Wide Awake in Europe Discussion only NO REQUESTS Thread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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take another look at what i posted about you, a good look, maybe you'll find your priorities.
Wow, someone certainly has a bug up their ass, to spend the time writing an essay-length post. You must care. :cute:

Say what you will about regulars around here, but there aren't any I know of who would profit off a fellow fan, earning money for Christmas gifts or not. You are LAME, dude. End of story.
Wow, someone certainly has a bug up their ass, to spend the time writing an essay-length post. You must care. :cute:

Say what you will about regulars around here, but there aren't any I know of who would profit off a fellow fan, earning money for Christmas gifts or not. You are LAME, dude. End of story.
then you must be a hermit, who's to say the winner is just a record collector of many bands.
you don't know shit dood which makes you more lame.
I hope my listing goes thru the roof my kids sake and pisses you all off!
take another look at what i posted about you, a good look, maybe you'll find your priorities.

The one thing I'll address out of your lovely and charming words about me is the @U2 forum tidbit. All I can guess is that it shows that I'm logged in. I visit it not even once a day, but I'm set to remain logged in so I don't have to log in every time. I'm touched that you noticed I was there all day and all night, or whatever.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to being a congenial fence-sitter with no life, no backbone and whacked-out priorities who wants to be friends with everybody.
Well, since you're still here hanging out in this thread, I'll take it that you're looking for any responses you've goaded out of us, rather than rolling out of this shithole dump of a site.

For what it's worth, bro, I apologize for calling you a douchebag. I do 100% think that the act of snagging up all 10 of a store's copies and selling any number of them for profit on ebay is indeed "douchey." Do you necessarily need to also carry that description as a character trait? No. And I'm sorry for phrasing it as such as a result of my utter dismay at seeing what I thought was a fan sharing the good news on a fansite instead sell his wares for a profit using the same exact photos he used to post to "share the news" on @u2.

I'm not really sure what you mean by saying that ebay listings, which occur on a public internet auction site designed to attract as many public viewers and bidders as possible, are somehow supposed to be private. Ebay links are posted copiously across the internet, many by ebay themselves. The breech of privacy, in my opinion, occurred on your part when you posted the same picture showing your album numbers 5500 and 5501 both @u2 and ebay.

Your understandably hurt and offended character assessments of us all aside, the thing that saddens me most is the claim that we would all look out for ourselves first and foremost. That probably says more than anything else written. I, for one, have several extra tickets to a show on the next leg of the tour. If I can't distribute them to friends, I'll be selling them at face value plus shipping, despite the easy and lucrative opportunity to auction them off online. I don't think that many people on here would do any differently.

Anyway, bro, as I said I'm sorry for the negative character assessment, though my opinion of the action in and of itself still stands. I hope you accept my apology. If not...hey, you've got an extra $100 in your pocket by week's end. Enjoy your blaze of glory.
Well, since you're still here hanging out in this thread, I'll take it that you're looking for any responses you've goaded out of us, rather than rolling out of this shithole dump of a site.

For what it's worth, bro, I apologize for calling you a douchebag. I do 100% think that the act of snagging up all 10 of a store's copies and selling any number of them for profit on ebay is indeed "douchey." Do you necessarily need to also carry that description as a character trait? No. And I'm sorry for phrasing it as such as a result of my utter dismay at seeing what I thought was a fan sharing the good news on a fansite instead sell his wares for a profit using the same exact photos he used to post to "share the news" on @u2.

I'm not really sure what you mean by saying that ebay listings, which occur on a public internet auction site designed to attract as many public viewers and bidders as possible, are somehow supposed to be private. Ebay links are posted copiously across the internet, many by ebay themselves. The breech of privacy, in my opinion, occurred on your part when you posted the same picture showing your album numbers 5500 and 5501 both @u2 and ebay.

Your understandably hurt and offended character assessments of us all aside, the thing that saddens me most is the claim that we would all look out for ourselves first and foremost. That probably says more than anything else written. I, for one, have several extra tickets to a show on the next leg of the tour. If I can't distribute them to friends, I'll be selling them at face value plus shipping, despite the easy and lucrative opportunity to auction them off online. I don't think that many people on here would do any differently.

