an assortment of thoughts + "a new hope..."

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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There is the short answer, and the long answer. But really, they are both the same, so here it is:

"For Honor" has to do with my outlook on life. I think the idea of being chivilrous and honorable and respectful and courteous is great. (But at the same time, I refuse to deal with false gratitudes and bullshit. It has to be pure and real- that is how I like most things). Ideally, "For Honor" symbolizes a lot of the reason why I do things, or how I act. I base a lot of things on my judgement of what is right or wrong. I am always trying to understand things so I can make the best decision, and I try to consider all parts of the problem before doing making a decision.

I like the ideas of sportsmanship, consideration, marriage, being a man of your word, being honest, things like that.

But I am well aware that many of those things are somewhat "unpractical" in the real life, so they are more like ideals I try to follow. I know I can't "save the world", so I don't really try. "Honor" is sort of an ideal in that it is perhaps one of the few things I say I serve. I wish it were as easy as being a knight, and being able to serve a King/Queen, and fighting off some evil.

But it is not - perahps the only real evil in the world is a narrow mind, I think. And you can't fight that..... you have to... open it.

And I would love to say I am a Christian and serve god, but I can't say that because it is not something that I wholeheartedly believe in. For better or worse, I dislike lieing, and I cannot do something, and put my heart into it, when I do not believe in properly.

"For Honor" has a negative quality in that I probably come off as being self righteous, or stuck up, or "riding my white horse", or a number of other things. I probably do come off that way some times, though I don't try to.

I think I associate honor with truth and what is right. Those three things are sort of intertwined and mean a lot in my life. However, I realize that there is seldom a "correct" or "incorrect" way to be, act, think, or do anything. So I don't really "hate" people who don''t consider things, or think honor is a worthwhile cause, or don't think being honest is worth it. But honestly, I don't get along well with people like that.

Also, I think I have a lot of ambition in regards to the kind of person I want to be. This has something to do with my high standards and high tastes. (again, not to sound judgemental or stuck up, but that is the only way I can explain it). Maybe part of my personality is to detach myself somehow, and try to rise above it to have a sense of security, and perhaps morality is a way for me to do it. I don't know - but I at least try to be honest about my positions.

Integrity is just better for me. It is actually just simpler for me. But I make lies and half-truths, too. I just don't like to do it.

Lastly (?), I think For Honor has to do with my desire to be a positive impact on the world. I don't know what form that idea/desire takes, but it is there. I believe it relates to my preferance for harmony and peacefulness.

Wow, it is so strange... writing this, I really sound like a "Rabbit" (or cat), from the Eastern Zodiac. (Year of the Rabbit). Well, I think I've mentioned that here before, so you know what I am talking about :)

I hope I didn't write too much, but I guess I have a tendancy to express myself in that way. I have a... thing with writing, I guess. I don't like to bullshit, but when there is something I like to talk about, I guess I go overkill.

You will have to tell me about "lady luck", too!
Even if it is only a small reason, I still want to know.
It's only fair
the reason behind my name is far more simple than the one behind yours!
Also for me, there’s a short explanation and a long one.
The short one is: it’s the nick name I was given by a person that is one of my best friend.

As for the long one, here you go: some two years ago, in August, I went for a very short time to Dublin. I just wanted to see the town, breathe it, go around and having it all around. That was something I had wished for so long…
I didn’t tell anyone about my trip -- my parents were on holidays to the seaside, and my sister was away with her boyfriend. So I just packed my things and flew to Dublin.
I had 3 days to spend there and a lot of things to see.
I had a first trip around the city (wow!) and the afternoon I decided I would have liked to see the Liffey and U2 studio. I didn’t want to spend the whole time there -- there are so many places to see, especially if you’re a fan of James Joyce -- . I am a U2 fan, but I prefer listen to their music that spending my time contemplating a close door…
So I decided to just walk by the area, have a look at it and then to go away.
My little problem is that I am able to get lost even in small places… And that’s what happened after I saw the studio. So I sit on the ground and had a look to the map I had with me. While I was there, a guy passed by on a motorcycle. I offered to give me some help and we just chatted for a few minutes. He invited me to go and see him that evening, because he was going to play with his band. Then he said goodbye, because he had to work (he works for a sort of TNT).
I was thrilled at that idea! I went to the B&B where I was to sleep that night and then I went to hear him playing (he was pretty good! He has got a nice voice and can play guitar quite well)
After the show, he came to me and we started chatting about movies, music, plans, hopes, projects. It was very nice to talk with him! As I think I’ve already told you, I love speaking with strangers -- it’s the only time I am really sincere…
He was very nice with me, and walked me home when we left the pub. The problem was that I was wearing wonderful shoes that were not so comfortable. So I did something I’ve never done in a common situation and take them off and carried them in a hand. When he saw me doing that, Kieran started laughing is head out…
Maybe the fact I had drink a little helps explaining it -- I am not used to go around the city barefoot…
Anyway, the inner part of the shoes had a writing, that was “Scarpe Italiane”. Kieran asked me for the meaning, and I translated it to him. It means “Italian shoes”.
We went on and after a while Kieran stopped and said “So it was about you”.
I asked him what he was talking about. This was, more or less, his answer: “Yeah, you know… that song…”
I thought he was totally drunk…I couldn’t understand and I suppose I was looking at his as if he was talking about something crazy…
He stopped and asked me if I knew U2. I said of course I did. And he said “You know, they have a song that is called “Lady with the spinning head” -- well, in one of the alternative version, there are these lines “I know this girl, she’ll cure my blues/She’s the one in Italian shoes”. So it must be you…”
And then he started to call me lady luck -- or just lady.

