Death Cab Album Leak & Review Thread

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War Child
Oct 10, 2004
In the headlights of a stretch car...
It's leaked apparently. I'm having a hard time finding the whole thing, though. Anyone have it yet? I'll write a review on it, once I get the whole thing.

As for now, though, Marching Bands of Manhattan is what I have and it's a fantastic track. It sounds like it could fit well with transatlanticism (the song). It builds to a climatic ending and Ben's vocals are as good as ever.

Soul Meets Body is growing on me, i've found myself randomly singing the buh-buh part at times.
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i went: transatlanticism --> the photo album --> need to get the others...

i love the two i own though and am very excited about the new album. let us know if you find a good source!
Se7en said:
i went: transatlanticism --> the photo album --> need to get the others...

i love the two i own though and am very excited about the new album. let us know if you find a good source!

That's how I went album wise too. I also have that recent live EP, it's very good. Excited for the new one, I'm holding out for the album (then again, I dont download leaks or any kind of full albums)
u2popmofo said:

That's how I went album wise too. I also have that recent live EP, it's very good. Excited for the new one, I'm holding out for the album (then again, I dont download leaks or any kind of full albums)

i generally won't download albums either, but i did download the sigur ros leak and will probably download this one if i happen to come across it. i'm strapped for cash right now and it's the only way i can hear some of these releases for now. i always buy what i like and delete what i don't care for. being as i'm trying to get into the music industry i'm a pretty upright citizen when it comes to the whole downloading thing.
Just started the record and as soon as ole Ben started singing I got this big shit eating grin on my face.

I love Death Cab
Great Album... I've only listened to it full once, and i was half asleep, but the main theme is "who's going to watch you die" and "who will follow you into the dark". Pretty deep stuff, and its quite melancholy, tons of piano which I love.

The songs that stand out - "What Sarah Said", "I Will Follow You Into The Dark", "Marching Bands", but my list of favorites will probly change soon...

Ben's vocals might be the best than they've ever been on this record, it was very standout. Chris got to rock the piano a ton more. Nick has some very complex bass lines, he seems to get more action. Jason is has some great drum beats but is more of a background player most of the time.
could you point me in the right direction to maybe accidently stumble onto the album?

or at the very least...spin me around blind folded with a donkey tail and see what i come up with?
Se7en said:
could you point me in the right direction to maybe accidently stumble onto the album?

or at the very least...spin me around blind folded with a donkey tail and see what i come up with?
se7en...blindfolded... :drool:

i would like directions also. :flirt:
I'm putting it on a CD so I can listen to it while I'm driving where I may drive to tonight. That will really get me aquainted with it.
New Observations after a week of listening -

Your Heart Is An Empty Room is suspicously U2-sounding....

Brothers On A Hotel Bed is incredible, i love the soft acoustic gutiar strumming in the background, it adds alot to the song.

Ben Gibbard is the highlight of this album, the lyrics are some of the best he's ever done.

What Sarah Said is by far, my favorite - it gives me chills. I worked out the opening part on the piano.

Overall great album, not quite as good as trans but its growing on me.
Fantastic, fantastic album. I need to listen to it a few more times to see how it compares to Transatlanticism, but it's very solid. "I Will Follow You Into The Dark" is definitely my favorite track, very beautiful.
i finally have some time to sit down and listen to this properly, and i'm really enjoying it. i'll definitely be picking this up. :up:

standout tracks after the first listen:

marching bands of manhattan
different names for the same thing
i will follow you into the dark (had to love the 'from bangkok to calgary' lyric)
someday you will be loved (for cheesy, sentimental reasons :slant: )
what sarah said
Ooh! Just discovered this thread!

Yeah, I've just started listening to Death Cab For Cutie. I have Transatlanticism, and I absolutely love the music on their. Especially "A Lack Of Color."
Upon first listen, not feeling this album in slightest bit. There are some highlights but overall, a step down from Transatlancism.

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