Album 13 Talk: Insert cori .gif Here

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Bono or Adam definitely look older than Edge and Larry.

I Remember last June or July, when they had that listening party in NYC, te Manhattan track listing was thrown around, and an official announcement seemed right around the corner? Those were good times; innocent times. If you told me then that in a years time we'd still have no idea what's going on, I'd have not believed you!

Those were good days. I remember visiting Electric Lady on the off chance that I'd hear something interesting. It seemed so obvious that the album would be out in fall 2013.
Spring seemed even more obvious after the hype train started rolling. For any other band, I suppose.
3. Larry wanted to go to Malibu, so Larry fucking went to Malibu.

You just may be right! All bets are off at this point. For all we know it could be announced in a day, a month or a year!

I hate the uncertainty, especially when it's been 5+ years. Maybe they go by the cycle of releasing an album 3 years after the final date of a tour. :crack:
clearly U2 should have released GOYB, SUC, & Crazy Tonight all at the same time.

This way even LESS copies would have been sold, which would force them to go dream it all up again....
Oh wait......they only do that when an album actually sells a ton.
Someone yawned while the album was playing and they gave up on the spot.

It's from all that time spent in France, amirite?
Bono or Adam definitely look older than Edge and Larry.

I Remember last June or July, when they had that listening party in NYC, te Manhattan track listing was thrown around, and an official announcement seemed right around the corner? Those were good times; innocent times. If you told me then that in a years time we'd still have no idea what's going on, I'd have not believed you!
Bono strikes me as a fairly big drinker, plus smoking. We know of Adam's issues with booze. It takes it toll and would probably age you somewhat over time
U2 arent exactly renowed for their sex/drugs rock n roll lifestyle are they

U2 are the only great band to make good music without drugs!
I think they were all living the rock n roll lifestyle to a mellow degree from Joshua Tree to about Popmart, although I think bono and Adam more than Larry and Edge. I think as they got into their upper 30s they calmed down naturally. Bono is still a big drinker, but I guess it was pretty bad in the late 80s / early 90s
you stink and next time I will make sure the last dirty thing I send will be the last thin you'll ever see ok mate
They've probably dabbled?

Adam was arrested in the late 80s for having marijuana on him. He paid a fine and I believe did a sort of "community service".

And I believe there was more than just alcohol that led to his Sydney crash. We'll never know, seeing as the band doesn't talk about it and Adam himself can't remember what happened. (That said, I am immensely proud of him for pulling himself together after that and not only owning up to his problems as well as working to push awareness for the depression and mental health problems that added to his addictions.)

Bono has been known to drink heavily at times as well, plus all of them have smoked on and off throughout the years. It comes with the territory, in a sense. Reading through some of the U2 books again really reminded me that they are more sinner than saint at times. I highly recommend giving U2 At The End Of The World, U2 by U2, and Stories Behind The Songs all a read (or re-read).
Everybody gets the best idea in the world when on shrooms.....too bad no one ever remembers it the next day.....:crack:
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