I know it sounds like a movie, but it’s not…

… And you are the first person in the world to hear this story. Usually, when I am asked about my nickname, I just say “It’s a long story…”. The fact is that I am too jealous of this story and I am afraid that if I share it too much, it’ll be spoiled. Maybe it sounds stupid to you, and maybe it’s really stupid, but that’s just the way I see it.
Hey, I respect it a lot, and am priveledged to hear it :)

Thankyou for sharing. It is a nice story.... "lady luck"

It is cool that you got it in Dublin.
An authentic name
Tomorrow is my last day of classes

All my relationships with people are in a really weird state. And I've never felt more care about someone ever in my life..... it's strange.....

But intoxicating, in regards to a certain special lady.

The summer is such an odd time, and I'm not even there yet, essentially.

New York (state) is so strange, because it is so cold in the winter, and 5 of the last 6 days have been in the 90s, and it is barely even summer yet. So hot and humid here....... uncomfortable, really.

I don't know if I would want to live here the rest of my life or not......

I don't know
I suppose I can understand you.
You know, Milan (Italy) can be the same at times. Especially in summer, it's humid, you can go around and feel incredibly hottness coming from the underground...
But I love this place, even if everyone tells me it is impossible to live here. I'm lucky because my house it's just out of the city, so maybe this has got an influence on my loving it.

Have you planned something for your summer? I mean, trips, visit, holydays...
(sorry it took me so long to reply!! my cpu was acting up... but this is my first post using my new laptop! It is so great, and it will be a huge help in college.)

Yes, hello again.

I am planning on a big family vacation to Maine. I don't know if you are familiar with it or not, but Maine is a state that is on the east side of the USA, the east coast, not too far from New York. It will be my first time seeing the ocean (atlantic), and that is the main reason why we are going there. With exception to my graduation party, which went very well, the vacation in Maine will be the last time I see a lot of my family before college...

Well, I guess I will see them in the fall and winter holidays... but the last time in summer, as a "child". I'm an "adult", techinically, but I still see my role in the family as a child.

The trip to Maine should be really fun, though.

And any summer, as she told me, wouldn't be complete without a romance. So I'm discovering interesting things about love. Distance is hard... but I never even thought abuot being able to love someone, so it is really just a new experience.

So I guess I have a few things going on, but then again, it seems boring. I think with my laptop, and with school being over, I might be able to keep myself busy. Keep myself productive, and sane... I 'm the kind of person that feels better when the have something to do, I realize...

Yes, today was my last "test", ever, ever for highschool. It doesn't matter what I got on it, because I will be graduating with a decent grade and such. But it is nice. It's like... stepping out into the daylight after being in the dark for a very long time.

All I have to do now is go through the ceremony and get my diploma, which I will get Friday. Looking forward to it, and lookingforward to using my laptop alot between now and then :yes:

I think I understand that I'm too young to really be in love with someone, in the real, everlasting sense. It is something you have to wait for, because to me, it involved living together and being together all the time, regardless of distance. And basically I am stil a kid, like I said, and I still have college. I care about one person more than anyone else in the world, but to be real, I guess we both have a lot of life to live. But I hope our bond stays strong over the yeas... she is such a special person... and I can't believe it when she says she thinks I am too... :)

Hopefully, as I begin a new chapter inmy life, I canlearn from my past and not make the same mistakes. I hope I can be brave enough to go into the unknown and excell and work really hard and make my life good so I can have what I really want. This is the time in my life where if I work really hard, then it will make everything else so much easier.

So yeah... I guess I have a lot to consider these days (hah, but what else is new!).

But enough about me -

How are you doing?
what are your summer plans?

What is it like in Milan in the summer, I have always considered going to Italy someday?

Hope you are doing well :)
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PS: in a weird way, I feel more like a kid now than ever before. Maybe it's because I feel more alive or involved or something, I don't know. Or it's just a natural high from being out of school, and finally being able to move on to new things in my life.

