"Can't help falling in love" *Story for Mullen-Girl* 1st Chapter

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Feb 18, 2002
The left side of Ana's brain
*The boys are rehearsing on a studio in Texas, on a cloudy and cold day of december*
Touch me, take me to that other place
Reach me, I know I'm not a hopeless care
What you don't have you don't need it now
What you don't know you can feel it somehow
What you don't have you don't need it now
Don't need it now
Was a beautiful day

*The Edge's final riff finishes the song and Bono raves*

Bono: That was great. Very very good. *applauds*
Adam: So now can we go? I'm getting kinda bored.
Bono: Weeell...
Edge: *rising his voice* Oh please, Bono!! We've been stuck here for 10 hours! We humans need to rest y'know?
Bono: *laughs* Wadda ya say, Lars? Should we stop or should we continue?
Larry: *shrugs* Whatever you decide is fine by me. *lights a cigarrette and walks towards the door*
Edge: Thanks for the support, Larry!
Bono: *snicker*
Larry: Yeah. Whatever. *exits the room*
Adam: Well that was odd.
Edge: What?
Adam: Larry.
Edge: What about him?
Adam: Didn't you notice?
Bono: I know. Is it the "whatever" thing?
Adam: Yeah. You know he never answers like that.
Edge: Hey, you're right. He didn't FOAD me as usual.
Bono: Maybe he still isn't feeling good. You know after his breakup with Ann he hasn't been the same.
Adam: Yeah.
Edge: That has to be it. Poor Larry
*Larry re-enters the room and asks* So what will it be? Are we staying or not?
Bono: Nah. I guess we are done for today. Besides, Edge and Adam appear to have an "urge" to leave.
Edge: Y'know we deserve a good rest, Bono.
Adam: Well not me. I'm still up for some action.
Bono: Oh really? I thought you didn't knew any girls here in San Antonio.
Adam: *LOL* Not that kind of action as far as I'm concerned. I'm clubbing tonight. Anyone wanna come?
Edge: Thanks but no thanks. I'm very tired and I'm planning to sleep the night away.
Bono: And I need to finish my speech for the meeting with the U.S. president. Maybe next time, Adam.
Adam: And you Larry?
Larry: I'm not in the mood, man.
Adam: Oh, C'mon Larry! You need some distraction!
Larry: I said I'm not in the mood, Adam. I'm going back to my rented apartment. Have fun *puts on leather jacket* See you tomorrow guys *walks out of the room*
Edge: Talk about being moody.
Adam: Oh fuck! Now how the bloody hell am I supposed to have any fun?
Bono: Here... *Hands Adam a book*
Adam: *reads cover* How to reach an "Orgasmic Sexperience"? *grins* Where did you get this?
Bono: Edge lent it to me.

Edge: *bluuuuuuuuuuuush*
Adam: oooh! So that's why you...
Edge: Oh just shut up Adam!
*Adam and Bono LTAO*
Edge: *looking through a window* We should get going guys. It's starting to rain.
Sounds great!! I can't wait to hear the rest. As much as i love and respect the girlfriends/wives, I loooooove stories that start out that they recently split up. You know that they will end up goooood!!

"OH, SINNY- er,um- SPINNY!" (freudian slip?)-JulyFly

"Here I go and I don't know why
I spin so ceaselessly
Could it be he's taken over me????
Originally posted by Princess Bononoke:
*lights a cigarrette and walks towards the door*


"The bass player's got it. The bass player's fucking got it." Bono, Boston 6-9-01
I'm going to let this be the story for today for right now cos I don't know what to write about for PLEBA mansion LOL...*writer's block* UN BLOCK MEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Yes Larry smokes btw

THE Larry Mullen Jr Page

Member and Creator of Larry's Angels Harley Club.

"I hit things for a living. I hit things and people clap!" --Larry


Larry: Get me off this fookin booooooooos!

[This message has been edited by Mullen-Girl (edited 02-21-2002).]
I GOTTA READ THE REST...i have a paper to write tho..

hahahahahaha@orgasmic sexperience!!!!

id love adam to perform for me..wearing only cologne and a smile

oh i'm unblocked from other things now lmao

Ana ya gonna finish the story this morning or until tonight? Just out of curiosity? LOL
*huuuuuugs* *melts* I can't wait to read the rest girlie....you're doing a wonderful job...I just got off of work and reading this made me feel better thank you
Ok here it is...


