Any Italians here? Help needed translating something about the new album

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Blue Crack Addict
Sep 28, 2000
This was posted at by their webmaster Rudy:

Di ritorno da Dublino abbiamo avuto modo di incontrare parte della band che si trovava attualmente in studio. The Edge ci ha detto che alcune canzoni sono ancora da finire, mentre altre sono in fase di arrangiamento. Abbiamo avuto modo inoltre di ascoltare alcuni spezzoni delle nuove canzoni e il suono ricorda ancora vagamente l'ultimo album 'All That You Can't Leave Behind'

From what I can understand, he met the band, and Edge said some songs have yet to be finished, meanwhile some others are in the phase of arrangements (mixing?).
I'm not sure about the last sentence - the new songs vaguely remind of the last album...? :help:
google language tools gave me this

Of return from Dublino we have had way to meet part of the band that it was found currently in study. The Edge has said to us that some songs are still from ending, while others are in phase of agreement. We have had way moreover to listen to some fragments of the new songs and the sound remembers the last album ' All That You Can' t Leave Behind' still vaguely
Reminds the author of ATYCLB? I don't necessarily think of that album as a "rock & roll" album in the way that Bono has been bantering that phrase around recently......
well that's a rought translation... very rough actually... and they did say "vaugley" reminds them of ATYCLB. i'd say that ATYCLB was "vaugley" a guitar rock album... more of a return to their original sound, then say Pop, but not quite Are You Experienced?, to put it lightly.

the Electrical Storm B side vaugley sounds like ATYCLB, but with a much stronger guitar sound on it. So long story short.... who the hell knows.
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I think they probably meant it reminded them of ATYCLB in the way that it's more song than theme-oriented.
Besides ATYCLB had all kinds of sounds and styles, who's to say of what exactly the new songs reminded them?
remember though that the starting point for this album was songs left off of "Behind"......
Most leftovers are unfinished songs not necessarily bad songs. The whole Tattoo You album from The Stones was done with leftovers from previous albums and that happens to be the album with some of The Stones' best songs like Start Me Up and Worried About You. It's also currently my favorite Rolling Stones album. :heart: Anyway I'm sure most of the album must be of brand new material that got them so excited when the Elevation Tour was over. Anybody remember Full Metal Jacket? :yes:
Headache in a Suitcase said:
google language tools gave me this

Of return from Dublino we have had way to meet part of the band that it was found currently in study. The Edge has said to us that some songs are still from ending, while others are in phase of agreement. We have had way moreover to listen to some fragments of the new songs and the sound remembers the last album ' All That You Can' t Leave Behind' still vaguely

yeah, right translation ;)
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