I've dreaded highschool for 4 years, the whole time.

And now it's over :D
I hate to sound obvious, but I don't think you're too young. Maybe there's something you're not going to share with the person close to your heart so soon (e.g., living together), but I feel your feelings are sincere. I love hearing you talk about the feelings you have for this girl!

Congratulation for your diploma!
I really understand you: when I had the last one of my final test (you have to do 3 writing tests and an oral one to get your diploma in Italy) I felt so happy, but I also felt a little lost, because it was something that ends and I had to turn the page

Summer in Milan = 35° C at 10 a.m! It's hot, humid, hot! You go around and you feel like walking on the glue, because your shoes stick into the asphalt...

As regards my vacation, I have a great news. With one friend, we'll fly to Miami. we'll be there from Aug. 8 till Aug. 21
And I can't wait for it!!
Even when she teases me, like tonight, it just seems to make me think about her more. I'm always uncertain about things, though I probably shouldn't be. I just have a hard time believing someone cares about me like that. It's pretty amazing. She's a pretty good match for me, I think, because she can balance out my serious tendancies.

I appreciate you thinking I'm not too young, and maybe even enjoying how I talk about her... But I worry sometimes. My intuition tells me that I should stick with it, but common doubts come up sometimes. Sometimes I just get worried that we met too early in life. Perhaps I shouldn't be so concerned about "holding on" to her. But she has played a big role in my life and who I am, so I guess I can't deny that.

I don't know... all I know is that our... relationship... is very unique, and unlike anything I've ever heard of. Sometimes that makes me worry, and sometimes that makes me think of how special it is. I guess only time will really tell what it all means.

All I know for sure is what I feel. And one of my worst fears is that I express how I feel too much, which is odd because I usually am more "quiet". But then again, I suppose there is nothing wrong with honesty. I guess it is better to say what I feel and let her deal with it, rather than hold things back and regret later not saying anything. (I don't like playing relationship games....)

But enough about that.

I've been to Florida once, to Disney World, or Land, or whatever they have there. It was nice. I've neverbeen to the city of Miami, though. I hear it is a very interesting place, with a lot of different people/

I'm sure you wil enjoy, though, at least in some way.

Have a safe flight, and be sure to tell us how it went.

I think I will get the interview for my summer job tomorrow... there is somplace else I would rather work, but I guess work is work. I don't want to work full time yet, so a part time job should be a nice distraction to fill this..... my last summer.....
.... I know I'm not really 'too young' to be in love.
I'm just worried about people around me. Including the object of my affection.

I have never really seen a lasting realtionship from anyone except my grandparents. All three sides of my family have had grandparents each with over 50 years of marriage.

But my mom, father, and stepmother all seem to have such trouble.

And then for me to have such high hopes... I just hope I am not too far ahead of myself. But when I say things like that and read some of my posts, I wonder how I could really be happy! I should just enjoy what I have now, and not worry so much about what is out of my hands....

One of the things I found out recently is that I don't want to feel ashame for my feelings. If I'm in love, or I'm falling in love or I really care for someone, I don't want this to be something I have to hide. Also because, it's quite impossible.

I think one can never know when he'll meet the right person. Maybe he/she exists, maybe he/she can be the right person but not for a lifetime.
I am lucky because I never have to face the separation of my parents, even if for a long while I hoped they do leave each other because it was becoming impossible to lie with them. They had a long period of troubles, but now they seem ok. At least, they don't have a row every moment. they've never been a "lovely and loving couple", but that's ok.

As regards me, I never had a real relation -- just starting points that didn't go on.
And I've been stuck for too long on this guy I've told you about. But now I'm considering the fact that if he really cares for me, he'll come to me and tell me that. I know he would, if he cared.
But maybe he doesn't...

Thank you so much for your interest in my trip!

What sort of job are you gonna do?
You are welcome. And thank you for your interest in my happenings


I had my first real job interview today, and it was pretty cool. I was a little nervous at first, but it was cool - as soon as I walked in the building, I got this real powerful feeling coming over me. I was kind of surprised at how confident I felt.

The interview went really well, but I don't know if I will work there. "Kohls" is a sort of department store, and the only place I would be able to work is in the mens department as a register clerk. Which is okay... but not my favorite. And even then , that store doesn't have a lot of positions or time availible, so I don't think I will work at Kohls

I got an application for another store that I would really love to work at, though. "Borders" is a cool kind of books & music store, and I seem to be going there a lot recently - they are the only place I know that has music from other countries, etc. (I seem to be getting into Asian music a lot lately. But hey, I like Italian music too! FOr some reason.. music from other cultures seems more pure, more real. Especially the more traditional, insturmental kinds...)

