going over the Edge....

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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War Child
Jun 14, 2002
under a blood red sky, past one tree hill, where t

Peter Jennings: This just in! It seems that there has been a scarcity of Edge pictures on the internet drool bucket of PLEBA as of late....
Me: It's true, It's too true!! :sad: By the way, do I have to host this news bulletin with you? I mean, you're not particuarily handsome or anything....
Peter: :crack: Well geez, way to boost my ego! I know I'm past my prime and all, but *voice cracks* must you be SO CRUEL?
Bono: Baby, you're so crueelll.....
Me: SHH!
Bono: :( sorry love, just trying to break the tension...
Me: it's okay sweetie, it's just that you're interrupting. Now go over there *points* and erm....look sexy or something.
Bono: :D Will do! *poses suggestively in corner of room*
Peter: *stares*
Me: That's it, you're outta here!
Peter: *mutter* fine.... *leaves*:grumpy:
Me: :tsk: Anywhooo.....back to the News Bulletin..... Edger fans must unite! Don't abandon your Edge!!! So go! Post pictures of him now! We need PLEBA to be re-Edgified!!!

Edge: Does no one love me? :sad:

And yes, I probaly am insane. :dance:
just to start you off...






Re: just to start you off...

Ashley said:

Awww... that is such a cute pic! :cute: I haven't seen very many recent pics of him without the beanie. I just want to give him a big hug :hug:

... don't mind me... I'm in a wierd hugging mood today :shrug:
erised said:

I usually prefer guys not to wear sandles because most have ugly feet, but there is something so cool and appealing about a guy who can pull off flip-flops. :love:
So erised, you moving on to Edge Country? Larry's nice and all, but come on :heart: :edge: :heart:!! :laugh:

Will post some pictures tomorrow when I'm back at work, the home computer is just way too slow to do any decent picture searching.

And Ashley, you're not insane, just enthusiastic! :dance:
Ashley said:

Peter Jennings: This just in! It seems that there has been a scarcity of Edge pictures on the internet drool bucket of PLEBA as of late....
And yes, I probaly am insane. :dance:

I forgot to say in my last post, Thanks Ashley for starting this Edge thread, we definitely need more Edge in PLEBA :yes: :edge: :yes:
erised said:

:laugh: ...well, i DO have more of a soft spot for the Edger after rubbing elbows with him :wink: but Lar's still my #1 man. :yes:

Oh sure, rub it in :sad:
I was watching the video you made me last night (okay, I watch it like all the time), it so rocks! Thank you so much for that!!! I was totally cracking up over that very scary biker chick hitting on Bono in "Outside It's America."

Now, some Baby Edge...

This picture is just beautiful



My very, very most, most, most favoritist Baby Edge pic...
Jam Jar said:

*falls over from edgie-ness ( dude..i'm even wearing my edge number shirt today- yellow lettering on navy blue..with sequins! woo! it says 10..i didn't even notice that today was the 10th til i got home heheh)
heh...took a pic of it..it's blurry because i had to run to get into view before the pic was taken..and i didn't even notice- i did an edge pose!! hehe
yay! edge day!
erised said:

...but you got to meet the man I've lusted after for 10 YEARS!!! :yes:

For you Dsmith... :edge: nice and large :evil:

:hug: ((((Dsmith)))) :hug:

:hug: erised :hug:
I could never really be mad at you, you are the one who sent me the "Numb" video and all those other goodies. Of course I reserve the right to be completely jealous because you got to meet Edge.
But yes, meeting Bono and having him put his arm around me and gazing into those lovely blue eyes was quite amazing :evil:
erised said:

wot the........ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats what i get for posting before reading the rest of the thread.

:silent: this picture seriously about knocked me out of my chair!!
HOT :mac: HOT :mac: HOT!!!!!!!! :angel: gaaaaah....!!! *still staring*

everyday should be motherfucking edge day!!! :yes:


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