Donald Trump for President of the USA

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of course he didn't spend $2 million hiding it. why would he? the thing that gets me the most is this: when i got a job at a freaking fast food restaurant, i had to fill out an i-9 form. do people have that little faith in the government that they'd be like "what's that, mr. president? you don't want to fill this out and provide proof that you were born in the united states, one of the few qualifiers we have to be president? oh well, we can just take your word for it.".

i've never understood why people think obama lied about being born in hawaii, what proof do they have that he would've lied? yet their last nominee was someone who wasn't even born in one of the 50 states (though on u.s. soil, true) but these "birthers" didn't bat an eye over that.
i think he keeps the birth certificate hidden just to give these people an opportunity to further prove their insanity.
I don't know how the birther issue is a win for Trump. Is he that isolated? Or that dumb?

He talks about his ability to speak about trade and debt issues with China, but then blathers about birth certificates, newspaper announcements and hospital room numbers.

Talk about China moron! I'd listen.
New York Observer, April 14, 2011
[Talk1300] host Fred Dicker, who is also the New York Post's state editor, read a recent poll showing Obama's sky-high support among African-Americans. Trump said the numbers were troubling and pointed to Hillary Clinton as proof that he probably won't get the kind of support among African-Americans that he deserves.

"I tell it like it is," Trump said. "[Y]ou'll hear a political reporter go on and say it had nothing to do with race. But how come she had such a tiny piece of the vote? And you know, it's a very sad thing. I have a great relationship with the blacks. I've always had a great relationship with the blacks. But unfortunately, it seems that, you know, the numbers you cite are very, very frightening numbers."
It hurts to watch. Though I'm not sure why.
Well I heard he's not really white.

Seriously, can you imagine if Obama had said he'd always gotten along great with the whites, and how troubling and frightening it was to see so many of them voting for Hillary?
I'm not sure what's more offensive - the idea that he actually buys into this crap he's playing up in the media, or that he's just bullshitting to play to a specific portion of voters.

haha...Donald Trump!
I have enough respect for the American public to know this guy will never be elected. Same goes for Palin.

I know both of these characters are popular amongst a certain percentage of US citizens, but...come on.

If Trump or Palin were elected president, I might just move off this Earth. Hear me NASA? Just suit me up and send me off. I'd partake in whatever weird outer-space experiment you wanted me to, just get me out of here.

There is no way that Trump is running for real. Or if he is, he's delusional. All this 'birth certificate' stuff is the kind of thing some out-of-touch millionaire flake would settle on... his advisors probably came back to him after he demanded they find him a sure-fire hit issue to harp on, and since they don't give a shit any more than the rest of us do, birth certificate it was.

He's not even a plausible business-mogul candidate. At least your olden-days Rockefellers and the like could make a few handwaves in the direction of patrician duty.

These freaks that are getting around lately, they make George W. Bush look like fucking Eisenhower. But he wasn't, so it's pretty bad (for them).
Well I heard he's not really white.

Seriously, can you imagine if Obama had said he'd always gotten along great with the whites, and how troubling and frightening it was to see so many of them voting for Hillary?

No, we were just bitter and clingy.:D
So, I'm mostly ignorant of the media laws regarding political stuff, but isn't there a little problem with Trump announcing his White House intentions on his network TV show?

(or announcing a press conference to announce)
These freaks that are getting around lately, they make George W. Bush look like fucking Eisenhower.

right? i used to say that W Bush made Goldwater look like Lincoln.

the downward spiral continues. sure, you can whip up enough nativist froth to win a mid-term election ... but when these are the candidates you have for a presidential election, when these are the candidates who are the supposed leaders of your party, you know you've got some issues.
So, I'm mostly ignorant of the media laws regarding political stuff, but isn't there a little problem with Trump announcing his White House intentions on his network TV show?

I think he already said he wouldn't be announcing it on his show because he wasn't allowed to.
I agree that DT is not going to run. He is a sick joke, using this as a publicity stunt to get ratings for his show, which has fallen in the ratings recently.
Remember the fight he started with Rosie O'Donnell on the VIEW way back? If you notice these stunts pop up during the SWEEPS period when it's make or break time for ratings. He is a publicity whore. Totally.
"I'm sorry if my email offended anyone, I simply found it amusing regarding the character of Obama and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth. In no way did I even consider the fact he's half-black when I sent out the email. In fact, the thought never entered my mind until one or two other people tried to make this about race. We all know a double standard applies regarding this President. I received plenty of e-mails about George Bush that I didn't particularly like yet there was no "cry" in the media about them. One only has to go to YouTube or Google Images to see a plethora of lampooning videos and pictures about Obama, Bush and other politicians. That being said, I will NOT resign my Central Committee position over this matter that the average person knows and agrees is much to do about nothing.

"Again, for those select few who might be truly offended by viewing a copy of an email I sent to a select list of friends and acquaintances, unlike the liberal left when they do the same, I offer my sincere apologies to you – the email was not meant for you.

some people have no fucking shame.
I hear the same kind of dishonest excuses and dissembling from my middle school students all the time. It's a shame so many adults never manage to develop more integrity.
The economy is fucked, the banks are fucked, and America is losing its world superpower status by the day. America is quite literally getting poorer by the day, as the dollar crashes and precious metals continue their seemingly unstoppable rise.

While not all of the above is the President's fault, Christ, some of it did happen on his watch. The last two and a half years, specifically.

In critiquing Obama's presidency - and in theory, I'm all in favour of critiquing his presidency, as I think he's been absolutely rubbish - I would have thought the mainstream right would come up with better ideas than "blacks are close relatives of monkeys." How wrong I was.
I liked how he is unable to offer a "sincere apology" without taking a jab at the left.

Not being an asshole: you're doing it wrong. TWICE.
In critiquing Obama's presidency - and in theory, I'm all in favour of critiquing his presidency, as I think he's been absolutely rubbish - I would have thought the mainstream right would come up with better ideas than "blacks are close relatives of monkeys." How wrong I was.
You are overestimating the mainstream right.

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