Dumb things you do but should not do list

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Dec 17, 2004
South Bay, Ca
For me

1. Smoking cigs ( but Ive cut way back)

2. Drive with shoes off

3. Talk too much also ( I have a deep voice and people hear me thru walls, lol)

4. Crack my neck every 2 hours pretty much.

5. Chew ice, my Mom said its not good for your teeth.

Lets hear yours
Okay I'll play:

1. Stay up too late on here and not get enough sleep cos I have to get up early for work. :|

2. I sometimes buy vegetables with the intention to eat home cooked food. Then I end up eating outside to save time and throw the rotten veggies in the trash. I don't do this a lot though. :reject:

For me:

1. Smoke
2. Buy stuff on ebay when I'm broke
3. Get mad over the Internet (hahahhaaa :| )
3. Get mad over the Internet (hahahhaaa :| )




Texting and walking :doh:

Do you run into lampposts on a frequent basis?
Yell at traffic
Curse too much
Eat junk food as a meal
Go out in the sun without sunblock
Spend money I don't have
I pull faces and carry on at people when they're not looking. Like last weekend, for example, I was paying the husband's soccer game fee and the bitchy manager snatched the money and stalked off with the shits about something so I pulled faces at her behind her retreating back. I'm incredibly mature. I also patronise people. Like, all the time. My SIL loves to state the obvious, so I love to be dumbfounded back at her. It's my very grown up way of saying, "thanks, captain goddamn obvious!"

I'll probably get punched by someone with the severe shits one day.
1. Overthink matters/not follow my instincts more closely

2. Waste way too much water taking long, long showers

3. Give my roving eye free rein

4. Drink espresso vodka or Root (organic liquor)

5. Want to undermine a good thing

6. Speed

7. Compare

8. Deal with personal problems all on my own/refute the need for interdependency

9. Lose touch with family and friends for (too) long stretches of time

10. Squander minutes trying to think of one additional item to list just so that I can end on an even number :|
I freak out for no reason

I ten to speak before I think

Over think way to much which leads to me exploding afterwards

I want something I get it and I'll do whatever it takes to get it

I put the milk in the cupboard or turn stale instead of the fridge

I sometimes spy on my ex's or old friends that dont talk to me anymore

I make fun of people behind their backs or mock them particularly females the ones that think their shit dont stink and are the most beautiful of them all " omg becky look at her butt" "like OMG this alfit makes me look so sexy" Like OMG who cares

I tend to fall for things easy

I put to much stuff on my computer I don't need just because everyone else has it
Text without thinking

Text while drunk

Put my foot in my mouth in general
1. Smoke

2. Drink too much on a night out.

3. Bite my nails (oh, it's too satisfying to give that up!)

4. Belch in public

5. Going to Macdonald's when I'm too lazy to cook

6. Curse

7. Post stuff on Interference when I should actually be in bed
trust the wrong people

email after ambien :yikes: this is worse than drunk texting by the way

go days on nothing but coffee *ahem

occasionally obsessive about working out/ accomplishing whatever it is I've decided on.

insisting on doing things myself that clearly require help.

Lose track of really good friends.

I don't say no enough, wear myself out blah blah

oh and I don't back up my hard drive :uhoh:
< STUPID!!!!!!!!!!
Never EVER EVER EVER ask someone " when is your baby due"? Did it yesterday, my friends Bbq, it was her cousin. oops she wasnt pregnant. Boy did I feel like shite! I pulled a total Larry David ( curb your enthusiasm) and paused in silence and I said "chip"?
(offering her chips and dip, lol, curb fans will get it

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