Anyways, if I could work at Borders that would be really nice. They even have a "cafe" there, a little section on the side to eat and drink. Borders has a very nice sort of ... intelectual yet comfortable atmosphere... but I don't know if I'd be able to get a job there or not - I don't have a lot of expereince

Oh well. I'll apply anyways.


about relationships - you bring up a good point. I think I will be that way myself. My object of affection is kind of shy in revealing her feelings, so I should probably be upfront with mine more so. I mean, I don't exactly hide them, but I should be more confident and visable with them.

I shouldn't wait for her to be loving, I should do so from the start.. oddly enough, we sort of had a discussion about that today, in a sort of coded way. She doesn't like to say anything is wrong, becaue she cares a lot about thing and really tries to keep people happy. So it's hard to get her to vocalize her likes or dislikes...

But I think what I need to do is just be honest and upfront - I have a bit of an unconditional love, and I should probably be more vocal about that myself. I think she needs to hear that, so maybe she will be more... willing to talk about things if she knows I wil care no matter what. (Which is what I always say anyways, but I guess I should demonstrate it more).

It is kind of hard, becaues sometimes I get so nervous around her, because I care about her so much and always want to try to make the best of what I can give. But I need to be more confident, and not be afraid of being in love, I think.

I never really thought about needing courage in that way. Not until this very moment... hmm...

But at least I am aware of it now, and I can be more courageous in that way....

ah.... to be "Lionhearted"....

More about another time, perhaps

Good luck with your situaiton :)
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You're always so nice!

As for my "situation", I'm going on well with that and I accept the facts for what they are. I have to learn not to wish for things that can't be the way I would like them to.
It's just a way to lose time..

I don't know Asian music. why and how does it catch you?
lady luck said:
As for my "situation", I'm going on well with that and I accept the facts for what they are. I have to learn not to wish for things that can't be the way I would like them to.
It's just a way to lose time..

Yes, I know just what you mean...

About asian music...
I am not sure how it started... well... I guess I am, but I will save that story for a ... separate post...

Basically, it's just very relaxing - the traditional and more instrumental music. It is so peaceful, and very naturally beautiful.''

For as long as I can remember, I have always had two "ideas" about music: 1, I thought music can be a great and magnificent thing. 2, I don't like much music at all.

Even as a child, I always had an odd way of selecting things (ah, another side story, about The Josuha Tree, and "Pride (in the name of love)"). But as a kid, I didn't like much music, and I was kind of isolated in what I liked. My dad, though, was always into music. He used to be in a "rock and roll band" when he was younger, and he was very musical - drums, guitar, always doing something. And what is really great is that he, in my younger years, listened to a wide variety of music.

He liked the bands he grew up listening to, some of his favorites were Led Zepplin, Yes, Van Halen - essentially rock bands. He liked The Police, but really, so much more.

I have vivid memories of him lisetening to a lot of jazz, especially at night. He liked Thelonlius Monk a lot, an amazing piano player. Perhaps it was there that I developed a love for piano - I always say I want to learn how to play it someday... But yes, jazz, rock, easy listening music, James Taylor, and really, just a wide variety of everything. I haven't really named a lot of things, but that is because I don't know a whole of names, either, heh.

So I developed a wide musical sense from my dad. My mom is a huge Rolling Stones fan, and loves Mick Jagger. But that is about it. And my stepmother is more conservative in her music, but she introduced me to Irish music through her Irish background.

She doesn't really know who U2 are, but that's alright


So to answer your question......

My liking of Asian music came about through my widened taste in music, and always looking for quality. I really can't stand to listen to the radio, or watch TV much, because it is so.... things seem very "un-pure". I'm really selective about anything I ever pick out, and I take my time, but once I like something, or find something I like, I tend to like it for a long time, hold on to it.

I'm that way about most things

Asian music also has to do with the culture a little, and the traditional "ideals" of honor, and things like that. BUt that is more or less open to personal interpretation.

I like asian music because it is very peaceful, and also, because it is just different. So much of the music I hear "here", in America, is so repetative. And as far as radio stations go, it is essentially as if we have 4 - new rock, old rock, rap, and variey/easy listening. Oh, and maybe one classical station.

But they are all so unoriginal. ANd the music that is considered popular or enjoyable by those around me just doesn't appeal to me. So I just look elsewhere to get my musical thirst satisfied.

There are not many U2 fans at all around here.

I only know one person who owns a U2 album besides myself :(

Hmm... so how did you come about liking U2?

(PS: Optional reading about "the very birth of my interest in Asian music" will follow. Very in depth!)
Optional Reading

See, it all started with my dad, who teaches martial arts. Wing Chun, to be exact - a special and rare style. But again, I never really connected studying that to asian culture. However, a long time ago, he introduced a CD of Chinese traditional bamboo flute music. And essentially, that cd became my first in my now growing collection.

