How to sell tickets to fans?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Nov 11, 2004
I went crazy and I just realized that I spent 2800 dollars on 10 u2 concerts.

Anyway, I might have to sell a few shows off now that the storm has died down and I can think rationally.

What is the best way to sell tickets (not for profit) but to get them in U2 fans hands.

I was thinking of asking people why they want the tickets and giving the best response the tickets. But I don't want to be a jerk about it, I just want to make sure I'm giving it to Joe Fan not Joe Scalper.

You dig?

Any tips besides selling them to you as I know there are 100's of people on this board that want them.
wow, that is aolt of money, all of them must have been 160$ tickets? Or did you buy them off ebay?
We've spent more on Airfares than concerts....but its about $1000 odd on tickets....Plus $2,400 (each) for the three of us to head over to San Dieg/Anaheim and L.A
We've not paid accomodation yet :) (add another $1500 min) and then expenses whilst we are over there.

All I all, its not much spent on U2 at all :)
bono_man2002 said:
We've spent more on Airfares than concerts....but its about $1000 odd on tickets....Plus $2,400 (each) for the three of us to head over to San Dieg/Anaheim and L.A
We've not paid accomodation yet :) (add another $1500 min) and then expenses whilst we are over there.

All I all, its not much spent on U2 at all :)

Shit mate, you're not travelling as far as I am and I think you're spending more.

AUS$2400 to get to my friend in Nashville + probably around AUS$330 to get to Boston + AUS$700 for Boston accommodation + US$150 for tickets.
What is the best way to sell tickets (not for profit) but to get them in U2 fans hands.

Just go through the post in the What do you want forum. That is what I did and so far all of my extra tickets went to fans, and I did not put any of them on Ebay, because I didn't want scalpers ending up with them.
Yeah, like EPandAmerica said, I'd try to sell them on a U2 fan board. Or look on craigslist to see if anyone is posting what they want, and you can usually tell what posts are made by fans.
get them on the phone or msn and ask random questions, such as "Give me the last 5 songs, in order, from The Joshua Tree" or something of the like.:wink:
If you have any tix for Hartford or GA for 5/26 Boston please reply - hoping we can help each other out. Thanks (my wife is a bigger fan than me. She's like a Jehovah Witness for Bono pushing his message and U2 music to all she meets)
we are 2 long time u2 fans from oregon who could not get tickets from ticketmaster online or by phone.
PLEASE if you can not make a trade, consider selling us 2 portland ga's if you have them.
we can not travel to any other shows due to work and this is the only one we could attend.
we are not scalpers or even someone who bought other shows to trade,
we see that scalpers already have tons of tickets for sale as there is a link on top of this page and we will not support them as they stop longtime fans like us from getting tickets.
thank you and have a shredding day, mike and rose
This is very cool of you. Very astute considering how easily you could make profit.

I've posted in What do you Have/Want here and got nothing helpful either way, but others have. I found tickets I wanted from the "What do you Have" type thread on the U2Midwest board and I sold my extra tickets on our college's "eDeals" forum. Pretty much all the students, faculty, and staff at my college are into U2. :)
I didn't get that many responses on the What Do You Have board, even though I was selling at face value. But it's something. I also posted on the forum. As for how you can hell if they're scalpers or not...all you can do is just ask them nicely, and start a dialogue up chatting about the boys. If they're just in it to re-sell them, you can tell. And I'm checking eBay just in case my tickets wind up there!

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