Bono, Larry, Adam & Edge's thoughts on their faith

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Forum Moderator, The Goal Is Soul
Nov 14, 2000
Miami, New Orleans, London, Belfast, and Berlin
Carrie...thanks for the quotes. I remember reading some of the ones you mention here. I also remember reading some from U2 At The End Of The World as well. I will have to check for those later and see if they differ from the ones you have here. Again thanks!

Originally posted by oliveu2cm:
"People expect that because I am a believer that I somehow have all the answers. And I was saying that really I have more questions, as a result of being a believer, and the road I am going down is a road with many side roads, and you get lost along the way and I dont feel that Im a very good ad for God,
y'know. If ever there was a sinner there is one here." -Bono

I feel that way a lot of the time! In my class at school I was always the one who could pick out the Biblical references in literature and history and all...So people knew I was a believer. And they expected me to have all the answers all the time. One time a couple of people were questioning me really intensely and I was getting flustered so I said, "Look, I'm not an expert. I don't know everything about God. Don't ask me!" I regret saying that now because it shut those people off from me. They were afraid to ask me any more questions about something they really were curious about.
It's things like this that make me realize what a sinner I can be sometimes, and just how imperfect I really am! God does keep me humble.

And your earth moves beneath
Your own dream landscape

You can dream, so dream out loud!

"The way to be optimistic is not to shut your eyes and close your ears." -Bono

Create Light, Create Unity, Create Joy, CREATE PEACE!
I have a bunch of quotes by them about their faith, and thought it might spark some interesting discussion. I know that none of them would or has ever come right out and talked about it- they do not push it down people's throats. But this is what they have said:

"It took U2 fifteen years to get from Psalms to Ecclesiastes, and it's only one book!" -Bono

"People expect that because I am a believer that I somehow have all the answers. And I was saying that really I have more questions, as a result of being a believer, and the road I am going down is a road with many side roads, and you get lost along the way and I dont feel that Im a very good ad for God,
y'know. If ever there was a sinner there is one here." -Bono

"All the best songs are co-written by God, y'know!" -Bono

"I think it's the spiritual strength that's essential to the band. People have got to find their own way. I'm not into standing up and saying, 'hey, you should be into God!' My own life is exhilirating through an experience I feel, and I feel there's no point in talking about something which should be there in your life anyway. You don't have to preach about it. " -B

"Three of us are Christians and Adam isn't. That doesn't mean we're going to say to him at any time, you're not in the club." -B

"I'm frightened, but I'm not cynical or pessimistic about the future and a lot of that must come down to my beliefs. It is my belief in God that enables me to get up in the morning and face the world. I believe that there is a logic and a reason for everything. If I didn't believe that and thought that everything was simply down to chance, then I'd really be afraid. I wouldn't cross the road for fear of being run over." -B

"People would love to sensationalise our beliefs until they meant nothing. Three of us are committed Christians. We refute the belief that man is just a higher stage of animal, that he has no spirit. I think when people start believing that, the real respect for humanity is gone. You are just a cog in a wheel, another collection of molecules. That's half the reason for a lot of the pessimism in the world." -B

"Can you imagine how it feels to believe in Christ and be so uncomfortable with Christianity? The church is an empty, hollow building. It's the edifice. The established church is the edifice of Christianity. It's as if when the spirit of God leaves a place, the only things that are left are the pillars of rules and regulations to keep its roof on. And we are more and more claustrophobic around organised religion. I used to think I could walk into a Protestant or Catholic church or whatever and just be at one with myself and the surroundings. But we are... it's as if the way we are outsiders in the music scene we're outsiders on every level. We get flak from everyone. We seem to be walking this line, and whenever we cross it either way it's a long way down, on either
side, to fall. And I don't know how we're still there, but it takes it all away to talk about it too much." -B

"It's not all of our beliefs and not everyone in the band believes in the same way. There are things I just don't want to talk about. I'll talk about them in music, the way I feel about things comes out on-stage. There are things that don't go well coming indirectly from other people. " -B

"I have no trouble with Christ, but I have trouble with a lot of Christians." -Edge

"I am a Christian and not ashamed of that.
But trying to explain my beliefs, our beliefs, takes away from it. I have more in common with somebody who doesn't believe at all than I do with most Christians. I don't mind saying that." -Larry

(I thought I had more here... maybe I'll find some more later)

"Songs are the language of the spirit... the melodies are how you sing to God. It's a deep language. But they can't explain everything, because really great songs touch places that you can't explain." -Bono

U2 Take Me Higher

MPS: "Evil shouldn't look this good"
Question: "If you were lonely in the middle of the night, who would you ring? Apart from the obvious? If she wasn't in."
Bono: If God wasn't in- (laughs)

"Wanted to meet God
but you sold me religion"
BP: Do you believe in miracles?
Bono: Yes. Most people who make music see the spirit move in some way.
"Sex and music are still for me places where you glimpse God. Sex and art, I suppose, but unless you're going to get slain in the spirit by a Warhol or Rothko, I think for most of us art is music."
"Having played God for most of the 80's, I thought it would be fun to play the Devil. [McPhitso]"
"Fear is the opposite of faith."
"Listen, I'll talk to Jesus. I'll talk to the lady at the check-out there at Kmart. I'll talk to anyone."
OK, so you want to design a great rock'n roll group? So, you're gonna choose guys from
Ireland, right? (laughs) No, you're not. You're gonna choose people who talk about religion and politics? No, you're not. I mean, we're a fluke. Rock'n roll bands are about giving people what they want. And what they want is often "Wow! Yahoo! Let's dance!" and "Do you hink I'm sexy, do you want my
body," that type of thing. And that's not what U2 are about. And I don't know how we've gotten here. All I can say is, I haven't figured it out. No wonder the critics haven't. (laughs)
"Music is magic, magic is religion and some night it's a religious experience playing with this band. It's not about the tunes or the words or the shoes. It's about magic, and magic in a digital age is something to get excited about." -Bono, 2001
"God is in the room, more than Elvis. It feels like there's a blessing on the band right now. People say they're feeling shivers - well, the band is as well. And I don't know what it is, but it feels like God walking through the room, and it feels like a blessing, and in the end, music is a kidn of sacrament; it's not just about airplay or chart position." -Bono, 2000
"Get that old Catholic guilt working for you!" he jokes. "Look at this amazing room and this view of the city. I may have a sore head from drinking too much, but when I come in, when I see the sun come up from here, it still brings me to my knees. I'm amazed that music, something you're born with, has given me such a life. What saves you finally from arrogance is knowing the thing in life that's given you the most was itself a gift."
-Bono, 2001

"Songs are the language of the spirit... the melodies are how you sing to God. It's a deep language. But they can't explain everything, because really great songs touch places that you can't explain." -Bono

U2 Take Me Higher

MPS: "Evil shouldn't look this good"

"The way I might look at you" ~Adam
Hmmm...just going back through the history of this forum
and thought that these were worth bringing back to the top.

They offer some insight into the minds of the band members...and also some comfort about spirituality.

I've enjoyed them all over again. You should too!

And love is not the easy thing...the only baggage you can bring is all that you can't leave behind.

BONO: FOAD, Lawrence. Just FOAD. (LOL, Mona)

Create Light, Create Unity, Create Joy, CREATE PEACE!
"People expect that because I am a believer that I somehow have all the answers. And I was saying that really I have more questions, as a result of being a believer, and the road I am going down is a road with many side roads, and you get lost along the way and I dont feel that Im a very good ad for God,
y'know. If ever there was a sinner there is one here." -Bono

Aha! That's the quote I was trying to find for the Macphisto thread.

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