PGP: Eating a sandwhich while It tries to break free!

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:cute::lol: that is just really sweet! :) i think you're converting to Edge's belief too, you just don't want to admit it ;) and Edge has a nice rug :yes:
I don't think i mind - at least i know he's in good hands (or in trouble :lol:)!
i haven't seen him around since Granny Bono thing! i hope i'll get him back eventually when my brain comes out of the shock :D

Am not! :grumpy: I'm a Bono girl dammit. And I don't like my men too hairy!

:lol: Granny Bono must've scared him so much that he's now trying his luck with me. Though I think the general feeling I got from him in my dream was that he was sort of a bff kinda thing. So perhaps I was just playing it safe rather than lying in Bono's arms and being tempted to take advantage while he's asleep. :shifty:
Am not! :grumpy: I'm a Bono girl dammit. And I don't like my men too hairy!

:lol: Granny Bono must've scared him so much that he's now trying his luck with me. Though I think the general feeling I got from him in my dream was that he was sort of a bff kinda thing. So perhaps I was just playing it safe rather than lying in Bono's arms and being tempted to take advantage while he's asleep. :shifty:

but you do covet BEdge sandwiches ;)
Yeah, Edge is a real buddy! I think he was acting like a Great Wall perhaps? Never sure who would otherwise take advantage of whom - you of Bono or Bono of you :lol: pervs!
shoo, Granny Bono, shoo!!! i want my Edge back:sad::)
BRI>>>>> hopefully you'll see this later......sometimes iffy Wifi .....takes a long time get something posted at times. :sigh:

Hey Dazzy! : hug:
I'm pretty good, just more of the same old things. Nothing too exciting to report.....except I don't like the cold!! :brr:
How are you, m'dear?

ETA: Oh, I suppose I can add there's only some 30 odd days til Boi is home for the holidays. :hyper:

YAY for 30 days home and counting for yer BOI! :hyper: {{hugs}}
Not realy cold here yet > Thanks goodness!!! we just had a beautiful week of 58F - 64F all mostly sunny!:hyper::drool::heart: : D

even this week will be mid - upper 50's :D and mostly sunny!

Well some tough news ( sperate thread) ot be sad over.

And gettihng more done in apt -- begining to put up more :heart::drool::heart: design elements I've bought over past year ( specifiacally for the place) and what I have before! :hyper:
I've printed out photos ( Mostly mine) of green stuff ie Botnaical Gardens trees/grounds/ flowers. And made in pieces but not yet assembled --- a big blow up of one of my San Jaun/PR beach water pics! ALL oin time to brighten up the place as : ( the darkness of later Fall & Winter descend.
The space is opening up more etc

Plodding along with the drawing :sigh: with some new stuff sometimes appearing, but need to work on that more.
And Lots of fun planned with yarn (what I haven't used yet and new cool stuff)- first b/c I have more of the things I need, and jewelry for later on!
Hola, dazz and Kristen! :)

I'm test-driving by singing along with the songs, so I can tell my friends which of the songs I'd rather not do because they're too hard to sing in my range. :lol:

So far, I think Twilight is off the list, which is fine by me.
Hola, dazz and Kristen! :)

I'm test-driving by singing along with the songs, so I can tell my friends which of the songs I'd rather not do because they're too hard to sing in my range. :lol:

So far, I think Twilight is off the list, which is fine by me.

Hi :hug:

it's good sometimes to act as if there are no limits AND there are times when it's GOOD to KNOW your limits! :D

good planning and you get to watch a fun, great U2 Vid as well! Smaaaaaart! veddy smaaaaaaaaaart! :shifty: :D

Man, Electric Co freaking ROCKS.

I forgot the interlude with Send In the Clowns was cut. :down: It's funny if you don't know it was cut - all of a sudden, Bono is ... elsewhere. With a big flag. :lol:

My son just made a snowman and a mini snowman!


hi ya!:hug:


Man, Electric Co freaking ROCKS.

I forgot the interlude with Send In the Clowns was cut. :down: It's funny if you don't know it was cut - all of a sudden, Bono is ... elsewhere. With a big flag. :lol:


and a big u-know-what!
well maye not on that song but u know :shifty:

've seen RR so rarely i should YT it.

errands to do bbs :D
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