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Lies, don't feel bad - on average I'd say at least 1/2 the cats that I see in the course of a day of appointments are less than cooperative. Unfortunately many owners escalate things getting upset themselves, putting their hands in the cats face etc. We really worry about people getting bitten by their own cats in the office, I don't think we would ever have an owner get their upset cat out of a cage.

It's not really abnormal in our minds for cats to be on less than their best beahavior, most cats are already worked up from going in the carrier and then going in the car. If they can't bite/scratch/get away, naturally they are going to try to scare us away by growling/yowling or just continuing to try to get away. If the cat is very upset, it's best to have only the doctor and an assistant holding the cat - we've seen owners get bitten trying to help because the cat just sees a hand or an arm to chomp and won't realize it's attached to mom or dad. For cats that are really stressed out, they get to have a quick nappy time!
The one time my dad was told to go back and get her was the last time we boarded her. Apparently she refused to come out of the cage for a week and was generally a holy terror. As I said, that was the last time we boarded her. It's too stressful for her and she's getting older now.

Worf doesn't try to bite the vet when I take her for shots. She just crouches down on the exam table and won't even stand up, she's so scared :(. And she sheds like crazy at the vet office :huh:. I have a lot of trouble getting her into the carrier to go to the vet, but when it's time to go home, it's amazing how eager she is to get in the carrier :lol:.
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Any cat I've ever taken to the vet sheds like crazy. It's from stress. And yes, both of my cats are real quick to get back into the carrier when its time to go home :lol:
Mia always sticks her paws out so no one can get her out of the carrier. She always hisses at the vet, too. The vet always calls her MYa, I've given up correcting him finally after 6 years.

She sheds a lot anyway, but it's especially bad at the vet's. She's lucky she doesn't have to go back for a bit!
I got my reminder notice this morning from the vet - both Columbus and Jewel are due for their vaccinations. Last year Ian and I took them together and it was bedlam!! This year I think I might take them seperately.

January is a shocking month for us with vet bills - Dakota had his vaccinations and check up on tuesday and now both the cats are due. Might have to do one this fortnight and one next fortnight to spread out the cost;)

Columbus is going to cost me a fair bit i think - his teeth are getting pretty bad now he's getting older - he's already had 3 pulled out. Doesn't help that he has NEVER eaten dry food, and won't go near chicken necks or anything else that might be good for his teeth - silly cat!!:(
Ok, so I downloaded Picasa, had been hearing good things about it and seeing as I'm too dumb:der: to use photoshop properly, i thought it would be a good idea.
Anyway, I had a little bit of a play around and this is what i came up with:



mandy1973 said:

hmmmm...depends how old the kids are...are they past the squirming, screaming stage?:wink:

well, the 1 year old will scream and the 4 year old will squirm so...not really? :lol:

you'd think 2 cats, 2 kids and a dog would be enough. but noooo. we want 2 more kids and are planning on getting a second dog before too long.


Bad news. Actually, worse than bad news. Our cutie kitty's owner (my roommate) is going to be moving next semester to live with her boyfriend in a different state. And her bf "hates cats." :sad:

And, our landlord has decided that no more pets next year. So where does that leave our baby? Back to the shelter he came from. The same shelter that said he's not good with humans. The same shelter that said he'd be put to sleep if no one adopted him.

Watching him scamper around our living room chasing his toys right now.... and jumping up on the couch every few minutes to snuggle with me.... it breaks my heart. The sweetest little thing ever.
Ok like are you kidding me? Put up ads on craigstlist, local papers, find him a home, ask your friends. Why would you take him back to the shelter??? They're going to put him to sleep :down:

How can your landlord just decide 'no more pets' after allowing pets??? This just doesnt sound right to me. You should move and take the cat with you, or better yet your friend should kick her boyfriend to the curb. She adopted this cat! PETS ARE NOT DISPOSABLE!!! Sorry but this makes me angry.
Cool, Mandy! Don't you just love it? (Picasa)

I like the saturation on the middle photo.

