Current Work-Outs

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I work out six days a week, I just taught myself how to punch a speed ball (I just looked it up on YouTube)...

I'm getting sum excellent definition in my arms! It took me about 3 weeks to get it, but now I have pretty good rhthym

Other than that, I do 30mins on the treadmill (4 miles), 30mins of cardio, 30 mins lifting, 15 mins speed ball, 30 mins in the sauna doing situps, pull ups and crunches.

But I can't seem to lose weight, which it making me really upset :(
Can ANY guys here do pushups with just one arm? (think of Demi Moore in GI Jane).

Yes, but it's mainly using the proper balance and technique, not necessarily strength.

But I can't seem to lose weight, which it making me really upset :(

Everyone goes through funks or hits plateaus from time to time. It's important to not give up, you'll end up finding something that works for you. Just don't stop working out, as that's when you really run into problems.
Everyone goes through funks or hits plateaus from time to time. It's important to not give up, you'll end up finding something that works for you. Just don't stop working out, as that's when you really run into problems.

Over the 3-4 months, I have seen positive changes in muscle definition, the way my clothes fit, my endurance...

All because I have a lot of extra time on my hands now that school is winding down...

But I have maintained the same body weight for the past 3 years, I'm not overweight to say the BMI is actually below the norm...

I just don't know what else to do! I eat extremely healthy; I work out 2-3 hours a day, what more can I do? I change my work outs every week and a half to confuse my muscles and prevent boredom...but that doesn't really seem to do much
Maybe don't think of it as weight. For some people, the muscle they've gained ends up washing out the fat they've burned, so their weight doesn't change. It doesn't mean you still haven't burned fat and gotten stronger!
^I agree. I've lost somewhere between 15-20 lbs since January when I started on my new diet (not an actual "diet", but an overhaul of the type of food I eat) and exercise plan. I say 15-20 because I know weight can sometimes fluctuate from day to day based on many factors, and scales aren't always 100% accurate. I've basically cut out most processed foods and all junk foods (chips, crackers, pop, chocolate, ice cream, etc) from my diet. I'll treat myself to my favorite Chai latte from Starbucks once in awhile or some dark chocolate once in awhile. That'll probably switch to ice cream once a week or every other week in the summer. My one unhealthy indulgence, if you want to call it that, is sugar free French Vanilla or Hazelnut Cream in my coffee. I've switched to pure Stevia instead of sugar. It's an all-natural sweetener. I eat only whole wheat pastas or bread, and brown rice. I alternate between eating spinach and regular ice berg lettuce for salads, which I have for dinner at least 3 times a week with grilled chicken breasts, tomatoes, beets, sometimes feta cheese, and I make my own Good Seasons Italian dressing with olive oil. I try to make either chili/or a meat loaf once a week with ground turkey breast. I don't eat much beef anymore. I eat baked salmon once a week. I eat a baked sweet potato with only pepper on it once a week. I eat a lot of frozen vegetables with no additives with my dinner a lot of nights. I prefer them steamed. I eat fruits, raw veggies, and raw almonds for a snack. I eat plain organic yogurt with honey and either 2 scrambled eggs or a bowl of regular oatmeal for breakfast. I've cut out most alcohol (I've never been a big drinker) except for special occasions. I drink coffee once, sometimes twice a day. I mainly stick with lots of water and green tea. I really do feel better when I eat clean like this. My skin looks great, my hair has improved, and I just have more energy. I'm still doing Zumba daily. I also do Pilates, and I've added in some Biggest Loser work-outs to switch things up. I'm hoping to try pole dancing soon (Thanks Kaf!), and yoga. I do some weight training a couple days a week, but mainly I stick with Pilates for strength training. Back in high school (I'm 21 now) I dieted obsessively and exercised to the point of burning myself out in order to be as skinny as possible. I hated everything about myself, and eventually I gave up. After I graduated up until a few months ago I lived mainly on junk and I rarely exercised. Such is the life of a college student, I guess. I was never what one may call "fat", but I was definitely above my ideal weight for my height (5'4"), and I just didn't feel good. This time I'm doing things the healthy way. I have no interest in being as skinny as I was when I was 16. I look back at pictures of myself from that time, and I'm disgusted. I still have roughly 10-12 more lbs to lose to be exactly where I want, but I'm not beating myself up over it. My body has changed so much since January. I've gained muscle, lost fat and inches, and just have a more fit appearance overall. I have a more hourglass shape anyway, so I'll never be able to look like a model. It's just not in my DNA. My grandma has really been the root cause of all my body image issues (I'm not going to get into that here. I've already written a novel), but just focus on health and the way you feel, oraroundabout! That's so much more important than the number on a scale, I've learned. Feel free to PM me if you need some support because I definitely know how you feel. I've been there myself many times.:hug:
^15-20 pounds! That’s awesome!

Back in high school (I'm 21 now) I dieted obsessively and exercised to the point of burning myself out in order to be as skinny as possible. I hated everything about myself and eventually I gave up
The story of my freakin life, but I will never give up...know why? Because I convinced that I'm addicted to that "high" you get after a good workout.

