Brest, Belarus Superthread

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...I thought it was Anton in the first series. I know it's Pavel in the 2009 movie. I'm confused, too.

Nope, always been Pavel. Anton Checkhov was an author around the turn of last century, I think.


About 4 or 5 months ago I applied for a REALLY great job for me. I got an interview, and unfortunately wasn't selected.

Now, the position is available again, but the thing is, I never followed up on the rejection phone call I got, which I know you're supposed to do. I always meant to write a letter thanking them for their time, etc., but it was in the middle of us moving and I just got distracted and forgot to do it.

Is it OK for me to apply for the job again?

Unless it says "previous applicants need not apply", I say go for it.

I got rejected from a job application once, and a year later they rang me back and told me the person they had hired over me was useless, and did I still want the job. *L*
I am listening to Kasabian's new album, titled "Velociraptor!". I respect this immensely.

Idiots at Triple J have no idea how to pronounce it, though. They could just listen to the title track, or better yet go and watch Jurassic Park like I thought everyone already had, but no. :doh:

Mind you, if they have breakfast DJs interviewing Nirvana's bass player about the 20th anniversary of Nevermind's release who are too bloody young to remember it, then they're probably too young to remember how awesome Jurassic Park was. Sigh.

*feels 120 million years old*
Reggo, I always want more noise what-the-fuckery.

Alison, who the bloody hell DOESN'T know how to pronounce "velociraptor"? That's like suggesting somebody can't pronounce "Victoria".
Can we start a petition to get The Doctor off the airwaves? the most self-loving, self-indulgent, arrogant prick I've ever had the misfortune of listening to on radio.
I would like to know more about this.

There's not much to tell, and I got the name of the show wrong - it's Covert Affairs. Fairly fluffy show about an attractive young blonde CIA covert agent, who in that particular episode was captured by the Belarussian secret police after planting surveillance devices on the Polish/Belarussian border. There was a lot of blustering in Russian accents, and then she escaped after distracting her guards by speaking Russian, sharing their vodka and singing. And there was some stuff about how their ransom money wouldn't help Belarus at all and it would all go to the secret police, and how the native population had been oppressed under Soviet rule, and of course once she escaped, a kindly local couple sheltered them from the bad secret police guys.
Alison, who the bloody hell DOESN'T know how to pronounce "velociraptor"? That's like suggesting somebody can't pronounce "Victoria".

I know! Everyone knows it's VIC-to-REE-ah, right?

Richard Kingsmill pronounced it weirdly, and since he's God in Triple J land, so did Tom and Alex. :rolleyes: I don't think I was the only one texting in to correct them, either.

Can we start a petition to get The Doctor off the airwaves? the most self-loving, self-indulgent, arrogant prick I've ever had the misfortune of listening to on radio.

Thought you were talking about Doctor Who for a second there... :laugh:

He didn't seem that bad with Jay (and Myf) when he was doing the breakfast show, maybe the drive-home shift has gone to his head... and Tom and Alex still irritate the hell out of me on a regular basis, especially Tom. For gods' sake, SLOW THE FUCK DOWN and stop tripping over your words, you adolescent twerp.

... And that made me feel even older. *L*
Someone on my FB already quoted this lyric, but I have to as well:

"Velociraptor, he's gonna find ya, he's gonna kill ya, he's gonna eat ya..."

I'm going into the city after work to have a consultation about hair straightening with a hairdresser in QV... even if he laughs at me and tells me I'm dreaming, it's a good enough excuse to have something delicious for dinner. :up:
Alison, how did they mispronounce "velociraptor"?

They put more stress on the first syllable than the second... it sounded really awkward. Sort of "VEL-o-Ci-rap-tor". I can't believe no one in the whole radio station knew how to pronounce it... unless Kasabian have pronounced it wrong in all their interviews. But it sounds okay in the song... argh.

Album's not bad, anyway. Couple of tracks that could grow on me, although pretty much only the title track stood out on first listen.
I am listening to Kasabian's new album, titled "Velociraptor!". I respect this immensely.

:rockon: It's a very good album, that's for sure.

There's not much to tell, and I got the name of the show wrong - it's Covert Affairs. Fairly fluffy show about an attractive young blonde CIA covert agent, who in that particular episode was captured by the Belarussian secret police after planting surveillance devices on the Polish/Belarussian border. There was a lot of blustering in Russian accents, and then she escaped after distracting her guards by speaking Russian, sharing their vodka and singing. And there was some stuff about how their ransom money wouldn't help Belarus at all and it would all go to the secret police, and how the native population had been oppressed under Soviet rule, and of course once she escaped, a kindly local couple sheltered them from the bad secret police guys.

Sounds pretty typical of Western crime dramas.

Someone on my FB already quoted this lyric, but I have to as well:

"Velociraptor, he's gonna find ya, he's gonna kill ya, he's gonna eat ya..."


I changed my Facebook language to Russian. Do I think it'll help me learn? Not really, but ads are less annoying in russian
If you can read Cyrillic, then yes I suppose.

Not even in the slightest. But I am willing to learn.

When I go to college, I'm going to learn Russian and nuclear physics. That's right. I'm going to become a Cold War-era supervillain.
When I go to college, I'm going to learn Russian and nuclear physics. That's right. I'm going to become a Cold War-era supervillain.

I want to 'like' this... I suppose I'll have to do it the old-fashioned way and just tell you.

I enjoyed that comment very much, Reggo. Thank you. :up:

Can we start a petition to get The Doctor off the airwaves? the most self-loving, self-indulgent, arrogant prick I've ever had the misfortune of listening to on radio.

Never listened to Kyle & Jackie O?

Triple J have literally no one left that I really enjoy. Zane is about it.
Never listened to Kyle & Jackie O?

Triple J have literally no one left that I really enjoy. Zane is about it.

What about Eddie Maguire...? :wink:

Not even Rosie? I reckon they must be paying her a fair bit to stick around. I think she's almost the only DJ still there from when I started listening 10 years ago.

You're joking, right?....right?

Don't panic everyone, of course it's "vic-TOR-ia"...
I pronounce it "Vic-TOH-Ree-Ah" that's GOT to be how everyone says it, right? It's fucking phonetic.

In other news, getting that application in the mail tomorrow, couldn't get things to go right and missed mail pick up today :(. But I'm very excited about applying. Wish me well.
What about Eddie Maguire...? :wink:

Not even Rosie? I reckon they must be paying her a fair bit to stick around. I think she's almost the only DJ still there from when I started listening 10 years ago.

Eddie Maguire is a douche bag, Eddie Mcguire is alright though :wink:

Oh yeah Rosie is cool. Kingsmill is okay but his voice gets a bit boring sometimes, sounds like what I would if I was on triple J. Otherwise, I can only stomach Tom & Alex in very small doses.
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