Need Help from Our Aussie Friends

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jan 28, 2004
Check this out;

Can anyone tell us more about this interview this weekend with U2? :hyper:

Does any one know if will stream this interview on its website?

If anyone in the area can tape it, capture it and share it with the rest of us worldwide, I know that we would all be very appreciative.:wink:

Or if someone could at least report back to us on what was discussed, that would be appreciated too!

Hope to hear some good news about this interview soon.

Thanks. :up:

Ok dudes the interview is over and U2 basicly confirmed at the end that they will be down here at the end of next year and Larry said some funny things in this interview. I will upload to yousendit right now.
Thanks so much, kennerado - :applaud:

I knew that there were great U2 Interferencers in Australia!

I just got home and found the link to the interview - I can't wait to listen to it.

I really hope that as the world tour starts next year, that we will continue to share with each other the interviews and reviews of the various concerts to help keep each other up to date.:up:

I think that is what U2 would want us to do - share the Joy that they bring us with each other.

I hope other Interferencers will also enjoy the interview and thank kennerado. :wink:

That'd be bloody right. The year I decide to teach in English in China, U2 decide to tour Australia! Dammit. I've only seen them once, in 1993, and I've been spitting chips ever since wishing I could see them live at least once more. I missed the Pop tour too. Grrrr.

Maybe if I save while I'm in China, I can fly to Japan and see u2 there. Yeah, that'll be a breeze, getting quality tickets in a country where I can't understand a word anyone is saying!

Dammit Bono, you KNEW I wouldn't be around next November/December ....

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