Adam's Strongest Album

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Jan 31, 2005
My vote goes to War. He may not have the most complicated parts on it, but his presence is massive on War.
What about the basslines of Stay, Lemon, Daddy's gonna pay.......................:drool:
In the past records, indeed the first records, he played a bit raw, he was good anyway, but he's probably the member of U2 who has improved much more playing. Larry and Edge play pretty the same, Adam became kinda more melodic record after record. For instance, the basslines of Unforgettable Fire are very different to the first 3 records, as much as like Joshua Tree's basslines compared to UF and so on. He studied a lot actually, and you really recognize it. But Pop is surely a record were he gave his best, but I must say there isn't a record at all or a song where I don't like the basslines, starting from Boy and ending To How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb
Adam's best : Pop

Adam's most underated : HTDAAB

Adam's worst : ATYCLB (its not his fault, its just the songs don't demand much Adam, except for "A Little While" )
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it's got the funk, the groove, the rock and the attitude!

Notable mentions: HTDAAB and Zooropa
Pop has the most interesting bass lines by Adam and October the strogest ones

AB, Zooropa and HTDAAB are great too
i agree...Pop.

if you read Bill Flanagan's U2 at the End of the World, he shares that both Adam and Larry took lots of time off after Zooropa to learn some new stuff and try to contribute more fresh ideas. =) very heartwarming. i love the boys.
I'm going to go with War on this one - especially Seconds, Two Hearts Beat as One, NYD. But really every song.
Pop...or htdaab. my ears are always drawn to his bassline in 'a man and a woman' alot for some reason.

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