Songs of Surrender - New album discussion - 6

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I Threw A Lift On My Insole
Looks like Bono is in the "Facetiming with my parents is awkward because they don't understand how to point the camera so I can see their whole faces" phase.
I don't want to cause any sort of false hope, but this video was posted online in the last couple of days and your man is looking pretty lean so far as his face goes...

In terms of ‘hope’ - whether or not there’s new music coming, he’s got a book to promote in November, so he’s likely been trying to slim down for the inevitable promotional run he’s going to have to take.
I don't want to cause any sort of false hope, but this video was posted online in the last couple of days and your man is looking pretty lean so far as his face goes...

This is the second time those glasses have made an appearance in as many months. God please make it so. And yes, I'd say a good 20 pounds dropped.
Maybe he actually does lurk here...
Will we need to start in on thin jokes now?
I’m sure I’m in the minority, but I like these shades.

Anything beats the Lennon’s.

No sir. I think if we did a poll it would be about 99 to 1 these glasses over granny shades.

I am afraid these are his "just when I'm out in the sun" glasses which makes me very sad.
No sir. I think if we did a poll it would be about 99 to 1 these glasses over granny shades.

I am afraid these are his "just when I'm out in the sun" glasses which makes me very sad.
They should come up with a name for "when I'm out in the sun" glasses.

Something catchy and snappy.

Sunny glasses.

Bright glasses.

Something like that. Can't put my thumb on it.
Skinny and Old

Sweetest Thin

I Slimmed Down


Running to Stay Slim

Some Weights are Better Than Others

Last Night With Girth
I Still Haven't Reached What's On The Top Shelf

edit: i wasn't prepared for a sudden switch to Skinny Bono puns... this is new territory :hmm:
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