*The night is falling whileLarry is riding towards his apartment on a rented motorbike when heavy raindrops begin to fall*
Larry: Fuck! This is fucking great! I'm a mile away from the apartment and I still need to buy some groceries. Now where can I go? *spots a store near the road and pulls over* HEB store. Wonder if I'll find what I'm looking for ...


Cristy: *yawn* Oh man! What a boooooring day! Rainy and with no customers. *Yawn* Guess it's just you and me *kisses the Larry photo on her wallet and sings to it I know this lad, the sexiest MOFO... FOAD man... I think I know who I want ... I think I know who I want... I think I know who...
Larry: Excuse me? Can you help me? *snarls*
Cristy: *speechlees for a moment* Oh... My.. God...
Larry: *rolls eyes* Yeah. I can tell you know who I am by that picture *points the photo on Cristy's wallet*
Cristy: Oh! *blushes and hides the wallet* I can't believ...
Larry: Yeah Yeah Yeah ... Whatever. Remember I asked you a question? You haven't answered yet.
Cristy: *shocked by Larry's rudeness* Oh. Umm... yes. Yes I can help you. What do you need?
Larry: Where can I find the cereals?
Cristy: In the 4th aisle. There *points towards*.
Larry: *dryly* Thank you. *walks away from the counter*

*Cristy stood still. Incapable of moving a muscle and staring in awe at him. She felt so... so... weird. She could be smiling widely, screaming like a mad woman, telling him how much she admired him, but she couldn't. Larry's attitude wasn't helping a bit . She felt dissapointed. But still, joyful to be so lucky. He was there. Larry Mullen Jr. was there.
Larry noticed Cristy's staring. Thing that made him even more irritable*

Larry: *thinking* Why is this girl looking at me that way? Man I've gotta hurry before she tries to tackle me or something

*Larry picks a cereal box, some energy bars and a carton of milk. He's walking towards Cristy when she blushes again and realizes she's been staring at Larry all the time he's been inside the store. He notices her checks are very red and can't help but smile. Cristy almost passes out of emotion. He smiled at me! Cristy tought*

Larry: Is there something wrong?
Cristy: *Sheepishly* N... no. Is that all you're going to purchase, Mr. Mullen?

*Larry nods and takes out his wallet when ZAP! the lights go out on the stablishment and all the block. It's already night and the rain is heavier than before. Larry stays still and hears Cristy moving things*

Cristy: Aha! Here it is!
Larry: What?
Cristy: This *turns on a hand lantern* I think we'll be needing it *puts the lantern on the counter*
Larry: Good. *puts his wallet on the counter and grabs the lantern to light his watch* Fuck! It's very late and I'm stuck here! Bloody rain! *snarls*
Cristy: I hear ya.

* I'm such an hypocrate! Cristy thought. If only Larry knew that she was so happy to have him there. Trapped and with no way out for a while. The thought made Cristy grin and Larry noticed*

Larry: What's so funny? *intrigued*
Cristy: *looking for an answer* I... I just pictured a... a big meal, yeah. I'm really hungry *smiled convinced*
Larry: *buying it* Me too. Here *Hands her an energy bar and he takes another one for him* I guess we'll have to stick to these.
Cristy: Thanks. *grabs the bar and takes a bite*

*They sit on the floor and while Cristy is having oh so beautiful thoughts in her head, Larry remembers he was really rude with this nice girl. He knew he had to apologize for his bad behavior, so he inhaled deeply and took her hands into his own.. Cristy freezed and looked into his eyes. In the eyes! Wow. A strange thing for a Larry fan who just loved his man cleavage*

Larry: I'm sorry.
Cristy: For what?
Larry: For being so rude to you... y'know I...
Cristy: Nah! Don't feel bad about that! I mean, I understand that sometimes being harrased by crazy girls is the last thing you want.
Larry: Thanks for understanding. *blushes* So... what's your name?
Cristy lowered her voice Cristy...
Larry: Cristy... Cristy... Cristy. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.
Cristy: *almost combusting* Tha... Thank you. You too.
Larry: *laughs for the first time* I'm beautiful? I don't think so!
*Cristy smiles and says calmly* You're very handsome. Very gorgeous, Larry.

