MERGED ----> Worst U2 lyric of all time by far!!! + Awful Lines

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i HAAAAAATE Bullet the blue sky

'one hundred two hundred' <-- BLEURGH


'outside its america' *yawns*

the only good thing about that song is the guitar! eeeeeeee!

and i get annoyed with 'freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn babies head' people who say they dont like it or don't get can you NOT GET IT??? Its like such a beautiful and poigniant lyric.

New York terrible? what are you talking about it. i think it's a great song about temptation. expecially the lines...

In New York I lost it all to you and your vices
Still I'm staying on to figure out my mid life crisis
I hit an iceberg in my life
But you know I'm still afloat
You lose your balance, lose your wife
In the queue for the lifeboat
You got to put the women and children first
But you've got an unquenchable thirst for New York
inmyplace13 said:
Did I waste it?
Not so much I couldn't taste it
Life should be fragrant
Roof top to the basement
The last of the rocks stars
When hip-hop drove the big cars
In the time when new media
Was the big idea
What was the big idea

Way to kill a fuckin great song

Actually, it's okay up until "The last of the rock stars..." :wink:

And of course, I also disliked "Unos, dos, tres, catorce!" Bono, learn Spanish, por favor. <33

Although I did hear that they said "catorce" because HTDAAB is supposedly their 14th album.
Re: Awful Lines

MacPhistoPT said:

"You've got yourself stuck in a moment and you can't get out of it"

"All because of you. AaAaaAaAll because of you. All because of you I am."

"I'm not broke but you can see the cracks, you can make me perfect again"

Really? Those are some of my favorite lines. :eyebrow:
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The air is heavy, heavy as a

sr99 said:
"And a woman needs a man
Like a fish needs a bicycle"


Actually, in that case they are quoting a famous quote (Gloria Steinem, I believe).

Some of the examples of this thread, like "Boom Cha" or "Love and Peace" repeated I don't really see as lyrics as much as the normal rock/pop ways to move a song along.

Oh, and Miami rocks :D
There were several lines on Pop that made me cringe, but the ones that really stuck in my mind as way below par are from Wake Up, Dead Man:

"Is it like a tape recorder?
Can we rewind it just once more?"
'And a woman needs a man.. like a fish needs a bicycle'

has interesting sociological conotations.

In 1949, it was suggested that the famiyl was a universal thing that was natural and normal. People in western civilised society certainly belived this, because they were used to nucleur familys (The natural family) of Husband. Wife and the children.

But after looking worldwide you would find this is not natural, and that there are many types of families worldwide including polygamus, polyandryathal, single parent etc.

So men and woman don't really need each other, despite what the west thinks.

And likewise, fish don't need bicycles

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