Album 13 Talk: Let's keep it civil.

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What would really creep me out is if fake Bono gave a "save Africa" speech during a tribute show. Please tell me this doesnt' actually happen.
Sorry Mrs. Garrison. I didn't see your post there.

Michael Jackson and Elvis impersonators don't bother me, but maybe that's because I'm not a fan of either of them or because they're more iconic in their moves and clothes. So many of my friends try to be nice and give me a heads up when those cover bands show up in a local bar.
What would really creep me out is if fake Bono gave a "save Africa" speech during a tribute show. Please tell me this doesnt' actually happen.

What would be much worse would be a tribute show with Aung San Suu Kyi masks.
Sorry Mrs. Garrison. I didn't see your post there.

Michael Jackson and Elvis impersonators don't bother me, but maybe that's because I'm not a fan of either of them or because they're more iconic in their moves and clothes. So many of my friends try to be nice and give me a heads up when those cover bands show up in a local bar.

no worries at all.
I wonder if Tribute Band Bono ever cries about the bad relationship and death of his father in front of his real father.
The old man who fixed my car this week was telling me how he mostly lets his son do the work these days. I had a smile when he said, "He's a Headache, but he does okay."
I've actually put my life in hold waiting for news this year. My wife and I had discussed trying for a 2nd child but I decided to wait until next year. Just too much going on with waiting for news.

I was 8 1/2 months pregnant with Lil' CK during my first-ever U2 show (Vertigo Pittsburgh).

Mr CK and I actually DID put off trying for #2 when B had to have that back surgery and 360 was postponed for a year because I didnt want to be massively pregnant for a tour we already had tickets to. :doh: (again)

I ended up pregnant with Lil'Miss in summer 2011 anyways. And funnily enough, found out between our MI show and the Pittsburgh one. By Pittsburgh I had started to show (that wee bump that looks pregnant or looks like too much lunch!), and ended up getting a belly rub from Bono when we met him and told him the news! It all ended up working out despite us putting plans on hold for nearly a year, lol!

Now BOTH my kids are U2 nuts. The girl shrieks and 'sings' (babbles) along to any of their music, meanwhile the boy imitates all 4 of them, depending on the day. Just watch the video I managed to get earlier this week: :lol:

Oh, and random, but NBC is airing the first week of Fallon Tonight Show again this week. Yes I am sitting here watching U2. I can't help it. :lol: :heart:
Maybe the rerun is the cue to actually launch the album and the promos? Then tour news?? :lol::lol::lol:
Now BOTH my kids are U2 nuts. The girl shrieks and 'sings' (babbles) along to any of their music, meanwhile the boy imitates all 4 of them, depending on the day.

Then for goodness' sake let the band know they're still relevant with the young people!

(Cute little lad btw - I've a 5 yr old girl who's always dancing, it's brilliant to see)
Then for goodness' sake let the band know they're still relevant with the young people!

(Cute little lad btw - I've a 5 yr old girl who's always dancing, it's brilliant to see)

Thanks. He's been doing this since he was a wee one. I have an old video of him when he was 3 "playing" drums along with Larry during the GMA performance of GOYB up on YouTube. And heck, Lil'CK went to a 360 show! He's got better taste in music than any other 2nd grader in his class! :lol:

Put me in a room with U2 and let me hand them my kids! They want relevance? My kids will give it to 'em! :lol::lol::lol:

And while 3/4ths of the band is distracted by the adorable youth, I'll sneak off with Adam. :shifty: :whistle:

:love: Things like this remind me why I keep coming back to this thread, even though there's no news.

Yeah, at least we've all developed a good sense of humor about it all.
As a parent, and CK, in no way am I trying to give parenting advice here, I've actually avoided pushing any of my favorite music on my daughter. I'd rather her grow up liking what she wants to like. Even though it annoys the hell out of me right now that she sings "Let It Go" from Frozen over and over, I'd rather let her have that experience than run around the house singing "Vertigo" or whatever. Sure, she knows my wife's and my favorite bands but has already developed her own preference.

Again, not saying there's a right or wrong. Just my personal philosophy.
I love it, it's so dead regarding U2 album news, we're actually talking about parenting! My kids love U2 because they grew up hearing them all the time. I'm sure it's a similar situation w/CK, but I hear your point Mikal. My kids are 17 & 19 and son (the younger one) loves classic/alt rock, my daughter loves country and Disney pop...however they both love U2 because, as I said that's all they heard growing up.
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