IO: I hate Laundry!

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Mar 17, 2005
Hello Cleveland!
I hate taking it to the basement.

I hate putting a new load in.

I hate FOLDING it.

I hate putting it away.

I Hate that it is a never ending job.

Why don't I let my husband do it?

I HATE the way he FOLDS.

Now excuse me while I put another load in....

and maybe have some wine.......:huh:
Ironing is kinda relaxing though innit? and you can have wine just sitting on the end of the ironing board, it's all very reasonable. probably one of the few housewifey tasks I do very well when the pile is big enough. Speaking of which, I'd like to iron someone's face right now :angry:
I've grown to like doing laundry. I find it kind of relaxing.

:reject: :shifty:

It's only relaxing to me when I have time to do it properly. The folding, sorting, lint rolling or sweater shaving if needed, ironing, mending, hanging etc. When I have time to do the whole thing from start to finish is very relaxing and it's great when you have completed a process from start to finish in your mind. Like party girl said, a bottle of wine is a good accompaniment, as is good music or something good on TV.

I need to be f*ing kicked in the head. Seriously.
you rang? :wink:

If I can watch TV whilst doing laundry, then it's alright.
i dislike laundry with every fiber of my being.

hate searching for quarters and lugging it 5 floors to the basement.
hate running down every 25 mins to check on it only to find that someone has taken it out of the washers and plopped it on top to get all wrinkled.
hate the fact that i sweat to death as i attempt to fold the clothes and the stupid dryer lint that somehow manages to creep it's way onto my shirts.
hate to iron too. hate that my cats love to find refuge in a big basket of fresh clean clothes so they can feel the warmth. most of all i think i hate the sock monster who inevitably devours at least one sock per load.

hahahaa... so yeah..... i can understand where you're coming from.

laundry is the devil.
At least you don't have to go to a laundromat.

Not that I do either...but...yeah. That would suck.
I do at least 2 loads a's the putting it away that I hate, I make things nice and neat and then everyone else crams their stuff into drawers etc. And iron, I don't do unless necessary. :down:

My husband complains, I have no socks that match,
My son complains I have to wash his baseball uniform,
the other son complains that he has no clean clothes when there are 100's in his room!

Laundry is a big waste of time in ones life!
I hate laundry too. Well not so much hate it as it bores me to tears. I find just about every other form out housework therapeutic though. More soothing than a day at the spa :weird:
Great, I got a few loads for you. And then I'll need a massage :wink:
I do massage good :sexywink: You like.
I don't mind doing laundry so much but I don't like putting it away. For some reason my laundry ends up in select piles in 2 places in my room and from those piles I choose what to wear and so goes the cycle.

Mywasher/dryer is in a closet on the side of my house where there is no lighting unless I bring a flashlight and I don't like going out there at night so all my laundry has to be done during the day. We have critters visit us at night so one never knows what visitor might greet you in the dark side yard or backyard when it's dark-skunk, possum, raccoon, etc.

I do own an iron. I use it quite a lot since I sew a lot. I don't mind ironing, I sit while I iron and usually have music or the TV on so it's not bad at all.
I actually really like doing laundry - it's about the only household chore I really enjoy. Go figure.

The thing I couldn't stand is when I lived in an apartment building for 2 years and the laundry room was on the 2nd floor and I was on the top floor. We had cards you put money on so I didn't have to save quarters but it was so annoying to go up and down the stairs.

I will readily admit that while in NY I decided to live like a New Yorker of some modest means and used a wash&fold service. It was a bit weird surrendering one's panties.
I am doing laundry now. I had all damn day to do it, but I put it off as long as possible, because I simply cannot stand it. I hate ironing and folding clothes too. My clean clothes will stay in a pile on a spare bed for awhile until I am fed up by the site and then I will fold them and put them away. :down:
Me, too. Towels and stuff. When we lived in an apartment, and then on the top floor of a house (with 18 steps on the outside of the building to get to the ground level) and had to go out to a laundromat, I double-dog hated doing laundry, too. There went an entire evening! Now that we have a house, with a washer and dryer, I don't mind it.
I like putting it in the machine and there my love affair with laundry ends :D but HATE HATE HATE ironing so I don't ever iron more than four items at any one time :wink: - otherwise i just feel too :sigh:

Hublet does his own shirts (and always has - if I'm feeling generous I'll do em on Fathers day for him!!!) and am training my 12 year old to do her own uniform . . . one day I'll be free :D
I love doing laundry. It's sometimes a pain to get into the laundry room, as my landlords will lock the door, and forget they've done that. Regardless, I like it, and love the smell of clean clothes, etc. I never iron, but I have one in the off chance I may need to use it some day.
I'm truly awful at doing laundry...but I try. :sad: I seriously don't know what happens to all of my socks. For every two that go in the dryer, one comes out. Then, I have to keep buying new socks to replace the ones that's literally (and figuratively) a vicious cycle.

Folding? I call it "creatively stacking."

For all of my complaining, I love the feeling of putting on warm clothes just out of the dryer. :drool:
My mum came over to help with my housework when i had hand surgery and asked "where's your ironing? I'll do it for you" "ah, mum, we don't buy clothes which require ironing in this house.." "is that your solution? really? I'm... either appalled or proud. I'm not sure which"


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