Glastonbury Setlist Party

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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ugh I hate the attitude of this generation where music becomes about a scene and not about the art of it itself. If a band becomes too big, then it becomes 'uncool' regardless of the quality of the music. :doh:

My favorite band is still a garage band. I hate anything popular
ZOMG There is a light that never goes out!

Is it just me, or are these songs a bit slow? The last few have been slightly under-tempo from the usual versions.

All of which begs the question - why are they watching it and talking about U2?


It's amazing the amount of people who hate U2, yet they can never stop talking about them, and i bet the majority will be watching tonight on TV. I so hope the boys just turn all the negative hatred into positive after their performance, which hopefully blows everyone away.
Oh, and Mr CK skated out of work a tad early and is now home, so I wont' be able to post during U2's set since he wants to full-screen it on the comp. Not that I can blame him one bit!!!
I'll post to twitter though since I can do that via text. And of course you know I'll be freaking out!!! :hyper::hyper::hyper:
Wow. Less than 40 minutes till the band get on stage. Is this real? I can't even predict what they will play other than the obvious. :hyper: Amazing stream this one is. :drool:
Can someone please post the link as the broadcast in the UK doesn't start until 9:45pm.

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