*Larry stopped laughing and felt very vulnerable. Sure, all his life he has received all kind of compliments. But none has ever sounded as sincere as the one Cristy gave him. He blushed and realized he was still holding Cristy's hands . He let go and stood up, leaving Cristy on the floor. He sighed quietly and walked into the darkness, away from her. She felt he was uncomfortable and pondered about something that could make him feel better*

Cristy: Larry?
Larry; yeah? *looks back and smiles* What's that?
Cristy: You guess. *She made some kind of thing with both hands and with the lantern, it got reflected on the wall*
Larry: Hmmm... I'm guessing that's a bird.
Cristy: Correct! And this?
Larry: Oh please! That's a bunny! Cristy, those are too easy.
Cristy: Oh yeah?
Larry: Yeah! They are!
Cristy: Well I dare you to make something even more difficult than that
Larry: *snicker* My pleasure! *He twirls and bends some fingers until he develops a misteryous form* Now tell me : What is it?
Cristy: Ummm.. Ermmm... A...
Larry: yeeeeeeees?
Cristy: It's a... It's ...
Larry: *hums the Mission Impossible theme*
Cristy: STOP THAT! *laughs madly* I'm gonna guess!
Larry: I don't think so, you'd better give up
Cristy: Never! *after 5 seconds* Ok I give up *sighs*
Larry: BWAHAHAHAAHAHA!! I knew you wouldn't guess!!
Cristy: Just tell me what is it!!! *pouts*
Larry: *still laughing* It's a Harley, Cristy! A Harley!!! *keeps laughing*
Cristy: A Harley?? BWAHAHAAHAHA!! that thing is everything but a Harley, Larry! You suck at this!! *LHAO*
Larry: *stops laughing* I what?

*They both keep laughing for a while when the power comes back*

Larry: Oh shite! My eyes! *rubs his eyes*
Cristy: *looks into his eyes* Larry! Your eyes are really red! Have you been sleeping enough?
Larry: Not really. In fact: I've been sleepy all day long.
Cristy: *looking thru the window* Well the rain has ceased. Maybe you should go home and rest.

*Cristy said that without thinking. And when she noticed that this wonderful dream was about to end, her eyes got all watery and wiped them before Larry could see the tears*

Larry: Are you sleepy too, Cristy?
Cristy: Kinda.
Larry: Well, I guess I'd better go before it rains again.
Cristy: *nods sadly*
Larry: Would you like me to sign something? A CD, a photo? something?
Cristy: *containing herself from crying* Nah. Don't worry. After this experience, I don't need anything. But thank you.
Larry: What are you talking about? You've been so nice to me and you don't want anything? No way. I'm gonna give you a little something *reaches for a hidden pocket inside his leather jacket and takes out a pair of concert tickets* Here. Take these. For tomorrow's concert. Front row for you and your boyfriend.
Cristy: I don't have a boyfriend.
Larry: *smiling without helping it* Well for anyone you would like to take with you.
Cristy: *taking the tickets* Thank you so much.
Larry: No, thank you for being such a sweetheart. It was a pleasure meeting you. *shaking Cristy's hand* Take care and see you in the concert.

*Cristy just noded. She was incapable of opening her mouth. She was sure she was going to cry and she would look like a wuss in front of him. She watched him walk through the door and leaving the parking lot. Until he disappeared, she was free and let the tears run on her cheeks. She cried and cried non-stop until the time to go home arrived. She wiped the tears from her eyes and looked towards the counter, when she saw him for the first time on that night. But then she noticed something: Larry's wallet was on the counter. He forgot his wallet! Cristy thought. She took the wallet and put it on her purse. It was late and she felt too tired to "inspect" it. She forced to close the stablishment as fast as she could to head home, still with her head filled wit hall kind of mixed emotions,*

*Larry arrived at his apartment and went straight to bed. While the answering machine played Bono's and Edge's messages, Larry couldn't help but think about that girl: Cristy He tried to remember the last time he felt so good in the company of a woman, but couldn't. She wasn't posing for him, trying to be liked by him. She was so natural. And the most important thing: He was himself when he was with her. He smiled, turned on the radio when an Elvis song was playing, and in few minutes he fell asleep. With the image of Cristy on his mind*
damn that was a good story...it had me on the edge of my seat!!!!!!

id love adam to perform for me..wearing only cologne and a smile
I can?t wait ot hear the rest of the story. This is so cool !

"The bass player's got it. The bass player's fucking got it." Bono, Boston 6-9-01
Awwwww that's ok girlie...i'll wait...it's the weekend I can be on the puter now
*huuuuuuuuuugs Ana* Mil gracias por la historia...me encanta y me hace sentir super mejor
Anaaaaa donde estas??? No me dejes en suspenso jajajaja
No te creas...es que esoy leyendo la historia por la 5ta vez hoy...Esperando a que escribas otra cosa

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