Check this out. U2 mensioned at audiospotlight site.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


The Fly
Jun 23, 2004
Damn I cant post links.... sorry you have to type it in yourselves:

"We're currently working with U2 to design an Audio Spotlight system for rock concert applications - imagine the same kind of effects used for sound that are already used for lights"

This is cool... Maybe its old news. They have got a picture of Bono, Edge and Eno I think on the site.

Looks like a really cool thing that this company has come up with. Think the effect would work best in the same way as Bono used his flashlight on Bullet on Elevation tour. Maybe together with a spotlight, so you really can see where the sound is in the arena.

How cool wouldn't it be with a totally darkened arena, and just this beam of sound with the intro of Streets "in it" that searches its way around, and then when it gets to you, then you know whats gonna come... :) Talk about a powerful build up to the song... The more I think of this, the better it gets...
This was reported on @U2 awhile ago. I don't think people were very happy about it. I have no idea what the Audio Spotlight system really does, but people on @U2's forum believe that guitar sounds will be transmitted to certain parts of the audience, while others wouldn't get to hear it. Therefore, making it unfair. Like I said, I don't pretend to understand it, but that is what it appeared as to some people.
From what I have understand it works just like an ordinary spotlight, but with sound. I wonder how they do with reflections of the sound though, and how that will affect the sound.

Most likely it will only be used as an effect that enhances the sound at some places... and it will probably be backed up by "normal" sound too. I don't really get the thing with it being unfair, isn't it unfair that people on the worst seats in the arena just see the band as small dots?

I think I will like this new technology :)
Sounds interesting, however I would like to see it for myself before passing judgement. It sounds like if used effectively, it would be awsome, but could easily be used in a way that would short change people going to some events...
Those people who were "upset" about the possibility of that technology were actually just speculating about how it would be used and they really had no idea how it would work.

If I remember correctly, someone said they doubted this technology would be ready by the time of the next tour, and that put the issue to rest.

However, it would be very cool if they surprised us and were able to integrate the technology into the show in somehow. I don't think anyone really understands how this spotlight would work yet in a show, but I am sure that if it unfairly takes away from some of the audience's experience, it will not be used. But I think if it gets used, it would be in a groundbreaking manner.:scratch:
Well I am not all that sure how it is hoing to work although a have read a bit on it.. I think basically it is used as an addition for example beaming sound to parts of arena which normally wouldnt have the same quality as say if you were in the first section of a concert or like the sound is right there in front of your face flying by like a spotlight.. basically to even things out and the distort them if you want.. for example the idea of having the sound of Edge's guitar fly over the audience.. it is a real great idea and it's not that when the beam pointed in your direction the rest of the audeince wont be able ot hear the guitar at all.. but to that particular spot it will be like hearing an enhanced riff or effect.
I think it's a brilliant idea... hope it's on board for the next tour.

anyway thats what I get from the bit I have read I could be off way off, but it sounds very exciting
I got an email respone from the guys at, my email comes first then their answer:

I read at your website that you are currently working with U2 in developing a audio spotlight system for rock concerts. I was wondering a few things about this...
Can the beam of sound be moved around in the arena like a
Could you tell me a bit more about the cooperation with U2?
What part have they had?
Will they use it on their next tour?

Thank you very much!



I appreciate your interest in our Audio Spotlight technology.

The application would basically be a 'sound show' that effectively acts as does a light show - with sounds beaming around the areana, across the fans, in choreography with the music itself. U2 is working with us to develop these ideas, while we scale up the hardware to make it happen. It hasn't been decided whether this will be in their next tour, but we're working on it.

Best regards,

Dr. F. Joseph Pompei

I think that is good news :)
Looks like it will be used more or less like we thought. Hope they will use it on the next tour.

I thought it was said the technology would not be ready till the tour after "Solar/Vertigo/Hanover Quay" one.

But that does sound interesting...
I like it very much

the next move should be to really enhance the sound at rock shows
we've gone far enough with the visual aspect

and it would be sort of fitting if U2 were on the frontline of this one also
(since about every major rock show the last 10+ years borrows heavily from ZOO TV)

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