A tip for the black & whites, to create more of a contrast (less of the gray), increase the shadow and do one or a few of the glow options. IMO it tends to make the lighting look more professional than simply removing the color from the photo.
Babydoll said:

Bad news. Actually, worse than bad news. Our cutie kitty's owner (my roommate) is going to be moving next semester to live with her boyfriend in a different state. And her bf "hates cats." :sad:

And, our landlord has decided that no more pets next year. So where does that leave our baby? Back to the shelter he came from. The same shelter that said he's not good with humans. The same shelter that said he'd be put to sleep if no one adopted him.

Watching him scamper around our living room chasing his toys right now.... and jumping up on the couch every few minutes to snuggle with me.... it breaks my heart. The sweetest little thing ever.

Do NOT let her dump him at the shelter. She adopted him, so at the very least, it's HER responsibility to re-home him (and by home I mean HOME, not shelter or rescue).

Otherwise, talk to the landlord and ask why the rules have changed. Maybe ask if you can pay a pet deposit, or just plain pay. When I wanted Beckham, I had to pay $300 (non-refundable) and the landlord said she would accept that for us to have pets. Or, threaten to move elsewhere.

That's a really, really bad idea adopting pets into long term relationships when the other person doesn't like them. Phil and I pick out our pets together (well except for Posh b/c she was a birthday present from myself). We've talked more about our current and future pets than possibly having children!

If he goes back to the shelter, he'll be put down. Most shelters have a three day turn around on cats that have no home (more like five days if they are not sure where the cat is from). Since he's not a kitten, it's extremely unlikely he'll get picked, unless they happen to be having an adoption open house or something. It doesn't matter if he's healthy and litter trained. He's not a kitten anymore, and most people adopt kittens or cats with some sob story (like the cat was on the local news for being saved from a storm drain).

Or she can just admit she's a lousy person and drive the cat over to me :shrug:
Liesje said:
Do NOT let her dump him at the shelter. She adopted him, so at the very least, it's HER responsibility to re-home him (and by home I mean HOME, not shelter or rescue).

Otherwise, talk to the landlord and ask why the rules have changed. Maybe ask if you can pay a pet deposit, or just plain pay. When I wanted Beckham, I had to pay $300 (non-refundable) and the landlord said she would accept that for us to have pets. Or, threaten to move elsewhere.

That's a really, really bad idea adopting pets into long term relationships when the other person doesn't like them. Phil and I pick out our pets together (well except for Posh b/c she was a birthday present from myself). We've talked more about our current and future pets than possibly having children!

If he goes back to the shelter, he'll be put down. Most shelters have a three day turn around on cats that have no home (more like five days if they are not sure where the cat is from). Since he's not a kitten, it's extremely unlikely he'll get picked, unless they happen to be having an adoption open house or something. It doesn't matter if he's healthy and litter trained. He's not a kitten anymore, and most people adopt kittens or cats with some sob story (like the cat was on the local news for being saved from a storm drain).

Or she can just admit she's a lousy person and drive the cat over to me :shrug:

A freaking MEN! Nothing makes me angrier than people who adopt animals and them dump them back at the shelter when the animal no longer 'fits into their life schedule'. I would totally move for my cats if I had to. I would not even DATE a guy that hates cats or that would not allow me to bring a cat into our home. There is just no way I could ever give up any of my cats, ever. I'd live in a freaking cardboard box with them if I had to. I know I might sound a little extreme, but I know I am not the only person that feels this way.

I dont know what part of Minnesota you are in Babydoll but here is a list of tons of shelters in MN. AS A LAST RESULT, at least have your friend pick one that says NO KILL next to it.

If she gives a crap at all about the cat she will drive if she has to, to take him to a no kill shelter rather than the convenient down the street shelter that will euthanize him.
:banghead: :banghead:

It really irks me that people are so caviler about getting rid of their pets as soon as they are a nuisance or are no longer in fashion any more or are too old...

