Random Music Talk CXXVIII: Cobbler's 42 Hat Sucks

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This should go in the random movie thread, but I'll just add it here...

So one of my best mates has a 'mate' who is fully QAnon. He lives in Queensland and is Australian but has developed quite the interest in US politics. He bet my mate $2,000 that Trump would inaugurated today, and now that Biden has very clearly been inaugurated, his response to my mate asking for his money is "how do you not see what's happening? This is all part of the plan - Biden gets sworn in to reveal to everyone the web of corruption... he is about to be arrested and Trump will be re-inaugurated within days..."

He's been wrong every step of the way, all his predictions have been false, but he just keeps saying it's all part of the plan, and just delaying the next step.
Yeah, that's the Q move every time: make a prediction that's false, and then either say "it's part of a larger plan" or "actually, it did happen like I said, but they had to do it in secret." And that includes arrests and executions. The arrests are ones with ankle monitors so that they keep up appearances and more get arrested; the executions include replacing people with body doubles/clones/holograms.

It's deranged and also very demonstrably absurd.
With it being the time of year where there are only a handful of new albums out by any artists I've ever heard of, this is where I'll listen to just about anything that has above a 70 on Metacritic. Even then, I almost skipped this one when I saw the genre tags Baroque Pop and Tom Waits listed as an influence. Glad I didn't! Quite solid and I would think something Interference might enjoy:

He's apparently friendly with a lot of bigger names out there, specifically Jarvis Cocker, so I suspect this may be one of those acts that's on the rise. Or perhaps he bubbles under forever, who knows. This isn't exactly radio friendly stuff. Also he did some Twin Peaks and Mr. Rogers music last year, so that's probably something I'll check out.
Some random dumb shit I thought might give you all a chuckle, but tonight I was reminded that the band Rhye exist. I said something about the "Female" lead singer and Travis had to remind me all over again that the lead singer is a man. Which jogged my memory that we might have talked about that here once before. Sure enough:


It made me laugh to re-read that collective :ohmy: moment.
(Sometimes links to posts I send don't work because I don't have the default posts per page turned on, it starts at post # 963)
Some random dumb shit I thought might give you all a chuckle, but tonight I was reminded that the band Rhye exist. I said something about the "Female" lead singer and Travis had to remind me all over again that the lead singer is a man. Which jogged my memory that we might have talked about that here once before. Sure enough:


It made me laugh to re-read that collective :ohmy: moment.
(Sometimes links to posts I send don't work because I don't have the default posts per page turned on, it starts at post # 963)

Keyser Soze!

Imperor [emoji7]

I miss joyfulgirl, my fellow Wilco fanatic.
For real! Ah the old days /nostalgia.

Jumping off of that, the new Rhye album isn't bad. When I started listening to it, I thought maybe surprise fave on my hands, but by the end I wasn't feeling quite as enthused. I'm going to give it another listen today, because work also interrupted my listen for a good 45 minutes or so and pretty well soured my mood, too :grumpy:.
If you want some fun, summery indie rock in the middle of winter, check out the new Kiwi Jr. album. It's like a mix of The Modern Lovers' playful rock sneer, the pretty jangle of Felt, and the cynical, highly literate Americana of Okkervil River.

Their last album was basically just Parquet Courts with nothing else added in, but it was so much fun. I recommend that one as well. In fact, I might like it even more.
I need to check the new Rhye album. I really liked Woman when it came out but have not gone back to it much over the years.

I haven’t explored many new albums this year - most of my music time has been spent on RYM genre charts rabbit holes (by the way, who is on RYM here other than Ax and LM?) - but I’m pleased with the first one I’ve heard so far: Drunk Tank Pink. Post punk is a bit hit or miss with me, and this one stays mostly within the confines of the genre, but it was a nice surprise. Some Savages/Black Midi, with a little of a less playful Parquet Courts. March Day and Water in the Well were the highlights for me. I mostly stuck with the album at first because the opening minute or so reminded me of Mistaken for Strangers, at least until the vocals started (the similarities stopped there though).
If you want some fun, summery indie rock in the middle of winter, check out the new Kiwi Jr. album. It's like a mix of The Modern Lovers' playful rock sneer, the pretty jangle of Felt, and the cynical, highly literate Americana of Okkervil River.

