Lists of Hell (St. Axver's G-string edition)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
It's like a magic eye which I can't quite make out
this is thread title major fail #2 for me. [emoji90][emoji90]

no matter what, i'll never have as awful a record as cobbler.
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sure, but it's going to look like it says "bread little rail" (including quotation marks) on the front.
Seriously. But at least you tried to talk sense into the crazy.
And my first attempt was met with "don't knock my fun maaaaan"

Crazy does what crazy does.

edit: the exact responses to my first suggestion that heat indexes over 105 aren't something to fuck with... names removed to protect the dopey

Perspective is a wonderful thing. Personal choice is as well.
No need to be critical of the choices of others here. Show up when you want. Enjoy the show as you want.

Don’t yuck someone else’s yum. This is fun for some people and it’s worth all the work. Let them be.
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Now I'm "vicious" and a "dick" foe telling people that standing in 105 degree heat, when the pavement can get up to 150+ degrees, to get 5 feet closer to the band is perhaps a dumb idea.
They're going to smell terrible. You'll just smell like booze.
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