It's Official #720

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 13, 2000
The Q continuum
The consequences of insomnia are kicking in. I didn't even bother going to bed last night, I just cleaned the bathroom and wrote some letters until about 3 am. After that, I mailed the letters and went for a walk for an hour a or two. I got home at about 5:30, played a computergame and caught the train at 6:56. Now I'm at school and tired.

But I really love talking a walk at night when everybody in their right mind is asleep.
My sleep schedule is wacky. I fell asleep on the kitchen floor the other night while I was making dinner. I can sleep and cook at the same time...I am so damn talented!!!!

"Hallelujah, Heaven's white rose,
The doors you open...I just can't close..."

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