Bono With Eyeliner

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I think shaggy hair, puffy shirts and leather pants were considered normal at the time.

As a person who is close to Bono's age and very much a teen at that time, I can say that perhaps shaggy hair was the only "in" thing about his look. :)

And, maybe on stage I'd give him leather pants (although red leather??).

Puffy shirts were never in. :no:
the significance of make-up on Bono

this may sound strange but I am encouraged by the fact that Bono has done something rather odd with his image in the Q mag shoot (really the first major shoot for the campaign). I believe Bono is at his best when he is engaging with the characters in his head and exploring them in all their strenghts and weaknesses. Since ATYCLB Bono has gone for the earnest rocker approach with his image and songwriting, as a result I believe that the songs have suffered. Bono's constant Bonoisms have pigeon holed the band and taken away from the post modern layers the band created during the 90's. Bono is at his most fascinating when he takes on a persona like the fly or the devil. His lyrics become insightfully ironic and hold more truth than anything from the last two albums.

So to see Bono in make up doing something a little different is most encouraging. I hope he is taking on the role of post modern prankster he does so well. The Q snippets suggest that the songs are more character driven again. Here's hoping that avant garde U2 have returned and these so called innovations are actually that...innovative.
" We're going after the younger audience this time too," i hope the eyeliner isn't linked to this line :lol::lol:Bono Emo :D
Q Photographer: "Bono, ever seen A Clockwork Orange"
Bono: "Stanley Kubrick's a genius hey"
Q Photographer: "Righto then, do you know the character Alex?"
Bono: "yeah...he decends into hell for a bottle of milk"
Q Photographer: "well here's your bottle of milk...the makeup artist is over there"

I'm sure it was Q mags idea and Bono & the lads just went along with it. Nothing more.
^ No, I don't think so at all. I'm sure Bono has some ideas and concepts about what he wants to try out. As Adam said in the video, he's experimenting with different personas. We don't know if he has a clear concept of what it's going to be in the end, but I'm pretty sure this is his idea. I don't see much going on with the other three, though.
I find the way Adam stares in the distance on one of the Q pictures to be a reference to no line on the horizon and :blahblah:
You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

That's the significance, 2008 campaign-style.
Bono experimenting with lyrics, et cetera is not a bad thing, and I think (hope) we'll see a lot of that on NLOTH.
Since ATYCLB Bono has gone for the earnest rocker approach with his image and songwriting, as a result I believe that the songs have suffered. Bono's constant Bonoisms have pigeon holed the band and taken away from the post modern layers the band created during the 90's.

I think that we're basically at a similar point now to where we were after R&H. U2, the positive, earnest, world-saving rock band need to shake things up a bit. It seems like they know that. We'll see how shaken up things get. I'm not expecting The Fly or MacPhisto at all, but we might see something a little different---at least at the start of the album promo & early tour.
Q Photographer: "Bono, ever seen A Clockwork Orange"
Bono: "Stanley Kubrick's a genius hey"
Q Photographer: "Righto then, do you know the character Alex?"
Bono: "yeah...he decends into hell for a bottle of milk"
Q Photographer: "well here's your bottle of milk...the makeup artist is over there"

I'm sure it was Q mags idea and Bono & the lads just went along with it. Nothing more.

most likely
" We're going after the younger audience this time too," i hope the eyeliner isn't linked to this line :lol::lol:Bono Emo :D

This is the one thing that I am worried about for this album (singles at least). It makes me cringe when I see a 9 year old's (!) cell phone go off with a terrible pop song she sings a long too. I can hear it now "Crazy tonight...hehehe" blah!
Well if there were ever a perfect time for Bono to play with different personas and characters it would be now. If most of the album is written in the third person, then the songs would lend themselves to such a thing.
You know I think the opposite. In the video we saw first, you could only see it a little which was more of a wtf moment. But now that it is seen in the full blown closeups of a photoshoot it makes alot more sense to me. It does look like a character, or at least something that is meant to mean something. If he were wearing any less it would be more like, huh... is he wearing makeup?? Not sure how to explain my point here, except maybe that the exaggerated amount makes more sense than if it were subtle.
Can't wait for the new single to arrive - then I guess noone will bother writing and/or reading in this thread ...(266 posts, you guys, come on :))

Come single ....

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