It is an awesome cd, with great songs and good recording. If you really want to know, it is called "Chinese Bamboo Flute Music", by Laserlight, released in 1993.

The cd more or less came into my possion when my dad moved out after the divorce with my stepmother (everyone still gets along very well, as I have mentioned before). But there was a box of CDs, a huge one, and I went through it and took some gems that shoudn't be lost. I took some Thelonlius Monk and other Jazz music, music from that guy who did the musicfor Charlie brown ( I think it's Vince Guerraldi or something). A few Beatles album, James Taylor, Led Zepplin (the box set!), and some other stuff.

But I was kind of like.... "yeah, I remember that cd..."

Never being much one for consistency, Dad probably played it about 20 times while teaching class, over the course of a month, and after that period, I never saw it again. Oh yes....

And the reason as to why dad wasn't keeping alll those cds for himself... well... he seems to be infatuated with his own culture-of-choice.... I don't have any major issues with it... but he likes rap, and listens to it endlessly. It is kind of sad that he doesn't listen to much else anymore... I wonder if his "mid life crisis" sort of broke him out of his wide range of musical taste, which was passed on to me.

But to each is own, I guess.

It took me a long time to find another CD that I liked as much as that, as far as Oriental music goes. For something like that, especially a new area that you don';t know a lot about, it is important to be able to test the music, the CDs somehow before buying it. I probably could have saved some money that way. But thanks to Borders, and other stores that let me test the CD before I buy it, I have roughly 2 solid albums and 3 so-so albums.

I will have to try to test music out online. And I forgot that I do have a sort of Ipod now, so I can sort of download music that way, and on to my new lap top (both graduation gifts :) ). But I'm not exactly an techonologically advanded being...

But I will learn!

My other "really good" album: "The Very Best of Japanese Music" (various artists) 2004, ARC. I thoght it was an interesting title, and so it was. But the music is great- traditional and peaceful, a very "nice" quality to it. Kind of abstract and offbeat a little, but hey, that is a good thing as far as I am concerned. Much better than 99.8% of the music on the radio, and they only play U2 like 00.05% of the time, which isn't much :(

But of well. My quest to satisfy my rather unusual and uncompromising tastes always continues... I guess I'm rather selective abuot everything. But music is something I like a lot, so I am really meticulous about it. I like a lot of music, it is just few and far between the norms around here.

But hey, that's who I am.

I think that concludes my optional reading. Thanks for taking the time, as always.

And yes, you still have to tell me how you came to like U2.... (or did we already say that in this thread? I better go back and check the other pages :huh: )
Also optional:

Hahaha - I wrote this on one of my very first posts in this thread:

Music - I'm finding that music with regular words, lyrics, classic rock, rock, rap, anything I've heard before - they are all sort of loosing appeal rapidly. It all sounds the same. There are some great songs, but aside from those rarities, it's either U2, or some old classics like the Beatles. The industry is just so.... industrialized, it's not music to me anymore, and that leaves me searching for other things. The Joshua Tree will always be my first and most favorite album, but playing it too much ruins it, like anything else. I'm finding instrumental music best, techno or jazz or anything like that. (I always remember trying to explain that "I like music for music", as in, more than the words, the structure, etc. So I came across this album of "Chinese bamboo flute music" or something, and it's great. It's just instrumental, and they are old fold songs, but they are music, and they are pure. It's refreshing. Maybe it's a deeper level of music, or maybe I've just gotten bored, but it's nice, and I find that with music like that, I can enjoy the deeper things in life more so, and it helps me to see more clearly.

there is the everyday world that I've lived in for so long, but there is a deeper world that I can only get glimpses of, and I'm glad because I think I'm slowly getting closer to that.

I guess that, too, is why I like oriental music. :ohmy:


We've had ourselves a pretty good conversation so far! It is hard to believe we started talking in February!

And also, I forgot you are a Scorpio. I learned alittle more about them now. I am a Taurus, and apparetly we are like opposite signs. Opposite as far as position goes - you are born in Novemveber, and I in May. But apparently opposite signs have a way of countering and balancing out. And I guess that means we would either get along really badly, or pretty well.

Seems like I can talk with you well enough :)


PS: since this is a new page, don't forget to look on the last one, because I answered your questiton about why I like asian music there.

