Best pwned moments in U2 history

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Graceland chick losing her job for letting Larry sit on Elvis' motorcycle = pwned, beotch!
Radiohead wanting $80 for a hardcopy of a cd = all of us pwned

oh, wait...wrong section....
nuke126 said:
ZooTV Sydney "Daddy's Gonna Pay" = Adam's scared reaction to money canon pwnd


Opening night of the Popmart= U2 pwned

Electric Co. on the Vertigo Tour = Larry's drum kit pwned
hahahaha this thread [especially the first page] is so nerdy but fucking great!

but did the graceland lady really lose her job?? :huh: yikes!

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