have yall seen this?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Egads, what an article! Misquoting scripture, guilt by association, I?m glad David Clouds (the author) isn?t the one who decides who true believers are (though I think HE thinks so). About the nicest thing I can say about the article is that the author majors in the minors.

To say Bono is an imperfect Christian is simply using a phrase that can be applied to any believer.

Blessings to all!
I just can't understand the mentality that says that the real test of whether someone is a "true Christian" is that they abstain from a list of behaviors. As if all being a Christian meant was that you *didn't do* whatever the person writing the article thinks Christians shouldn't do.

The last time I checked, we were saved not by abstaining from profanity or from drinking, but by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Anyone who thinks Bono lacks that is just willfully ignoring the evidence.

And you know, before I cast stones at a fellow believer, how about I look at all my sins? How about I look at the subtle sins of mind and heart, the habits and twists of selfishness inside that are, I'm quite sure, worse than many of those external "tabloid-type" behaviors this author seems to get such a kick out of passing gossip around about.

How about I leave the verdict up to the Lord? After all, he, unlike me, has all the information.
Ya know this article really mad me think! After I was done laughing ....I began to think about the author's points and I thought, and thought....and then......I began to wonder.......

Would Jesus have been accepted by some of the Christian Churches today?

Let's see....

He hung out with the "unclean".
He hung out predominantly with 12 men.
The closest woman friend he had was a former "prostitute".
He was friends with "tax collectors".
He performed miracles on the sabbath.
Did not seem to fit with the mainstream religious beliefs of the Pharisees.

Hmmmmm......Would the "Church" recognize Christ?
I don't know if I want to laugh or hunt down Mr. Jesus Crispy in that article. I think as long as you love and respect people as you would love yourself, you are a good person. If you ask me, I think the author of that article has many doubts about his own spirituality if he is talking about one of the most spiritual band that there are out there. It is sad that he is missing out on so many good things in life by being so self-rightous!
Sparkysgrrrl said:
Jesus would be seen as the anti-christ by the standards of some of the churches these days.

Jesus was a punk rocker :wink:

God loves any kind of music.

God and Jesus rock.

And you know, that special feeling when the kickdrums hit your bellybutton, that?s real divine spirit.
Wow...this guy is really looking for someone to pick on. He needs to go back to the early Puritan America he came from.

This article really offends me though; he's obviously never really listened to U2's music or even remotley focused on anything positive about them, he's too intent to saying Bono's the devil. Bono was just being truthful: ?People expect you, as a believer, to have all the answers, when really all you have is a whole new set of questions?. What, this author guy's never questioned his faith? Oh, wait, he's perfect...I forget.

I've been really blessed by U2's music and I've been a Christian my whole life--in Bono's lyrics, I hear better philosphy than I hear in some Christian records. I could say more about this, but my life's calling...

I was wondering if this group was behind the protests outside of the San Jose Elevation shows, there were ppl with HUGE signs carrying on about how we were all going to burn in hell for attending a rock and roll show....but this guy is based in MI so I guess he's not the one.
Spiritual Journey of U2

Hey guys,

Have any of you read the book "Walk On: The Spiritual Journey of U2"? It's an awesome book and it discusses alot of the questions you guys are asking and answering. I think evidence of Bono's Christianity can be seen in his speeches and in helping Africa.
Re: Spiritual Journey of U2

cnelson said:
Hey guys,

Have any of you read the book "Walk On: The Spiritual Journey of U2"? It's an awesome book and it discusses alot of the questions you guys are asking and answering. I think evidence of Bono's Christianity can be seen in his speeches and in helping Africa.

cnelson, love that book, I am getting ready to read it for a second time....with hilighter in hand :p
hahahahahaahahahahaah....that link is hilarious! and, what a surprise, written by fundamentalist baptists; as if *they* hold the monopoly to salvation.

and i only get mad reading the rest of that site. if only the "wrath of God" would smote them...

...and my patience for my "fellow man" is starting to run thin.


Ya, I know what you mean. I totally have no patience for "religiousness" and for those people who like to lay a "heavy" on others. God is totally not like that. He loves us and has tremendous patience with us. Corinthians 13 "Love is patient, love is kind.... "

I like what Bono has to say about religion: Religion is like when Elvis leaves the building, God leaves the building, and man devises rules to fill His place.
Dreadsox said:
Ya know this article really mad me think! After I was done laughing ....I began to think about the author's points and I thought, and thought....and then......I began to wonder.......

Would Jesus have been accepted by some of the Christian Churches today?

Let's see....

He hung out with the "unclean".
He hung out predominantly with 12 men.
The closest woman friend he had was a former "prostitute".
He was friends with "tax collectors".
He performed miracles on the sabbath.
Did not seem to fit with the mainstream religious beliefs of the Pharisees.

Hmmmmm......Would the "Church" recognize Christ?

Sorry to bump a 4 year old thread, but I couldn't believe what I read in the article. I felt like I was reading the critique of a Pharisee in the article the original poster posted. That being said, I absolutely love what this poster said. I've heard similar things said before, but he/she sums up a question I've had for a long time. Sadly, I often think the answer is "no".
Who are other people to define other's levels of Christianity? That has to come from yourself. Personally, U2's music has done more for me than some preachers have done on a Sunday morning.
Sparkysgrrrl said:
I was wondering if this group was behind the protests outside of the San Jose Elevation shows, there were ppl with HUGE signs carrying on about how we were all going to burn in hell for attending a rock and roll show....but this guy is based in MI so I guess he's not the one.

People were protesting at an Elevation show?! I can't imagine what they must have thought of ZooTV!

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