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I swear I've read every word you wrote!
It was an interesting reading, too! So, thanks for sharing

I don't remember if I told you about how I started being a U2 fan. it is my proud to say they were something I found out all by myself. They weren't introducted to me by a boy/a sister/ some acnowledgments... No. It was just something that happen when one morning I heard Beautiful Day for the 1st time.
I don’t remember when I fist heard a U2 song. I mean, I have vague memories of having seen the video of “One” (and I was impressed because the singer was very charming…) and loved the song. I also have vague memories of the hate I had for “Discothéque” when it came out: I used to change the Tv channel and things like that….
I can remember the moment I fell in love with this band. I was in my kitchen and I was waiting for the coffee to get ready. The TV was on because I use to watch Mtv when I’m having breakfast. All of a sudden, a sky with clouds, followed by a close-up of a man with black sunglasses and a fabulous chin came on the screen. The music filled my kitchen and was so great that I was kind of hypnotised. And I forgot completely that the coffee machine was on the gas. I went on looking to the screen and I think I was taken to another place by the joyful music. I felt a sense of liberation, energy, happiness. And I didn’t realises that there was a strange smell in the room. When the song ended, just after I had seen the title was “Beautiful day”, I realised my coffee machine burnt and nearly exploded…

That was the start. Then I wonted more and, little by little, I searched for their old and recent records. The more I knew, the more I wanted to know, so I started searching for rarities, too.
That's all, I think.

Did you watch Live 8?
Yeah, I had a similar experience. I came to love U2 all by myself, too.

Live 8? well, not really :( I missed a lot of it, but I managed to find a lot of the concerts online.

I saw the ones of U2 doing Sgt Peppers Lonley Hearts Club Band, I saw One, and I saw the little bit they did of Unchained Melody

I was kind of disapointed, because the version U2 did of Unchained Melody (as in, on the Best of 1980s-1990s album, on the B-sides disc), Unchianed Melody is a huge favorite of mine. I think u2s version is much better than the original.

It was really the first love song that ever got to me.

It makes me think about someone really special, because we are far away, and I can seem myself signing it to her or something:

Oh my love,
Oh my darling,
I've hungered for... your touch...
A long...
...and lonely time..."

Just the first words of the song have a lot of meaning for me. And Bono sings it so well!

But, it was fitting, and I am not really upset with U2 or Bono for the way he did it. It was a very fitting dedication to Africa, and that is what the show was all about, anyway.

What did you think of Live 8?
I didn't watch it all. but the bites I saw were exciting!
The Italian Tv broadcasted the Roman show, so I didn't saw all the acts that were going on.

I saw U2, of course, and Madonna and Pink Floyd, Green Day and others.

the show was great! Hope it'll be useful!

Unchained melody is a wonderful song -- even if it's a little to sweet for me!
The cd with the b-sides of '80-'90 was very good for me!
I love "Dancing barefoot" and "Everlasting love" so much!!

U2 (or Bono alone) have made a lot of covers I really like -- as Neon Lights, That's Life, Paint it black, Fortunate Son.
These are the ones I prefer!
Yeah, I hope Live 8 will actually do something

If nothing more, I really hope that it will encrouage more events like it. It reminds me of the U2 Go Home dvd. (I have a funny memory)

ANyways, Bono is talking about Slane castle - where the show was for part of there Ireland tour. He says "There shouldn't just be one, two concerts... there should be concerts all year here"

Basically, I hope the same for Live 8. I hope that there are more concerts raising money for global awareness, and every year or every other year would be great. People can change the world that way, if they want to. But I know that is hard to do

Fortunate son - never heard u2 do it, but I like CCR's music. I don't know why, but Lodi is my favorite CCR song. It is more the way the words sound. It is fun to sing a long to, animated, heh.

What is your favorite U2 song/album?
I still haven't decide what is my fav. I have a strong feeling for ATYCLB & Unforgettable Fire, but I don't know if these 2 are the ones I love the most.

What is "Lodi"? You know, it's the name of a town not far from Milan...

It seems too crazy to me talking about common & banal things after what happened in London...
I know it's normal to try and go on, but I have the images of this new tragedu right in front of me and it's like having a heavy stone on my head and heart.
lady luck said:
I still haven't decide what is my fav. I have a strong feeling for ATYCLB & Unforgettable Fire, but I don't know if these 2 are the ones I love the most.

What is "Lodi"? You know, it's the name of a town not far from Milan...

"Lodi" is a song about being stuck in a "low-dive" bar? or something like that. I don't know if you are familiar with CCR - Credence Clearwater Revival. They are a 1970s band who did a lot of southern/country songs here in the US. (Ironically, they spent their entire time in California, on the west coast, and never really spent any time in the south.) But anyways, the best way to describe the song "Lodi" is by the line

"I came into town a one-night stand, and it looks like my plans fell through. Oh Lord, stuck in a lodi again..."

Basically, they guy goes into town as a traveling musician, and it's a poor town, and kind of a "bad neighborhood", and ends up loosing his money, so it will be hard to live the town. It's a kind of bluesy, downbeat song. But I don't know, it's kind of fun - CCR has a way of making songs sound happy with deep/political/or slightly depressing lyrics.

I will try to find some links for you...

