U2= Greedy, Money Mongoring Sell-Outs

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
It's funny that he wrote that some people need to get a life. Little did he know he owned himself.
Ooh, this is going to be a fun thread. :hyper::hyper::hyper:
Brad said:
I don't fucking worship musicians to the point that I'm paying
$20 a year to belong to some fan-club, or wearing wrist-bands and wasting
my time listening to the radio just to attend a show. Give me a break!
"ticketmaster's "service charge" of eight dollars"

Those were the days :lol:

"Stop posting your gripes here. If you really need a place to vent, start your own damn newsgroup!!"

There are lots of gems on this newsgroup (and the other big U2 newsgroup, alt.fan.u2)...
Buzz Moschetti said:
I'm not a big fan of 3 & 4 chord rock recorded after 1980, but I'll agree that Bono is a great front man. The Edge's screechy-twang
style, however, makes we want to kill again.
...Again? :ohmy:

judybats said:
Am I the only one that thinks Numb sucks? Joe Public is shitting his pants over the song and I think it's the worst track on the cd. Lemon is far far
far better. If I wanted to listen to songs like Numb I'd go buy some
INXS cds. I'm not saying that it's bad for U2 to try new/different things,
I just don't think people should get excited over nothing, even if it IS
Yeah, because Numb was pretty much the Crazy Tonight of the '90s.

Marià said:
I´m Looking for a c.d. from U2 in MP3 . Exist it?
Thanks .
No, Marià, exist it not.

Manuel Rodriguez said:
I was just wondering if any females like U2, if you do please e-mail me
You know, these days, we could have just given the poor guy a link to PLEBA...

Finally, this one is a beaut:
gcrangi said:
U2 continues to ripoff their local crews wherever they go. They
continue to hire their setup crews and concession salespeople at less
than poverty wages!
And then they and the promoters pocket even more money.
Im not familiar with u2s songs - I assume they must sing about getting
ahead and profits. If they they sing about beauty, truth, love and
fairness then they're liars and their fans are being duped.
Ive been following this tour -talking to local unions (concession
salespeople and stagehands) and can backup what I say.
U2 Presents "The Getting Ahead And Profits Tour".
Also, this thread starter totally predicted U2009's promotional style of "U2="... in fact I'm betting Paul McG saw the name of that thread and said, "yes, yes, I am" and used the = thing as a little nod to his inspiration.
Rip off local crews and workers?

The promoters pay all of these people, U2 included.

Unions included will pay their workers whatever they negotiate with the promoters.

If one has a problem with how local crew are treated, it's industry wide or city/region specific and has nothing to do with the band. Be it U2 or the never before heard from act that rolls up to a 500 person club in a U-Haul.
Is there some compelling reason that this shit still even exists on a server somewhere?

I mean, it's funny and all for a second, but it's rather pointless to keep around. Well it's all text so it might take a mb or two of storage space, so I guess it can stay. :lol:
Archeological purposes. Once nuclear weapons or a zombie apocalypse erase 99% of the world's population and the survivors come out of hiding after a generation or two, they'll want to know about the history of the world, best way to do that would be to read through the ~2 trillion (pretty accurate number) web pages on the internet. Obviously this, and all other, newsgroups will be essential in putting society back on track.
Archeological purposes. Once nuclear weapons or a zombie apocalypse erase 99% of the world's population and the survivors come out of hiding after a generation or two, they'll want to know about the history of the world, best way to do that would be to read through the ~2 trillion (pretty accurate number) web pages on the internet. Obviously this, and all other, newsgroups will be essential in putting society back on track.
So, let me get this straight. After the inevitable apocalypse, the future of humanity will depend upon...the Usenet postings of whiny U2 fans from the nineties?

I, for one, am freaking terrified.
So, let me get this straight. After the inevitable apocalypse, the future of humanity will depend upon...the Usenet postings of whiny U2 fans from the nineties?

I, for one, am freaking terrified.

He said "ZOMBIE" apocalypse.
Eventually there will be no people anymore.
Only vessels holding delicious brains...there's nowhere to hide.
That's a much darker theory than mine, if you notice I do mention survivors, what are you some kind of pessimist?

:D, you know, I try to use my time wisely and productively. Just like those people on that newsgroup back in the day.
:hmm: So the internet is just like cockroaches, the only survivors of the apocalypse? (and Cher, of course)
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