Misprounounced Words

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jun 4, 2002
Brooklyn, NY
What words do you hear ppl say that you think are like BUTCHERED.. or maybe YOU'RE the butcher.

I say syrup like "sare-up" and everyone else says "seer-up"

Some people say "orange" as written, some say "ornsch"

And today I was told that I say "always" as "ole-wees"

o_O I annoy myself :lol:

Anything else?
Some ppl here say towel like tarrrl and that REALLY gets me, they also say window like windy

I cant say pound town sound tho i say pouuuund, taaaown, saaound I dont notice it but my family always :lol: at me

I cant say Tara Palmer Tompkinson either i call her Zara Tara Tompkinson :shrug:
haha the good ole windy.
like fridee and satdee

Its starting to bug me that some Australians are starting to pronounce certain letters like a certain other country, and its from laziness, not our accent.
Not naming any names, but the word is get not git, but not bi/et, been not bin.

do u say envelope or onvelope?
ee-ther or eye-ther?
advertis-ment or ad-vertISE-ment?

We aussies are very confuddled when it comes to plant/plahnt, dance/dahnce.
but we all say carn't. :D
Cowgirl said:
haha the good ole windy.
like fridee and satdee

do u say envelope or onvelope?
ee-ther or eye-ther?
advertis-ment or ad-vertISE-ment?

We aussies are very confuddled when it comes to plant/plahnt, dance/dahnce.
but we all say carn't. :D

I DONT say windy :D And i say friday and saturday too! :)

I say envelope, ee-ther and adverTISEment :huh:

We say gareege and not GAR-aaaage

I say YO-GHURT and not youghurt and oh oh i say lorry like lurry but my friend says it like laurie

Oh oh oh I say hair like haar and air like eer and not A-ER and HEY-ER!!! My friends mum had elocution lessons and I cant say hair or air in her presence without being :lol: at :reject:

I think the English say DAHNCE and Plhant and they say "h" like atch
People tell me that I pronounce "about" like "aboot" or "aboat". :huh: They ask me if I am from Canada, and I say, no, I'm from the UP, and they say, oh, it's all the same. :rolleyes:

I have a hard time pronouncing conscientious most of the time. I usually end up saying conshe-enshish.
Most New Jerseyians--if you haven't already noticed--butcher just about every word in the English language...

word: drawer
New Jerseyian pronunciation: droooowr

word: dog
New Jerseyian pronunciation: dawg

word: New Jersey
New Jerseyian pronunciation: Joisey

i must say that sometimes i catch myself talking in this manner...either when i'm really passionate or frustrated about something. whatever you do, just don't be the one to point it out to me, or you'll be on my bad side :grumpy: :sexywink:
aye, tis time for a minnesotan to chime in here. i have a terrible accent - even minnesotans tell me this.

word: boat
pronunciation: boooooooooooat, yah

word: dave
pronunciation: daaaaaaaaave, yah

word: casserole
pronunciation: hot dish, donchya know

word: lake
pronunciation: laaaaaaaake, you betchya.

i DON'T like when people say crick instead of creek.
Bonochick said:
People tell me that I pronounce "about" like "aboot" or "aboat". :huh: They ask me if I am from Canada, and I say, no, I'm from the UP, and they say, oh, it's all the same. :rolleyes:

Well, it is the same thing. Actually, I don't go that far but I do have a tendency to say soory for sorry. my cousins from Ohio once asked my aunt why my sister and I sound Canadian. Now I'm starting to sound New Yorkerish supposedly.

Of course, my grandmother's Ohio accent makes her say stuff like warsh instead of wash.
Thought of another one...I often say the the word "barrette" too fast, and it sounds like "Brett".
GAH! Too many to count. Ah's a stickler for good talkin n' good writin! :D

'Supposubbly' which should be SUPPOSEDLY

'Mawaukee' for MILWAUKEE (where I used to live)

'axe' for ASK (that is just wrong wrong wrong)

'nuke-yuler' for NUCLEAR (our own GDubya does that one)

some Texasisms that I've noticed since living here:

'all' for OIL

'innit'? for ISN'T IT?

'bidness' (or binniss) for BUSINESS

saying words on the wrong syllable, such as:


Lots more where those came from! :banghead:

one more: in NYC they prounounce Houston "HOUSE-ton"! :tsk::scratch:
what an opportunity to get some opinions on a long standing little gripe

I hope I can express this phonetically....
me and language:lmao: cassperanto:lmao:

Two names Penelope and Persephone

Option 1 Penny-low-puh
Option 2 Pen-elle-oh-pee

Option A Purr-sef-oh-knee
Option B Purr-sef-fone

Maybe there is option , 3,4, C, D, but a definitive answer on this could save a life:macdevil:
so it all ends in :hug: not:sad:
my dad always pronounces the word measure "may-shure" instead of "mesh-er" :lmao: I tease him about it all the time.
I'm sure that there are words that I pronounce wrong I just can't think of them at the moment. I'm always stumbling over my words. I always say Star Trak instead of Star Trek.
One of my pet hates is people saying 'fillem' instead of film. There is NO "E" IN FILM!!!!!!

"we went to see a a fillem the other day"

me: "no you :yell: didn't!"
I get comments on a daily basis about my Boston accent. Apparently it's pretty strong. Mostly for the word bizarre, which I pronounce biz-ah, and use quite often. I got quite a few comments on this from Lady Lemon and Diamond in providence when talking about the song Party Girl! :D
Okay here are a few that make me insanne...

"Illinois" is not to be pronounced with an 's' at the end. That's just the way it is people so stop saying Illinoissss!!!

Also, while I'm on the topic, it is not "Ell-inois" :yell: it's "Ill inois"

WildHoneyAlways said:

Also, while I'm on the topic, it is not "Ell-inois" :yell: it's "Ill inois"


Yep. It also kills me when people say "pen" instead of "pin" or (this takes the cake) "melk" instead of "milk." That makes me :huh:

Although I've been told I say "ruff" instead of "roooooff" so maybe I don't have so much room to talk... :uhoh:

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