New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

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I think its pretty solid. Few notes after a few listens:

-Like many have said it doens't feel forced. Lyrics are not as clunky. And I like the tibits about Vegas.

-Cool song to put on the plane looking out at Vegas while landing. Get you ready to go broke & have fun!!

-The band sounds great. Larry & Adam in the for front & Edge sounds like he's playing guitar again.

Overall its nice to feel a not so forced song. Nice song to capture U2's Vegas recidency
I love the falsetto echo in the “free-eee” section as well as the Beach Boys breakdown. Group harmony vocals - an Eno favorite - were a highlight for me on NLOTH
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I love the falsetto echo in the “free-eee” section as well as the Beach Boys breakdown. Group harmony vocals - an Eno favorite - were a highlight for me on NLOTH

I was wondering about that. Wasn't sure if it was falsetto or if there was like a female trio backup or something. The effects give it that kind of feel which is cool.
The official recording much better than the live shoot (not surprising).

I’ll state how the song starts does give off the “Another generic Rawk!! miracle type”, but Edge actually does some nice Clash impressions with the bounce strumming.

One thing U2 has done an amazing job since ATYCLB is really get Edge backing vocals more upfront. Their voices blend so well together and i think the highlight is Atomic City pre chorus.

Like everyone else, wish for a longer solo. Edge kinda sounds like RHCP Television wicky wicky wack wah wah pedal.

If this is the direction they pursue for next album my only hope is for songs that push 4-5 mins vs the 3.25 Beatles pop song.

Also happy Bono isn’t drowning everyone else in the mix. Keep Steve as the producer if they can’t get Brian and Danny again. No more Teddy Bear production
Style wise, Bono's jacket is lame, but on the plus side, someone convinced him to finally put some product in that hair.
The more I listen, it really is a catchy song, I enjoy it a lot. The bouncy vibe keeps it from being too "rawk," but I think they easily could have ruined this if it was produced wrong, or with the wrong guitar/drum sound, so it's good to see that things are going in the right direction. The vocal effects on Bono are a bit on the cringe side but otherwise the *sound* is excellent. I think as a song something like The Miracle is probably better, but the *sound* is all wrong, so I'd take this over it. I'd also take this over Best Thing, American Soul, Boots, Stand Up Comedy in terms of recent "rawkers," but below The Blackout and Volcano, on par with Lucifer's Hands and Cedarwood Road.

The video is fine but clearly the footage of them performing was bad (low energy crowd plus the look of itself isn't quite up to snuff, maybe bad lighting, so they've tried to hide it with damaged film effects), so they spend a bit too much time on those shots of just Bono singing which are kind of low energy. But whatever, it's rare that their videos impress anyway.
I have a theory on the video that will be answered tonight. It's not really a spoiler but I'll put it in tags anyways...

the images where it looks like the wall of the sphere is opening up to let light in? That's how the show will start.

Also, hey - Fly shades!

Possibly. Probably.

But they put subliminal crosses everywhere in their work, which is what I thought it was.
that's a pretty decent track, better than i expected. i'm very pleasantly surprised. it won't be on repeat for me, but its not in the "i listened to it once and that's enough" category that fits most new U2 songs these days.

anyone calling it a "rip-off" of any other song is a moron.
After sitting with this over 24 hours I agree it is much better than YTBTAM and The Miracle. Kicks shit out of Boots.

After a while of trying to work out which songs from the last three albums it was better than, I realised it would be faster to list the ones it wasn’t. I felt that was a good sign.

So I reckon the only songs from NLOtH onwards that are better are MOS, EBW, Little Things. There are some I can’t place yet around it like LIAWHL, LOH, Blackout, LIBTAIIW, RFD, RBW, The Troubles, Magnificent, Fez-BB. I am sure it’s on a best of U2’a last 15 years.
It's still a generic 'rawk' song unfortunately. While it doesn't fall to depths of depravity like The Miracle or American Soul, to call this 'unreasonable, f*** off' rock is typical U2isms of the recent era.

It's bland. Rock music should be a dirtier, grimier with an undercurrent of menace. Instead its Bono shouting to the top of his lungs again with a fistful of platitudes and a cut and paste chorus. Sonically it should be discordant, this is far too clean. No I'm not expecting sheets of guitar distortion ala My Bloody Valentine but something with raw, primal energy would help.

In the recent interviews, Bono stresses that U2 is a 'rock and roll band'. I don't think he'd have pigeon holed the band like that years ago, embracing the musical diversity and stylistic shifts in their music more readily. The U2 of yesteryear that embraced various styles was more rock and roll than the one of today. The music was edgier (no pun intended). Nowadays, they're content on resorting to the rock n roll handbook with cliches upon cliches in musical form. It all seems like a parody of rock music.

I've been listening to a lot of Creation Record acts like Ride, Jesus & Mary Chain and My Bloody Valentine, and if they want to make rock music that stands out from the crowd, they really need to take it to extremes like these bands that is a counter opposite of the slick produced automated chart music of today. These bands mentioned annihilated the senses with their sonic blizzards and it certainly grabbed the attention, with a frenetic energy that hasn't been heard since.

That's your template. Simply plugging in a guitar and playing generic 'rawk' music isn't going to cause any waves, let alone ripples. If U2 were serious about getting back to being a guitar band, they'd want to be at the forefront of something that grabs the listeners attention whether they like it or not.

But U2 are neither interested in music as an artform now.
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