"Lodi" - by CCR

"Fortunate Son" - by CCR

They are a part of my wide variety of music I listen to. CCR is an interesting group, but I think their heart and intentions are good. John Foggerty, (spelling may be off), is a true musician who still plays on, even after his band decided to stop playing with him. CCR may have gotten back together, but I don't follow them, so I am not sure. For some reason, though, Lodi is a fun song to sing. I like trying to duplicate the singer's accent and tones. It's very sincere, but you can sing it lightheartedly, which is appealing to me, perhaps. I don't know, it's one of those things where if it is just for fun and lighthearted, it is easier to get into. And from there, I just grew to like it.

But tell me about "Lodi" in Itally!
A song and a town are two different things! :)

(thankyou PDA jukebox for sharing songs for everyone to enjoy. Check out their site, anyone who would like:
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lady luck said:
It seems too crazy to me talking about common & banal things after what happened in London...
I know it's normal to try and go on, but I have the images of this new tragedu right in front of me and it's like having a heavy stone on my head and heart.

Yes, I agree. But life must go on.

I felt so bad for Prime Minister Blair, seeing him address the world at the G8 conference and then returning to London. I think he handled himself well, though, and my respect for him went up a lot. ... (And I think he has the same birthday as Bono, too, May 10th hahaha, so he's a Taurus :wink: ). But seriously, though, I was online when it happened, and I was in the Free Your Mind forum.

I was so impressed by this website coming together and spreading the information, it was actually very nice. A horrible thing for Endland, though. I really hope that it brings the world together, and shows people that we can all come together as one to make the world better - to stop terrorism, to end poverty, and all such things.

The image of the bus being opened like an exploded can will stick with me the most. It is really a downright sickly event, and I just hope that people learn to rise above it. I mean, I think I get less emotional about such things than most, because I'm detached and... well... me...

But just because I don't have an emotional reaction doesn't mean that I endores it. Terrorism is downright wrong and dishonorable. It is truly cowardly to attack the innocent, and especially so when you are doing it out of feeling frustrated or hurt yourself.

taking it out on someonless than you, that is like abusing a child or something similar, which is disgusting (Oh yes, branching off - what do you think about abortion and similar issues?)

But in regard to London, I was very impressed with their response teams and organization. I liked the attitude of the people - they were appropriately shocked, but, it felt good to see a strong people who would continue on with their day, with their life. ONe person interviewed on the news said it best, a nice, tough, older Englishman. He said it exactly right - if people panic and stop living, then the terrorists truly have won, and the people of London were not going to stop living their lives.

Mr Blair had some great speeches too, and I was fascinated by his raw emotion in the words he said, speaking from his heart and without a script at times. Genuine things like that are something I truly respect and admire.

Where were you when it happend, and
was anyone you know involved in the incident?
lady luck said:
I love your new signature -- explain, please!

You really are too kind.
I guess it is clear that I like to explain and elaborate on things a lot, so thankyou for willingly listen to me talk endlessly about things. I appreciate it :)

My new signature...

Well, it was kind of a spur of the moment, instantaneous thing. On my new laptop, which I still don't know how to use yet, I am have problems viewing images. After a ... long time...

I found out how to use a program.

But, the drawing just happened. It sort of started as a joke, and from there it just grew. A certain character in a certain story looks like me and acts like me, so maybe that influenced me. Really, though, I wasn't thinking about it, and because of that, it sort of just came out. I was just doodling, which I don't ever do, because I can't draw for crap. I really am horrible at drawing anything what so ever, although recently I've experiemented a little bit. (of course, probably typical for a guy, my inspration for my recent development of drawing was the female body:D hahaha. I don't draw much, and I never have, but maybe if I do, I'll get better...?). Back to my signature, though - I didn't spend a lot of time on it, initially it took like 3 minutes. I darkened in the eyes/sunglasses later, and that was about it.

For a long time, I have wanted to get a digital picture of myself, and I was going to put that in my profile. I don't know, this sounds kind of bad, but... I like looking at my face! Hahahaha. Maybe that is the true sign of being conceited and egocentric and selfish and just downright narcissistic. But I do, and I'm sort of happy about it. I used to hate my face forever. But now when I look in a mirror, I sort of like it.

But I take the worst pictures :( My father is the most photo-friendly person ever, and it's amazing. ALl his pictures are awesome, but mine just make me look horrible. Maybe the bright light of the flash has something to do with it. I think I look best in earthy tones, darker tones, neutral and white and such.

But anyways... hahaha....
the "25"

comes from something else. When I was making it, my dad was talking to me, and he's like.... "You know, we should do at least 25 push-ups a day....". We've always talked about doing lots of pushups, and we always sort of forgot about it in a few days

But putting the 25 there makes me remember, because I check in to this website often. 25 is small, but it is easy to do every day, and really, you can do a lot more than that. But hopefully we can keep calling each other and saying "did you do yours for today?" and just encourage each other to do it. I seem to be more and more leaning towards trying to stay/get in shape and be physically active. This is a very small peice of that puzzle, but it is a step in the right direction! And I am proud to say that since 3 days ago, when this started, I have done at least 25 everyday!

