Bono was thought the answer and said: "I have forbidden by the band talking about the new album, the band have threatened me and I would be shot."

Edit: U2 showing up at the World Cup. That would be sweet. :drool:
The opening party will be jun-11

don't think U2 take off to Brazil in the middle of Europe/North America summer, where probably they'll touring. But it happened for Glastonbury Festival. So... i really don't know. :lol:

Like you said... they did for Glastonbury.

And the World Cup is a much bigger event then Glastonbury.

And if they are in the US, it would be in the same or almost the same time zone.

So it's easily doable, yet it is still merely wild speculation.
They could do that, it would be helpful. Everything is on track and they know it. All this doublespeak and mystical commentary is just part of the magic this time round. Planning a tour doesnt just happen in a vacuum or at the drop of a hat, it takes several months and comittments on multiple levels. We're gonna be listening to new music soon and seeing them in the summer.

they won't be playing Croke Park in 2014- One Direction have booked out all the available concert slots next summer.
The opening party will be jun-11

don't think U2 take off to Brazil in the middle of Europe/North America summer, where probably they'll touring. But it happened for Glastonbury Festival. So... i really don't know. :lol:

We know Larry is passionate about soccer and just think about the big audience around the world. Would they say no?
We know Larry is passionate about soccer and just think about the big audience around the world. Would they say no?

I'm watching carefully all the stuffs around this World Cup in Brazil and I have to say: I have a thousand of reason to say no. But I don't know what they think about it...

well, but this is not subjet for this thread =/
My friend met him as he arrived to Lettermann and asked him about the album - whether it is going to be out by the end of the year. His response was "Can't tell you coz they'll kill me". :shifty:
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