It's Official: False Advertising?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Aug 25, 2002
I had to post this after I found this advertisement for a dating service on msn. I've seen it a few times, but look carefully at the "spokeswoman"... she has the likeness of a certain resident brain-eater...



Who knows, maybe this character likes salsa dancing...
my oh my, and the fellow she is glancing at seems to look a lot like a resident beast of burden.

so how has lavalife gone for you, met anyone special yet?
Chizip said:
my oh my, and the fellow she is glancing at seems to look a lot like a resident beast of burden.

so how has lavalife gone for you, met anyone special yet?

I have not required their services. Besides that guy can't be me... everyone knows that I WRITE horoscopes, instead of reading them like that blue-haired chump in the pic...

PS- no one has tickled my fancy as of yet. Hears hoping... hoping no one will see this thread :wink:
I'm sorry I'm drunk.

Things look a like when you're drunk. Like chairs and cacti.

Everyone's laughing... I wish I knew how to e-laugh.
adamswildhoney said:


quoting is fun. It's like stealing people's words... not as fun as stealing a bike apparently.

Note to self: never leave anything valuable around Bonochick... she might claim it as her booty, and bury it on Ryan Adam's treasure island..

Ar Ar Ar
Ryan's Treasure sounds like some wonderiffic, magical place...


Word on the street is that it's about 100 miles south of Blueberry Hill. :shifty:
Bonochick said:
Ryan's Treasure sounds like some wonderiffic, magical place...


Word on the street is that it's about 100 miles south of Blueberry Hill. :shifty:

It's right beside Waldo... now, can you find all of Waldo's hats?
They got lost in the was an accident...

Waldo: You lying bitch!!!!!!

Hey, isn't Waldo supposed to be a nice, children's character????

Waldo: Nice my ass!!!!

Oh, so THAT'S how it's gonna be!!!!!!!!! :mad:
Those guys with the glasses and walking sticks... they are assholes. Who hides behind the pyramids?... I mean really. :wink:
cujo said:
I had to post this after I found this advertisement for a dating service on msn. I've seen it a few times, but look carefully at the "spokeswoman"... she has the likeness of a certain resident brain-eater...



Who knows, maybe this character likes salsa dancing...

cujo you are whack, it really looks nothing like her

i just said whack :eyebrow:

wow... thanks Bonochick. Now I know how to e-laugh.

cujo said:
Those guys with the glasses and walking sticks... they are assholes. Who hides behind the pyramids?... I mean really. :wink:


NERD ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!

*looks at Waldo*
Bonochick said:
NERD ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Must be the whole Canadian thing. Don't worry, Screaming Flower has committed me.
Re: Re: It's Official: False Advertising?

Chizip said:
cujo you are whack, it really looks nothing like her

I've got it... my corpus collasum must have been severed... thereby making it impossible for me to process images in a logical way. Who knows... it could even be responsible for the PLEBA thread I wrote about Paul McGuinness.

Re: Re: It's Official: False Advertising?

Chizip said:
cujo you are whack, it really looks nothing like her

i just said whack :eyebrow:

:mad: I'll whack your face :angry:
Screaming Flower said:

i'll commit your face. :angry:

sounds like a plan :up:

Originally posted by Sicy
I'll whack your face

yeah... you might not want to do that. He'd probably enjoy it a little too much.

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