NFL 2010 - Part 3

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This shit is, fuckin' ridiculous.

Did Rex Ryan waddle out on the field to celebrate a TD? I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad I missed that.
jabba the rex is awesome.

i don't care if he's a shit talking fat fuck who's into feet. he isn't a rapist

go jets
I have thought about this for several minutes and

1. Packers
2. Steelers
3. Bears

4. Jets

Something about Rex's fatty vests annoys me deeply.
1. jets
1a. packers
3. the crooked cops in the longest yard (original, not the stupid remake)
4. any USFL team
5. notre dame
6. the 93 cowboys on madden for old school sega genesis that i could never beat
7. the santa rita eagles (high school rival)
8. an astroid
9. bears
10. steelers
Given some distance from the wounds and time to mentally prepare, I could probably support the Jets begrudgingly and withstand the media hurricane. But man. Friggin' Bears.
Thinking over it some, the play that pissed me off the most was the 3rd-and-13 in the Patriots' penultimate drive (the play before Branch couldn't pull in the fourth down catch). Brady had multiple guys open for 8 yards, which would have let them have a chance to break a tackle and pick up the first down, or at least set up a makeable FG or shorter fourth down play.
What the fuck.


You chose...poorly.
The highlight of any Jets game is watching Rex try to run onto the field or down the sideline. He looks like a chubby second grader who just shit his pants in the middle of track and field day.
Thinking it over a bit, I wish they had used Green-Ellis a bit more in that first half. He seemed to be quite effective against the Jets D with all those cornerbacks in there. I wish they had pounded it to force the Jets to switch things up a bit.

As for the Pats D, that big 50+ yard reception to Cotchery was a killer after getting within 3. What a disaster of a drive.
It's tough for me to pin much of this on the Patriots D. I'd like to see them pick up a pass rusher or three in the offseason, but the D played well enough to win overall. It's just really tough for them when they keep having to start drives at midfield because of turnovers and poor offense.

I also think running some hurry-up offense wouldn't have hurt as well. I know the Patriots O prides itself on running odd plays out of 23578346 different formations and personnel packages, but sometimes simpler is better.
My god, yesterday was beautiful.

I'm not going to gloat all that much about beating the Seahawks because, well, they're the Seahawks. But, in that inclement weather, Jay played his ass off. Hell, under any weather conditions that was a great playoff performance by a QB. Not gonna lie, as a Bear fan and unwavering Cutler supporter from Day One, my pride is riding pretty high today.

Should be a classic next Sunday. You guys know I don't like Rodgers or the Packers, but I'm not going to deny that he and they have been playing great football. I expect both teams (especially the defenses, which are two of the best around) to come out HARD. I would say the Pack has the advantage in the passing game, and we have the advantage on special teams. Other than that, who knows? To make an will be intense. May the best team win.

And the Jets' performance was just the gravy on top.

I love football.
My god, yesterday was beautiful.

I'm not going to gloat all that much about beating the Seahawks because, well, they're the Seahawks. But, in that inclement weather, Jay played his ass off. Hell, under any weather conditions that was a great playoff performance by a QB. Not gonna lie, as a Bear fan and unwavering Cutler supporter from Day One, my pride is riding pretty high today.

It was a good performance by Cutler, and yet he still made dangerous throws, as he does, that should have been picked off by the Seahawks.

For the Bears to win, Cutler has to cut down on those types of throws because the Pack's secondary can kill you.
It was a good performance by Cutler, and yet he still made dangerous throws, as he does, that should have been picked off by the Seahawks.

For the Bears to win, Cutler has to cut down on those types of throws because the Pack's secondary can kill you.

I would say there was really only one pass that 100% should have been picked off. The one at the goal line. There were a couple of other imperfect passes, but they weren't all that close to being intercepted.

But, yeah, he still makes the occasional very strange decision with the ball.

I love him more than I love any of my friends or family.
I would say there was really only one pass that 100% should have been picked off. The one at the goal line. There were a couple of other imperfect passes, but they weren't all that close to being intercepted.

Sure, but there was also that one time where he basically did a 360 and just threw it blindly towards the end zone. He's done a good job on cutting down those types of throws to a minimum, but I don't think there will be much room for error on Sunday.
It's seemingly obvious, considering how the first two games these teams played, that the bears are quite capable of beating green bay, and seeing as it is in chicago, should be favored.

Should be a pretty even game. Cutler's idiocy will be a factor, but I think the major difference will be the running game. Rodgers is on such a roll now that a strong performance from him is assured, but if the Packers can get a running game going on top of it, I think they'll have it locked up. Conversely, if the Bears run over the Packers, Cutler won't have to make so many difficult throws and will play a decent game.

And then, yeah, there's just stupid shit like the 150+ yards in penalties the Packers racked up in the first Bears game.

I'm tempted to favor the Packers, but it's easy to forget about the Bears when their opponents have the momentum. Hell, I'd rather forget about them anyway.
Forte is more talented than any of the Pack's feature backs, but obviously it takes more than an individual to get a successful running game going.

The Bear' O-Line, even with their much publicized recent improvement, is still easily the area of the team that inspires the least confidence in me.

I hope we draft a handful of O-Linemen in April. But, fuck the draft for right now. We'll burn that bridge when we get to it.
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