I have an hourglass figure as well, I think I just have to get over the fact that I will never be 5'9 and 115 pounds again LOL, after freshmen year...HELLO HIPS (ARGH, my most problem area…actually my lower body doesn’t seem to match my lower)! It bothers me a lot, and a lot of people don’t seem to understand…

I just want to lose 5 pounds! But no matter what I do, I-can't-lose-it...the closest I came to that goal losing 3 pounds after getting my wisdom teeth pulled in January. But I’m getting really strong and toner every day, and for the first time, in a long time, I don’t feel so bad about myself (And then I watched Lady Gaga's "Telephone" music video :lol:)

I cut out all sugar and processed food as well, but I had ice-cream and potato chips at a party recently and I felt so sick! :p
^15-20 pounds! That’s awesome!

The story of my freakin life, but I will never give up...know why? Because I convinced that I'm addicted to that "high" you get after a good workout.

I have an hourglass figure as well, I think I just have to get over the fact that I will never be 5'9 and 115 pounds again LOL, after freshmen year...HELLO HIPS (ARGH, my most problem area…actually my lower body doesn’t seem to match my lower)! It bothers me a lot, and a lot of people don’t seem to understand…

I just want to lose 5 pounds! But no matter what I do, I-can't-lose-it...the closest I came to that goal losing 3 pounds after getting my wisdom teeth pulled in January. But I’m getting really strong and toner every day, and for the first time, in a long time, I don’t feel so bad about myself (And then I watched Lady Gaga's "Telephone" music video :lol:)

I cut out all sugar and processed food as well, but I had ice-cream and potato chips at a party recently and I felt so sick! :p

I used to be the queen of the binge. I hated myself so much that I would just eat constantly. I can remember eating an entire container of Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia and a large bag of Cool Ranch Doritos a couple years back. I did that fairly regularly. One of my favorite things used to be going to Taco Bell at 10pm and ordering a the Mexican Pizza combo even if I'd already eaten dinner. It makes me sad looking back on it, but I just didn't care anymore. I was so sick and tired of being the girl that always deprived herself and made myself run one more mile on the treadmill even when I was literally sick and exhausted. I'm never going back to either extreme. I definitely don't find myself craving those foods nearly as much, but if I feel like digging into a Sweet Cream with sprinkles and Oreos at Coldstone once in awhile this summer or having a small bag of Doritos from time to time, I'm not going to deny myself. If I feel like having a couple slices of pizza once a month, I will. It's all about moderation and living a healthy life overall.
I used to have a horrible habit of weighing myself everyday. Now if I do step on the scale it's just once a week. In fact I don't even really pay attention to the numbers anymore. Used to drive me insane when it would fluctuate and make me feel bad about myself. Now I just go based on how loose my clothes fit and fitting into smaller sizes. Know I have developed a lot of muscle and am toning up. For me that is confirmation that all of my hard work is paying off.

Hang in there OrAroundabout :hug: You are living a healthy lifestyle and that is what really matters :)
I really want to take a kick-boxing class. My friend Talia, who I run with, is down for it.
I have an hourglass figure as well, I think I just have to get over the fact that I will never be 5'9 and 115 pounds again

This is my problem as well. Gymnastics was such a huge part of my life for so long....when I stopped, I got fatter not only because I wasn't working out several hours a day, I was bored, depressed, didn't really know what to do with myself or my time, didn't have anywhere to channel my energy. Also I've always loved food and I tend to eat more when I'm nervous, not less. So no more working out, lots of sitting around in class or studying, constantly being stressed and eating = ugh, fat. I can't even look at my wedding pictures, and at the time my BMI was still in the normal range, but it was just not *me*.

Now that I've basically devoted my life to training dogs it is starting to fill that void where gymnastics was. It's not that training dogs keeps me as active as gymnastics did (it does to some extent), but it gives me a *reason* to be healthier and more in shape, it made me want to lose all those pounds so I can go out there and compete with my dogs and not feel like a fat slug.

I never, ever thought I could actually do it but once I committed to it I lost 25 lbs in about 4 months a few years ago and never felt better. Still not quite the same weight or physique as when I did gymnastics but dropped 4 pant sizes. I LURVE shopping too so that was an added bonus!
i'll agree with what U2popmofo said. even a little workout 3 times per week is better than nothing. my wife and i have been doing about 20 minutes every other day of ab work, and i lift weights as she does other stuff. we've already noticed a difference in the first month.
absolutely. i torrented that shit hard. :angry:

Your physical fitness has been unjustly acquired!

Everyone's bodies react differently to different types of exercise. Yoga just makes me sleepy, other people swear by it. It's all relative, you have to find what works for you.
Britt, you rock :hug:

Can ANY guys here do pushups with just one arm? (think of Demi Moore in GI Jane).
:hmm: I'll get back to you on that.. :shifty:

I think yoga is probably the best workout.

I do yoga and run 3 times a week.
I'm doing yoga three times per week now, with pole 2-3 times per week. Love it. Hot yoga is amazing, but I'd encourage anyone wanting to try it to research the studio and try a few. I've been to two now that I loved, and then went to one last night that was absolutely brutal. TOO hot. I felt like my body was doing more work trying to cope with the extreme heat and not pass out than the actual workout.

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