MERGED--> Lost Season 4

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Watched all 8 episodes this weekend and overall I was impressed, despite a couple of duds. There seemed to be a definite sense of purpose to the story but with the flash forwards throwing up more mystery I'm wondering just where and when the conclusion will take place.

Also, I loved how Sawyer and Hurley became roommates. Brilliant :D

What I didn't like is how they continued to abruptly drop plot lines with no explanation. Like Desmond's premonitions and Claire's feelings for Charlie. And have I just forgotten where the whole numbers plotline ended up? And what purpose the Dharma Iniaitive actually served to the whole story?

I still feel that the first season is my favourite as it was just so fresh and not nearly as convulted as it is now. I'm sure I heard that the number of seasons planned was increased to capitalise on the success and I'd love to see an original outline spec after it's concluded to see what was added or changed.

But anyway, looking forward to when the next five episodes have finished so I can sit down and watch them in one block.
All I have to say is that Claire is biting it before the end of this season. I still stand by that prediction

And that 3-part finale is going to own so hard. I have a feeling they're going to try and top last year's airport scene, and if they do I might lose all of my bodily fluids at once.
U2Fanatic4ever said:
tomorrow nite folks! :hyper:

about damn time too. I hate these hiatuses they friggin do.. :madspit:

Remember though, they intended 16 episodes in a row.
The strike gave us this sucky asshole hiatus.


go to and read the episode summaries.
Spoiler free, concise and detailed.

lazarus said:
All I have to say is that Claire is biting it before the end of this season.

I think so, too.

The preview for tomorrow's episode makes it look like it could happen very soon.
Hello LOST thread! Nice to meet you, anyway.

I think that Claire dying would be too obvious...I'll call that bluff. Also, that would mean that the second hottest castaway would be gone and that would be truly tragic.

They did kill off Shannon, though, and she was a particularly delicious blonde...not unlike Claire. We will see, I suppose...
Well they gotta kill somebody major. It's either Desmond (which would break everyone's heart), Juliet (I would LOVE this), or Claire. Claire seems the most disposable, and is an easy explanation as to why Kate has her baby. I can't see her voluntarily giving her up, and the Others abduction thing has already been done.
I kind of like Juliet's character. I say it's still a bit too soon to kill her off. Her story still seems very unresolved.
I am SO looking forward to this! Until yesterday, I thought we still had a few more weeks to go. Between Lost, The Office and 30 Rock, it could potentially be the best tv night ever. :drool:
Personally, I think Juliet is too important of a pawn in Ben's game to go right now. Besides Juliet, Kate would be off the island, so Ben wouldn't have any leverage against Jack at all. Just a thought.

All that said, it would be a GREAT kill.
I feel bad for her to an extent but her character has become increasingly more unlikeable.

I think Sawyer is a candidate, although that might not make good 'business sense'. His backstory seems done. He's been on auto-pilot ever since killing Locke's dad.

Besides the Oceanic 6 + Ben, I think Locke is probably good for now. Locke is way too important to the advancement of the storyline. Desmond is a beloved character and Penny will likely play a role in the future (you'd think?), so I think he may be safe, although I feel less positive about it.

Outside of those 9 people, I think all bets are off.

I just want to see Sawyer kill some Freighter folk.
I guess the way I'm looking at it, Sawyer and Locke want to stay, so they wouldn't be Oceanic 6 material anyway. Claire and Juliet REALLY want to get off the island, and it seems that there has to be a good reason they don't. I'm racking my brain for legitimate reasons why Claire would let Aaron go, and I can't.

We already know Sayid survives (this season, at least), so I'm a happy camper.

I also assume Michael is going to die, possibly this season, but that isn't much of a surprise, or a thriller.
'til the end of this season, yeah, but not the series. He could die anytime next season, which is where I think we're going to catch up with this season's flash-forwards.
So you think the series doesn't end when they all get off the island, and that the flash fowards become present day?


I could see him dying in a flash foward next season, but as it would be a flash forward, he'd still be around for the island scenes.
I think Season 5 is going to be about the Oceanic 6 dealing with life off the island, and then trying to get BACK (at least the ones who want to), with the finale probably showing them arriving to discover some huge cliffhanger, and then the final season will wrap everything up, with an eventual escape for most of them, I imagine.

From what I understand, these flash-forwards are only going so far ahead. As far as the timeline is concerned, I doubt any of them are going past the events we're likely to see in Season 5.
Damn this shit's intense.

Oh, and I read something from Matthew Fox today. He said by the end of THIS season, the "present" timeline of the show is going to be completely caught up with the flash-forwards.

So....yeah. That's how that's gonna work.


The finest tail on Lost is now gone.

: killsself :

Widmore vs. Ben
Desmond vs. Ben

Obviously Desmond is going to have to survive into Season 5 now to bring this conflict to a head.

Wow. Wow. Wow.
Holy shit. The final scene was astonishing.

Did you see the lighting there? Fucking brilliant.

Smoke monster. :up:

Alex dead. :ohmy:

Ben versus Charles. AHHHH!

Desmond versus Ben!!!!!! A new conflict emerges between my two favorite characters on the show!

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