Anyway, bro, as I said I'm sorry for the negative character assessment, though my opinion of the action in and of itself still stands. I hope you accept my apology. If not...hey, you've got an extra $100 in your pocket by week's end. Enjoy your blaze of glory.
don't call me bro! i'm not 22! once again, you don't have the facts. Matt@u2 asked for my permission to post the pics after someone told him of mine on myspace.
ebay has no bidders username as a privacy measure. think that says enuff, maybe i made a mistake using the same pics, but the number would still be there. so that doesn't matter.
you're apologising now when you realy should of apologised before instead of maintaining your opinion. stand by it, don't be a hypocrite by apologising now, too little, too late
don't call me bro! i'm not 22! once again, you don't have the facts. Matt@u2 asked for my permission to post the pics after someone told him of mine on myspace.
ebay has no bidders username as a privacy measure. think that says enuff, maybe i made a mistake using the same pics, but the number would still be there. so that doesn't matter.
you're apologising now when you realy should of apologised before instead of maintaing your opinion. stand by it, don't be a hypocrite by apologising now, too little, too late

Sorry, chief.

As I said, apology for personally calling you a douchebag stands.
No apology for believing that what you did was douchey, sorry.
Apology for apparently causing a most distressing day that could have been spent grinning at a large profit stands, too.
Apology for the opinions of you formed by the current outburst is still up in the air.

Meh, I'll leave it at that.
Hello, oldmanfly. I just wanted to say hello and say that I think you're a pleasant fellow and I'm sure you make a lot of new friends wherever you go. You also have great grammar. Have a good evening.
The one thing I'll address out of your lovely and charming words about me is the @U2 forum tidbit. All I can guess is that it shows that I'm logged in. I visit it not even once a day, but I'm set to remain logged in so I don't have to log in every time. I'm touched that you noticed I was there all day and all night, or whatever.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to being a congenial fence-sitter with no life, no backbone and whacked-out priorities who wants to be friends with everybody.
How can anyone not miss u? you were in here yesterday morning posting, the afternoon posting, atu2 posting. this morning, this afternoon. all you have to do is look at the times of the post. puhleez stop it, you're in denial
Hello, oldmanfly. I just wanted to say hello and say that I think you're a pleasant fellow and I'm sure you make a lot of new friends wherever you go. You also have great grammar. Have a good evening.
Thank you Phil with the equal amount of sarcasm
How can anyone not miss u? you were in here yesterday morning posting, the afternoon posting, atu2 posting. this morning, this afternoon. all you have to do is look at the times of the post. puhleez stop it, you're in denial
Do you understand the irony of insulting someone for having too much free time to use on the Internet when your evidence is that you looked up all the times of her individual posts yesterday on multiple websites?
Yeah, I post here all the live-long day. This is not news to anyone.

I posted last on @U2 on the 21st. I have 19 posts total. :shrug:

I'm logged out there now; thanks for letting me know it was making me look like I was there all day. It was helpful information.
Sorry, chief.

As I said, apology for personally calling you a douchebag stands.
No apology for believing that what you did was douchey, sorry.
Apology for apparently causing a most distressing day that could have been spent grinning at a large profit stands, too.
Apology for the opinions of you formed by the current outburst is still up in the air.

Meh, I'll leave it at that.
cheif is a tad respectful if it wasn't used with sarcasm. next time, just agree to disagree and none of this will happen. but you have to explain yourself, so why others? don't understand your apology sense and realy don't care.

see yas..
Yeah, I post here all the live-long day. This is not news to anyone.

I posted last on @U2 on the 21st. I have 19 posts total. :shrug:

I'm logged out there now; thanks for letting me know it was making me look like I was there all day. It was helpful information.
meh, once again for lucidity sake, all anyone has to do is look at the time of the posts.
Seems like Wide Awake in Europe is harder to get then actual U2 tickets. :sexywink:

Oldmanfly....I don't slight you at all.....

....a 99 cent starting ebay bid is more than ethical. Lord knows I've paid for things myself on ebay.....and that was MY CHOICE.

Dear folks of Interference....stop playing internet deities!
He's still here? He seems to be overly invested in this site, and the people here, despite his claims to the contrary.
You could be an Internet loser like Cori and spend your time on the site talking about music you enjoy with people who have similar tastes ...

... or you could be a normal person in reality like Old Man Fly who spends his time on this site researching other posters to insult them because someone eight pages ago called him a douchebag.
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