One could just condense that description down to Pavement, no?
Odd, because the Pitchfork review mentioned Pavement and Malkmus, as well as your Jonathan Richman and Parquet Courts comparison. And I could definitely detect similarities on the clips you posted.

They also mentioned Harlem.
I need to check the new Rhye album. I really liked Woman when it came out but have not gone back to it much over the years.

I forgot all about them and apparently for good reason, because they were a two-piece and half the band left, but they've had (now) three more albums since Women. I love January album releases, because I will listen to the most random assortment of Mendoza-line albums.

(by the way, who is on RYM here other than Ax and LM?)

Those RYM genre lists are my absolute favorite. I'm getting closer and closer to knocking out the top 100 New Wave albums :hyper:.
I went and found you on Travis' page. Their user search function isn't working it seems.
Yeah, I really like that Kiwi Jr. album. I suppose I need to spend more time with both Parquet Courts (who I recall liking quite a bit) and Pavement (who I've never been able to get into, but haven't tried in a long time).
Found my first favorite album of the year! I'm really enjoying "The Last Exit" by Still Corners. It combines some dream pop elements with a dry, desert vibe, like it should soundtrack a modern Western. Good stuff.

I recently downloaded my Spotify records to try to reconstruct my play history (no good - they only have my history for the last year), but found out something curious/scary/strange: they share the "inferences" they make about your profile on the basis of your music and podcast listening habits). So here are some of the things Spotify assumes about me:
- Sugar drink buyer (nope).
- Candy buyer (nope) - though I'm starting to think that they may have used some bubblegum pop listening too literally perhaps?
- Champagne drinker (sure, but what the hell in my listening habit suggests that? And no, I have not played the Oasis song in years)
- Chocolate lover (ditto)
- Contact lens wearer (nope, but wtf)
- Banana Republic competitor shopper (what?)
- Costco Shopper (never been to one, don't have a car and the closest is miles and miles away)
- Finance Person Know-It-All (lol, no)
- Hot Sauce fans (seriously, what makes them think that?)
- Snowboarder (nope, last time I went to a ski slope since I had a first generation iPod)
- I seem to be a "consumer" of literally every type of alcoholic beverage in existence (fact check: partly true).
- Politics - voted in the last election (I can't vote here).

Anyways, you get the gist. Gotta love AI and the privacy-less age.
Found my first favorite album of the year! I'm really enjoying "The Last Exit" by Still Corners. It combines some dream pop elements with a dry, desert vibe, like it should soundtrack a modern Western. Good stuff.

I was confused by your description, but yeah, that was pretty spot on. I loved this album.
I recently downloaded my Spotify records to try to reconstruct my play history (no good - they only have my history for the last year), but found out something curious/scary/strange: they share the "inferences" they make about your profile on the basis of your music and podcast listening habits). So here are some of the things Spotify assumes about me:
- Sugar drink buyer (nope).
- Candy buyer (nope) - though I'm starting to think that they may have used some bubblegum pop listening too literally perhaps?
- Champagne drinker (sure, but what the hell in my listening habit suggests that? And no, I have not played the Oasis song in years)
- Chocolate lover (ditto)
- Contact lens wearer (nope, but wtf)
- Banana Republic competitor shopper (what?)
- Costco Shopper (never been to one, don't have a car and the closest is miles and miles away)
- Finance Person Know-It-All (lol, no)
- Hot Sauce fans (seriously, what makes them think that?)
- Snowboarder (nope, last time I went to a ski slope since I had a first generation iPod)
- I seem to be a "consumer" of literally every type of alcoholic beverage in existence (fact check: partly true).
- Politics - voted in the last election (I can't vote here).

Anyways, you get the gist. Gotta love AI and the privacy-less age.

I always knew you were a Finance Bro! Don’t deny it!
Found my first favorite album of the year! I'm really enjoying "The Last Exit" by Still Corners. It combines some dream pop elements with a dry, desert vibe, like it should soundtrack a modern Western. Good stuff.

Sorry for the double-tap on this post, but I also just noticed we selected the same two favorite tracks :lol:.
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