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War Child
Apr 9, 2001
Western New York
I don't want to get a job. I've been collecting unemployment for the past month and a half and I have absolutely no desire to look for a job. None. Zip. Am I abusing the system?
haha - I was just complaining to my Accountant about how much $$$ my company has to deduct for Unemployment Tax! GRRRRR!

I suppose it's your perogative if you don't want to find a job, but continue to collect unemployment. As someone who has to pay Unemployment Tax, it eats at me at those who don't wish to work although they can.
Don't get me wrong. I have to get a job soon and I will. It's just the thought of getting my resume together, cover letters, interviews, references...I just have no motivation to tackle this. But I will. I promise.

*goes off to work on her resume feeling very guilty*
Originally posted by ti-hua:
Don't get me wrong. I have to get a job soon and I will. It's just the thought of getting my resume together, cover letters, interviews, references...I just have no motivation to tackle this. But I will. I promise.

*goes off to work on her resume feeling very guilty*

Don't feel guilty, honey - I hope I didn't offend.

You are the sweet case scenario - those who sit on their asses year after year and collect are those who grate on me the worst.
I hear ya. I have been looking the last three months since my lay-off, but there are times I'll put it off.

Good news tho-I sent out ten resumes today! Sadly, that's the most I've sent out since I've been looking. Unbelievable.
No offense taken. To tell you the truth I need a good kick in the ass! So does posting your resume on and the like really work?
I've posted my resume on before.. I did get a few calls but for cheap ass pay.. so I guess it depends on what you're looking for.

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