This is a living, breathing little creature who has thoughts and perceptions and a soul as far as I'm concerned and they should not just be treated as garbage if they become difficult to deal with. ARGGHH!!! :banghead:

What if your roommate had a baby and her new boyfriend hated kids? Would she give it up for adoption? Why is a cat any different really?
Even the no kill shelters can be terrible. Like the one where we got Eden. They had 225 cats in just a few rooms. There were so many (because of the no kill policy), they were all sick and had other health problems, they didn't get enough food or clean litter and were fighting for space. It was so unhealthy I contacted the local police. I realize they have good intentions, but those conditions are not healthy for ANY cat or person and if the cat is not getting any attention or proper care, it will just become feral and unadaptable anyway.

I would take this cat and find it a real home, but she would have to bring it or ship it to me. Considering how unfair she's being, that's not really asking a whole lot.
Oh I totally agree about finding the cat a real home. Though my local no kill shelter is nothing like that at all. I got Saki there and there was plenty of space for the cats, it wasnt over crowded and he was perfectly healthy, so I'm sure they are not all like you describe (which sounds horrible). I am just offering that as a last resort. She shouldnt be giving him up in the first place, but if she absolutely has to she should advertise to find it a home, I mean come on, there are tons of free websites you can advertise. You can put up signs at your local vets, ads in the paper, even a foster home or a friend, friend of a friend. Dumping the cat back at the shelter is the 'easy' way out :down:
Yeah. I would definitely visit the shelter before signing the cat over. Had we known how bad our local no-kill shelter was, we would have done something a lot sooner, before it got out of control. We don't regret adopting Eden. She was fatally ill, though we didn't know it at the time, so it was good we gave her a calm, stress-free home while she was sick.
:hmm: I might try that Picasa programme sounds good and easy to use. :)

I can't believe your friend when you adopt a pet you take that responsibility on. At least try re-home it and don't leave it at a shelter you know where they will put it down. :( I'd have the cat but i'm on the wrong continent, in UK. :(

Hope she finds it a good home BD.

Regarding the cat that you and your other roomies will still have. Try what the others said. Pay a bit extra or see if you can move. My Mum paid extra money to stay in a not so good flat ( it was the only 1 that would take children and pets) so we could keep our cats and dog when i was younger. There was no way she'd be parted from them.

I love all the Cat pics in this thread. Some beautiful cats. :cute:

Goes back to lurking mode. :wink::lol:
I was basically gonna say what kelly said. If the pet is already in the home, how can the landlord make you get rid of him/her? Seems quite unfair. Check the rental agreement - maybe there's rental laws too to check :shrug: I hope the kitty finds a good home :sad:
thanks for the tips on the photos :) I'm very excited - i've just ordered a new camera - 12x optical zoom, image stabilisation and all the rest!!! No doubt there will be a flurry of photo taking here next week when the camera arrives!!!

As for people treating animals like a toy you can take back to the store:mad: :mad: Don't even get me started!!!!!
The landlord said no more pets next semester - after the little incident where poor Max got locked out of the house and was stuck down in the basement. He was stuck down there for 2 days after his owner (my roomate) was careless enough to let him get of our apartment and run downstairs, and then she went home for (I think) New years Eve and he was left down there. The landlord discovered him and also the fact that he had peed there too... and wasn't too happy about it and told my roomate to clean up the basement and deoderize it, etc. A couple days back, he came to us and said no more pets. He said, what if Max had been locked out for a longer period of time? He had a point though. He's pretty adamant about not allowing any more pets, - owners pets, guest pets, visiting pets in our apartment next academic year, which is from August 2007. And my roomate is moving to a different state like I said, and since her new bf doesn't like kitties, she figures the easiest thing would be to give him back to where he came from. :|

However, I am the only other roomate out of the 4 of us besides Katie who loves cats, and I'm trying hard to find him a home.... So far nothing has worked out.
have you put up notices yet? contacted grooming salons and boarding kennels to see if they can help seek a safe new home?

the cat doesn't have to go back to the shelter, and really, this shouldn't become an issue even. there's countless other avenues for you to pursue.


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