INTERFERENCERS Photos Consolidated - XXVII

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New hair :D . . . excuse el graininess . . . can't find the little dooby that connects my camera to my computah :)der: friday morning phail :p ) so dodgy web cam pic will have to do :sexywink: . . . will try to upload a better one to fb tonight


*and the kicker . . . it feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels sooooooooooo soft* :yippie:

Purple, you really are so, so beautiful :heart: Lovely picture :)
Cute pic, Laura! Funnily enough, a couple weeks ago I had a dream about you(don't be weirded out, there were other Interferers there and we were all at a concert, lol) and you had cut your hair short. I'm totally pschic. :wink:

Me on the right with some members of my family at my sister's 21st ( She is in the pink )
Do you get tired of your friends always telling you how hot your sister is?
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