I finally took the plunge!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Jul 30, 2002
Northern Michigan
I've been a lurker on and off for about 5 yrs. and have finally arrived! I just turned 48 this month and have 2 daughters from my first marriage ages 16 and 21.I live in the country surrounde by the Huron national forest.
I'm still kinda new to my computer and any advice would be great!!
Can any one tell me where I can find something different for my avatar? I want a certain M.C. Escher one . Anyway I'm glad I've finally made it!

Thanks! Now all I gotta do is figure out how to size the pixels

and get it to where I want it to go! Is there anywhere in the

forem that will help me figure this out?

Thanx again. You rock Sicy!!

Thank you Sicy,

I'm gonna turn in for the nite cuz I gotta get

up at 5 am for work so I'll check it out tomorrow. Youv'e been a

great help and I've been reading your posts for so long

I feel like I've known you for awhile!! Thanx for taking the time to

help lil' ol me!!

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