I have rare access to a weightbench, but I use it when I can on the weekends.

I don;t know... working out used to not appeal to me. But now I realize that it doesn't take as long as I thought, and I guess I enjoy it more.

And believe it or not, it's good for my mind. "Sometimes" I can be very... scatterbrained and have thoughts spilling out of my head uncontrollably, kind of like right now. So keeping my mind occupied, or making me think about something is good for me.

I realize that, left in solitude for too long, and not doing something... I would implode and destroy myself. I'm good at being calm, but, I notice so many things, and I can't turn it off. That is why I write so much sometimes, and why I post so many things so often here on Intereference.


as always, more of a story than you probably signed up for.

thanks for reading :)
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For Honor said:
But in regard to London, I was very impressed with their response teams and organization. I liked the attitude of the people - they were appropriately shocked, but, it felt good to see a strong people who would continue on with their day, with their life. ONe person interviewed on the news said it best, a nice, tough, older Englishman. He said it exactly right - if people panic and stop living, then the terrorists truly have won, and the people of London were not going to stop living their lives.

Agree. People in my country have dealt with bombings in our capital, and many other atrocities for the last 65 years. Going back to when we were rained on with bombs during the Blitz in 1940.
And throughout the 80's and 90's there was the IRA's threats and bombs to contend with. Again with the capital being the main target.
It's sad to say, but this is a threat that countries like England and the US are going to have hanging over our heads for many years to come. I certainly don't expect any world peace to happen during my lifetime.
So until that ever does occur, we must continue to go on with our lives from day to day. The people who yesterday went to work on the No.30 bus, around the same route as the one that exploded know they have to do this. As do ALL the citizens of London who travel on the buses or tubes every day. And they will be on them again 2moro and the next day and the next, and they won't let these people scare them away from living their lives. Otherwise, as For Honor said - the terrorists would've won.

Blair has impressed me with his speeches since Wednesday, as has the Queen, who is as resiliant as her mother during the Blitz. She could be up hiding in Scotland or somewhere else, but she has chosen to remain with he people in the city she has lived in all her life. So I respect her even more for that.

As I do for the way the emergency services acted on Wednesday, and for how the people of London have acted since...:up:
:up: indeed, my respect for all of London and England was truly justified by the event. I like England a lot, and it was a horrible thing, but I think it showed the character of the country, and I was just like "Right on!"


I wasn't aware about the Queen like that. That is admirable too :up: I hope the strength of the people and royalty alike can help everyone continue in the world as they should. Hope for the best and be wary of the worst. But keep on living

Thanks for sharing, Aardvark747
I really loved and underrstood what you mean. you know, Italy is at the moment "menaced" of being the next victim and I'm quite sure we won't react like England did.
especially in milan, we are quite "acnowledged" to terrorism -- especially because of the red brigades, but the last bombs are back to the 70s.
it's incredible, but i really can't imagine how we would react in such a situation.

I know someone who was involved in the blasts in London. he's one of ours suppliers. he's injured and shocked, but he's ok. for a couple of days, no one could find him and I felt so shocked... I'm happy he had luck and his life saved, but I can't imagine the pain of all the families who lost their relatives...

I wish I could write something more, but it's like if I can't find the words, and I don't want to sound banal in such a situation.

My love & my respect to all the people involved in this tragedy.
And For Honor, thanks for this new story.
you know, I really enjoy reading about your creations and things like that.

But I am not sure i understood what a "push-up" is...
Here is a good example of a push up

Basically, it is s really simple exorcise for the chest and arms that anyone can do. And it's kind of a joke, because a younger man like myself should certainly be able to do a lot more than 25. Really, you can do a lot, lot more than that. But quality is better then quantity. ANd if you do them very slow and with the correct form, they are quite the work out, since you are essentially lifting your entire body weight.

But for my dad and I, it is a simple way of reminding ourselves to be active and stuff.


I'm glad you enjoy my wild stories. I realize I get carried away a lot sometimes, thouhgh.


I'm glad that person you know is alright. And yes, the London bombings are a huge thing... I really wonder what will become of it all. I heard that England is looking to othrer countries, and the UNited Nations for help in understanding what happened.

But I am not the most informed person when it comes to taht sort of thing, so I may wrong. I hope that terrorism doesn't spread, and people copy those attacks. I, too, don't really know what to say, or how to say how I feel about the bombings.

It's just like....... in on sense, I'm really dissapointed that it has to resort to that. I hope mankind as a whole can rise above and act more civilized and wise....
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