Fuck Fur

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I've despised PETA ever since they published bullshit info about the PALS program on their website. Without PALS, three of my cats would have been euthanized in a shelter that just doesn't have enough time and space for all the cats that come in. The PALS program gave them a second chance. They were adopted out healthier and better socialized than when they came in. Don't believe ANYTHING PETA says about PALS. It was clear from their baseless accusations that whoever wrote the article had never been to a facility or spent any amount of time with PALS cats.

PETA are freaks.

That said, even if you don't feel sorry for the animals, you should abstain from fur on the basis that it's tacky and UGLY.
My God,how can you live with yourself knowing you just killed or about an innocent animal They are beautiful and should be left alone

I ran over a baby snake accidentally about two weeks ago. I guess I can't live with myself anymore.
The Sad Punk said:

I ran over a baby snake accidentally about two weeks ago. I guess I can't live with myself anymore.

Yes, but you didn't kick the snake and then skin it alive with your bare hands.
Penn & Teller did a funny episode on PETA on one of their Bullshit! episodes on Showtime. The head lady is quite the whack job. And the organization itself is very secretive & cult-like.

That being said, they do keep people discussing the use of animals for research, and the disgusting meat & fur industries. So it's not all bad in my book :shrug:

I ran over a baby snake accidentally about two weeks ago. I guess I can't live with myself anymore.

intentionally would you beat a dog in the head with a baseball bat for it`s fur... I`m just saying...
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Zoomerang96 said:

if you want to look at an organization that wants to make a difference, maybe take a look at greenpeace. they're not a laughing stock, and people respect what they have to say.

:yes: My cousin works for Greenpeace UK, she would be disgusted to see that video.

I never realised how awful PETA were, i knew they were thought of as a bit of a joke but reading that article that Butterscotch posted about how the head of PETA should resign sent chills through me. Taking animals that people thought would be looked after and killing them. :sad:

Watching the video posted i only managed to watch about 10 seconds. What that guy was doing to those poor animals at the beginning was horrific. :sad: Animal cruelty makes me so :mad::sad:
not that i like fur or anything... you certainly won't see me walking around like walt clyde frazier anytime soon, but i'm curious to know how many of those who are so disgusted by anyone wearing fur because of those videos eat, oh i dunno, meat, chicken, fish?

what... it's not okay to cave an animal's head in for a coat but it's peachy keene to do it for a steak?
The animals on the video were skinned alive, kicked, slammed into the ground, and had their necks stood on.

I'm not a veggie, but I don't eat much meat. The most meat we have is venison, which my dad and brother shoot. They certainly do not skin deer alive, hold them down by standing on their faces, kick them, and slam them into the ground. They are clean kills. My brother shot a buck this weekend that had porcupine quills all over his face and was infected and obviously in a lot of pain. Not that I need to justify hunting, but that deer was likely spared a slow and painful death.

I don't eat a lot of fish b/c I don't really like it and since it sort of grosses me out, I need to know exactly where it came from. I only eat my dad's salmon.

I do like chicken and if I knew where to get humane (if there is such a thing), affordable chicken locally, I would.
but the difference is that if you eat an animal, is to live, to survive...

the fur thing is just self-loving, discusting ego trips and a claim for the spotlight at the expense of another living beign
pepokiss said:
but the difference is that if you eat an animal, is to live, to survive...

the fur thing is just self-loving, discusting ego trips and a claim for the spotlight at the expense of another living beign

well one doesn't need to eat animal meat to survive, and i would imagine the appeal of fur began hundreds and thousands of years ago when there weren't many other options.

i'm just playing devil's advocate... i don't wear fur and vegiterians disturb me. i'm just saying that the way in which they kill animals for food is pretty damned disgusting in it's own right, yet many who are sooo disgusted by fur because of how it's made have no problem whatsoever chomping down on some mcnuggets, despite the fact that chickens are more or less boiled and decapitated while very much being alive.
What about Native Americans who used Buffalo fur or rabbits fur to keep warm during the winter months, should we condemn them for those actions back then? No its about survival. Now in todays world yes we don't have kill animals for fur and we should not in the first place now. Peta can also kiss my ass. I watched that video, the least they could have done is kill the animal first before ripping the skin and fur off.
What I have a problem with is the new generation of celebrities who don't have a problem with it... JLO, Beyonce, 50 Cent, etc...

People like this who have no earthly need to wear fur other than some fucked up antiquated concept of status symbol.

Because of them the average kid on the street wants to get in on the trend and it sickens me...
i only watched a few seconds of that video and i found it appalling. those people are heartless.

i'm a veggie, but i really can't stand PETA. they almost killed my friend's sister when they tried to blow up her building. those bitches have no credibility whatsoever. they want to preach about animal rights but they could give a shit about human rights.

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